If this is what you want, then fire at will.

Dec 14, 2005 15:13

Aaaand to round 'em off, here's the final Phleggy and Gabs log. Rounding off interactions before the BDP of SIAL, bwahahaha.

So. Installment the Fourth. In which Phlegethon cries for the first time in decades, there is much apologizing and placement of blame, Gabriel demonstrates exactly what makes him angelic (and proves once and for all that stupidity really is Angelic Property #1), Peri and I win lose winsloe at asterisks, and Gabriel shoots Phlegethon but makes it seem really sweet.


Phlegethon: *...exists! is, actually, sitting somewhere very deliberately writing in a small notebook, in tinytiny letters*
Gabriel: *...conveniently enough, somewhere nearby! funny how things work* *blinks, glancing Phlegward with faint concern*
Phlegethon: *looks up, notices Gabriel, and manages to press down so hard that he rips through the page* ...Angel.
Gabriel: *bites his lip, glancing down at the paper to avoid actually looking at him* *nods slightly*
Phlegethon: *flinches, visibly* ...I'm not -- I -- *...loses at articulacy, for the first time in many moons*
Gabriel: *does look at him then, tentatively and guiltily and a little sadly* ...What?
Phlegethon: How do I make it -stop-? *this is a vaguely desperate Hades*
Gabriel: *sighs quietly* ...I don't know. I wish I did. I'm sorry.
Phlegethon: Don't -apologize-. If you want to help, give me back my fucking -gun-.
Gabriel: *shakes his head calmly* No.
Phlegethon: Why the hell -not-? *glares, still with an edge of desperation*
Gabriel: I won't aid in the committing of a sin.
Phlegethon: ... *drops the notebook and buries his face in his hands* *not a happy camper*
Gabriel: *sighs quietly* ...I'm sorry. *again with the apologizing, wtfwtfwhee*
Phlegethon: Stop -apologizing-. You don't have anything to apologize for.
Gabriel: Of course I do. This is my fault.
Phlegethon: It isn't. Tell me one way in which this is your fault.
Gabriel: All of it is. I was selfish and weak. And I made the wrong choice.
Phlegethon: The wrong... choice. *looks up at him, disbelievingly* When was this?
Gabriel: At the start. *back to looking off into space, yes*
Phlegethon: Refresh my memory? Because I have no idea what you're talking about.
Gabriel: *looks back at him levelly* When we first entered into this...arrangement. I should have drunk the unholy water.
Phlegethon: You still can, if you'd like. *rests his chin in his hand*
Gabriel: ...*blinks, then actually looks very faintly amused* You're an extremely strange mortal. I don't know what to make of you anymore.
Phlegethon: I'm out of my fucking -mind-. *just watches Gabriel thoughtfully* Do you want out of this? Do you never want to see me again?
Gabriel: I've suspected as much. *slight frown* You'd be willing to let it go?
Phlegethon: We'll find out. I can't decide if being without you hurts more or less than being right next to you.
Gabriel: *winces at that, lowering his eyes again, and nods slightly*
Phlegethon: Well? Do you want out? Do you never want to have to think about me again?
Gabriel: *looks back up* *a bit sharply* Do you think I'll be able to avoid that? As long as I -- *breaks off* ...I'm not going to stop feeling guilty over it.
Phlegethon: I'll survive. You shouldn't have to waste your time on me. *arches an eyebrow* I may or may not get over it, but either way, I don't want you to have to care.
Gabriel: That wasn't all I meant. I mean, that as well, very much that -- what kind of being /wouldn't/ care --
Phlegethon: *sighs heavily* I'm not going to make you drink unholy water, you know. I'm giving you a chance to leave. Right now. Limited time offer, if you will.
Gabriel: I know. *sighs* ...I gave my word. You gave yours. You're ending it?
Phlegethon: *speaks flatly, almost dully* Yes. Take your chance, won't you? I won't touch you again.
Gabriel: *hesitates, biting his lip lightly* ...Will you kill yourself if I do?
Phlegethon: *shrugs* I suppose I will.
Gabriel: *pause* ...Then I'll stay.
Phlegethon: ... *-stares-* You'll -- what? *really wasn't expecting this, and it shows*
Gabriel: *holds up both hands* *without resignation or defeat, just as a fact* I'll stay.
Phlegethon: *starts trying to say something, stops, tries again, stops* ...Oh. Thank you. *looks more than a little stunned and definitely a lot broken*
Gabriel: *pause* ...You're welcome.
Phlegethon: ...-Why-? *absently begins trying to light a cigarette, but abandons this halfway through as his hands are shaking too much*
Gabriel: Why what? *tilts head slightly* I already told you, I won't help with a sin.
Phlegethon: You wouldn't be... *closes his eyes* I just don't want to have to keep -- wanting, knowing I won't -- ...I'm sorry.
Gabriel: *bites his lip* ...You don't -- it's all right.
Phlegethon: I'm not supposed to become... emotionally invested. In anyone or anything. And I did. And I'm sorry.
Gabriel: That's...it isn't your fault.
Phlegethon: Of course it is. Who else's fault could it be?
Gabriel: Mine. As I've said.
Phlegethon: You don't control me. It's not your fault.
Gabriel: I should have walked away at the start with only physical pain.
Phlegethon: *getting irritated by now* Does it matter whose fault it is?
Gabriel: *shrug* I suppose not.
Phlegethon: Do you really care so much about your useless angelic standards that you won't walk away from someone who has caused you nothing but pain?
Gabriel: *looks at him levelly and coldly* Yes.
Phlegethon: *laughs, in a sort of strangled sound without any humour at all* I should have known.
Gabriel: *shrugs again* There you are, then.
Phlegethon: *shakes his head and stares at his hands, and -- well, his shoulders are shaking in a suspicious sort of way*
Gabriel: *blinks, a little concerned but not saying anything*
Phlegethon: -Hate- this. *...yes, we're crying now, audibly*
Gabriel: *pauses, then cautiously kneels next to him*
Phlegethon: *looks up at Gabriel for a moment, not yet making any effort to wipe away his tears, then quickly looks back down again*
Gabriel: *bites his lip* *doesnothugdoesnothug -- wtf, angel* *but does hesitantly put a hand to Phleg's shoulder*
Phlegethon: *shudders slightly* What are you... *stares incredulously through his tears*
Gabriel: ...You're crying.
Phlegethon: I had noticed that.
Gabriel: You...You said the last time you cried was...
Phlegethon: When I was four years old. I remember it.
Gabriel: And now you're...*looks at him sadly and reaches over to gently brush the tears away*
Phlegethon: I know. I don't know how to make... -this- pain stop. *shudders again at Gabriel's touch*
Gabriel: ...I'm sorry. I wish there was something I...*moves his hand away but lets it hang in the air*
Phlegethon: It's... not all right, but it's not as though there's anything you could do. *smiles faintly as best he can before... well, returning to just -crying-*
Gabriel: *no idea if this will help or hurt, but either way Phleggy or the typist will feel better, so >__> puts an arm gently around Phleg's shoulder*
Phlegethon: ... *turns his head just enough to bury his face in Gabriel's shoulder and here we are sobbing for the first time in decades, literally*
Gabriel: *augh, Phleggy ;___;* *wraps the other arm around Phlegethon and holds him gently*
Phlegethon: *is just going to cry now, and speak hoarsely whenever he can manage -not- to* No one -- has ever -- ever...
Gabriel: *softly* Has ever what?
Phlegethon: Ever... whatever it is you're doing. No one has ever -cared- when I needed it.
Gabriel: *bites lip lightly and holds a little tighter* *...really has no idea what to say, because what -do- you say to that?*
Phlegethon: Never -- meant for you... to see me like -this-. *sounds thoroughly disgusted with himself*
Gabriel: *quietly* I'm sorry. *...I just type for him.*
Phlegethon: Most -definitely- not your fault. *mmm, yes, crying*
Gabriel: *yes, still holding him* I still wish there were more I could do.
Phlegethon: Angel, you hate me. Why...?
Gabriel: *sighs* I...I know what it is.
Phlegethon: ...Do you? How's that?
Gabriel: I...*okay, really would not say this under /any other circumstances/, but...* *sighs, closing his eyes* ...Michael. I...I loved him.
Phlegethon: ...I... see. Then -- all right. I'll take it. *laughs quietly and bitterly under his breath and -- okay, we're crying again*
Gabriel: *still holding Phlegethon and -- no, Gabs, we're not going to start crying again, wtf* *quietly* Take what?
Phlegethon: *aw, that'd be kind of cute, though -- I mean. not.* This. Right now. *has, at least, gone mostly silent with his sobs*
Gabriel: * -- you wouldn't say that if you typed for him* *nods slightly* ...Right. *not crying yet, but it's probably fairly close -- I have no idea* *and not letting go yet either*
Phlegethon: *--but whyyyyyy not?* Fucking -humiliating-, is what this is. *would laugh again, but... crying too hard much*
Gabriel: * -- because he's stuuupid and we hatesss him* I'm sorry. *still with the wishing he could do more, wtfwtfangelthing*
Phlegethon: *--only some of us hate him. cough. er.* Stop -apologizing-, angel. It really isn't your fault I'm the psychotically evil, emotionally closed-off product of years of the strangest childhood not on record. *you're silly, Gabriel*
Gabriel: * -- not naming any names, of course* ...I know. I know. Even if -- I know. ...I still do wish I could help, you know. *yes, yes he is.*
Phlegethon: *-- of course not. er. cough.* ...-Help-? Look, you are helping. And why the hell do you want to help me, anyway? Hate, remember. The emotion you feel towards me. *really. a lot. right, crying*
Gabriel: * -- ahem.* ...Good. *bites his lip again and takes a breath before shaking his head* *quietly* I don't, you know.
Phlegethon: Anyway, I -- *stops* You -what-? You don't -what-? *is so surprised that he actually stops crying just to -stare- at Gabriel*
Gabriel: *looks at him with an effort* *repeats, just as quietly* I don't hate you.
Phlegethon: *begins crying all over again* ...You make no sense, you know that? You -don't hate me-? Why the fuck -not-?
Gabriel: *innerflail and here's the guilt again* ...I...*shrugs, a bit helplessly* I -can't.- Not anymore.
Phlegethon: *slightly muffled into Gabriel's shirt, in which, yes, he has buried his face again* Keep going, because I still don't understand you.
Gabriel: *will be holding him a bit tighter, then* I...'m not sure if I can explain it. I just...can't. Now that I know...*gestures vaguely*
Phlegethon: ...Now that you know that I -- love you? *shudders slightly as he says it*
Gabriel: *winces just slightly and nods*
Phlegethon: *laughs, still without any actual humour whatsoever* At least I know it's not that I've lost my touch.
Gabriel: *really has no idea what to say half the time here, and with good reason, if you think about it, so...still holding him*
Phlegethon: *right, well, will at least finally stop -crying-, but... no, not going to pull away* I'm a terrible person, right? Despicable in every way possible?
Gabriel: *not about to push him away, either* No. I...wouldn't say that.
Phlegethon: *sighs* Well, what would you say instead?
Gabriel: ...I don't know.
Phlegethon: *jfkajfla NO. DOESN'T LIKE MICHAEL* How helpful of you. If I'm not despicable, what am I?
Gabriel: *...DOES LIKE MICHAEL. IS VERY BITTER TOWARDS MICHAEL, THOUGH.* ...You're capable of love. You're not beyond redemption. *oh, Gabs.*
Phlegethon: *caused Michael lots of pain! ... :D;;* ...Oh, -thanks-. *laughs slightly* My mother will rip my head off if she finds out, you know. I mean that quite literally.
Gabriel: *...yeees, we know. we know quite well, in fact.* *winces slightly* ...I'm not about to tell her, you know.
Phlegethon: Doesn't mean she won't find out. She -knows- things. I don't know how she does, but she always knows, in the end.
Gabriel: *sighs quietly* ...I'll...do what I can for you when...if she does.
Phlegethon: *looks up at him in surprise* You're almost as crazy as I am. -Why-?
Gabriel: *lightly* I'm not sure how to take that, really. And...well...I can't help but feel some responsibility. I can't imagine leaving you to deal with this alone, especially the consequences being what they are.
Phlegethon: Responsibility...? *frowns* That doesn't make any sense. I hope you realize that.
Gabriel: *shrugs* As I said, I...understand how it feels. And...I also know what it is to...be hurt, or left, by one you love, even when you know they will never love you. *gaze is slightly distant and maybe a bit hurt/bitter at this point* Without trust, there can't be love. And losing it is the most pain -- *breaks off, shaking his head slightly*
Gabriel: *almost to himself* I won't make the same mistake he did.
Phlegethon: *studies Gabriel intently, because -- well, has just been crying on him. we have a good angle! or something* ...You're too fucking -good- to be real, angel. *smiles vaguely*
Gabriel: *blinks, glancing back at Phlegethon, and flushes faintly* ...Thank you.
Phlegethon: *shrugs slightly* It's true. For once, I'm not lying.
Gabriel: *nods slightly* Thank you. I mean it.
Phlegethon: You're welcome, then. I guess it comes with being an angel. *gestures slightly* Purity, goodness, virtue. Hope's a virtue, isn't it?
Gabriel: *shrugs slightly* I've never been the best of angels. Yes, it is. *...will rattle off all seven if given provocation, bloody archangelthing*
Phlegethon: If -you're- not a good angel, I don't particularly want to envision the blinding vision of perfection that a good angel must be. *scowls* I knew it.
Gabriel: *smiles, a little sadly* Raphael and Michael are both -- well. *gestures vaguely* *shrug* Faith, hope, charity, justice, temperance, prudence, fortitude.
Phlegethon: Michael's something of an idiot. I've not met Raphael. *still -looking- at him so intently it may be slightly unnerving* See? Good angel.
Gabriel: Michael's -- highest of the Host. *a little defensively* ...Raphael is my closest friend. *...yeah, a little unnerved, but not showing it or saying anything* *shrugs yet again*
Phlegethon: That doesn't mean anything. He's an idiot. You could say I met Raphael, but that was in the two seconds before he stabbed me with one of those swords you angels are so fond of. *smirks faintly, not that that makes any particular sense*
Gabriel: *shakes his head slightly but won't argue the point* *frowns faintly in turn, maybe a bit reprovingly* You'll recall the circumstances under which he did so.
Phlegethon: Of course I do. *...yes, not smiling anymore* That was back when I didn't care.
Gabriel: *mildly* I know. *may shudder slightly and involuntarily from the memory anyway* Still. He did it to help.
Phlegethon: *closes his eyes just for a moment* I know. He was completely justified in it.
Gabriel: *nods slightly, even though he won't see it, and sighs* ...Is there anything else I can do?
Phlegethon: *opens his eyes and, almostreluctantly, shakes his head* I seriously doubt it.
Gabriel: All right. *tilts head and looks at Phlegethon with some concern*
Phlegethon: *arches an eyebrow* Yes?
Gabriel: Will you be all right?
Phlegethon: I don't know. *look, ma, honesty!*
Gabriel: *nods slightly* And...I can't help. *looks slightly sad and honestly regretful, and the typist does not understand him, nor does she pretend to*
Phlegethon: Short of the obvious? No. You've done enough, though, angel. Don't worry, all right?
Gabriel: *nods again* ...I can hardly help it, but...I will try.
Phlegethon: Good. Thank you. I don't want to drag you down with me.
Gabriel: *slight frown* Drag me down? *...the typist rhymes. ha.*
Phlegethon: ...Into depression? I assume that's why I still want to off myself. *good one, Maj. golf claps!*
Gabriel: *winces slightly* ...You won't. *could be to either the suicide or the dragging-Gabs-down*
Phlegethon: I'll kill myself if I ever get my gun back. And if you worry, I suppose I might. *smiles, definitely with a hint of bitterness*
Gabriel: I won't give it back. *determinedly* *shakes his head slightly* I'll make sure you won't.
Phlegethon: *tiredly* I just want to kill myself, is that so much to ask?
Gabriel: *sighs* There's no need.
Phlegethon: Maybe not. But I -want- to. I'm tired of living right now, that's all.
Gabriel: ...*sighs again* I'm sorry. I can't let you -- *breaks off abruptly, looking thoughtful*
Phlegethon: It's just -- *quirks an eyebrow* ...Yes?
Gabriel: ...It's just what?
Phlegethon: ...Just that for a little, I want oblivion. *shrugs*
Gabriel: ...*deepbreath* ...If...you wanted, I...*...is really having trouble with this, wtf angel*
Phlegethon: *gestures vaguely* ...Go on, will you?
Gabriel: ...I'd do it for you.
Phlegethon: ... *this is a mildly stunned silence* You'd -- kill me? Really?
Gabriel: *nods, with some difficulty*
Phlegethon: ...-Thank you-. I -- ...now?
Gabriel: *holds out his hand and wordlessly angelmods Gabriel Phlegethon's gun to it*
Phlegethon: *holds perfectly still, yes* ...Go on. Please.
Gabriel: *bites his lip and gently kisses Phlegethon's forehead* *whispers* I'm sorry. *and...levels the gun, cocks it, and...shoots him, whee*
Phlegethon: *shot! and thus, is dead. rather messily, we might presume*
Gabriel: *;___________;*
Phlegethon: *...like, -actually-?*
Gabriel: *...well, no. but. may be close to it.*
Phlegethon: *well, anyway. dead. a lot of death here. in conclusion: dead. ...and may or may not be smiling slightly, I mean, y'know, his corpse and such*
Gabriel: *...AUGH THAT'S SO SAD. ;____;*
Phlegethon: *...rather*

gabriel, phlegethon hades

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