(no subject)

Dec 15, 2005 11:23

I present to you...*drumroll*...the first log of the Big Damn Plot of Sadism Is A Lie (the BDP of SIAL)! And it can best be summarized like this.

Phleggy: *is smashed!*
Belle: *manipulatemanipulaterevolution*

Sooo...Phlegethon gets drunk and spills his guts, Belle takes the word "bitch" to a whole new level, and Peri and I, as always, pwn asterisks.

Phlegethon: *look! we're alive! :D :D* *so, yes, wanders in with markedly less smooth arrogance than usual*
Belle: *waltzes in and -- oh look, it's a brother-in-law* *raises an eyebrow at the lackofusualarrogance, but saunters over anyway* Phlegethon, isn't it?
Phlegethon: *look, a sister-in-law* *nods* That's right. Hello, Belle.
Belle: *smirks faintly and salutes* Hey there. Care to join me for a drink? *...innocuous question, at this point*
Phlegethon: I don't see why not. *translation: omg yes I need a drink liekwhoa kthx* Certainly. *unsuspecting!*
Belle: *grins and takes his arm* To the kitchen, then. *...and will apparently be pulling him along behind her, okay then*
Phlegethon: *pulled! okay, follows behind her with an expression of "might as well"*
Belle: *pulls into kitchen and lets go to rummage through the cabinets* So what'll you be having?
Phlegethon: What's the strongest you can find here? *watches for a moment, then sits at one of the bar stools WHICH TOTALLY EXIST at the counter which ALSO EXISTS*
Belle: *THAT'S THE THING ABOUT THE KITCHEN, ANYTHING CAN EXIST* *smirks, pulling out a bottle of -- some rilly strong alcoholic substance. don't kill the typist, she's underage. and two glasses.* *plops them on the counter, sliding into a stool as well*
Phlegethon: *THAT'S THE THING ABOUT THE -MANSION-* Thank you. *pours himself a glass and yes, we're aiming to drink heavily, so -- takes a good swig*
Belle: *raises an eyebrow and grins, pouring herself a glass and sipping* How is it?
Phlegethon: As good as it needs to be. *takes a moment to drain his glass and pour himself another*
Belle: *amusion, yes* Going in a bit quickly, aren't you? *takes another sip*
Phlegethon: Absolutely. *contemplates his glass*
Belle: Any reason for this? *tilts head with a grin*
Phlegethon: *takes another long drink before responding with a slightly blank look* None whatsoever. *translation: homgz yes but don't ask*
Belle: *there's the grin growing imperceptibly more devious* Just drinking to get drunk, then? *takes a third sip, because a. really doesn't drink all too often and b. always always always makes a point of staying more sober than whomever she's drinking with*
Phlegethon: Let's go with that, shall we? *doesn't really drink, either, but these are special circumstances, so let's drink some more!*
Belle: *griiiiin* *takes the liberty of refilling his glass when he finishes* It tastes better the more you have, doesn't it?
Phlegethon: I'll have to agree with you there. *this is a Phlegaliveagain drinking liekwhoa*
Belle: *this is a Belle looking very very amused* *and totally continues refilling his glass* You don't strike me as the sort to do this too often.
Phlegethon: *totally takes advantage of that* I'm not. I like to have full control of myself. *look, we're getting slowly drunk*
Belle: A wise idea, especially in your family. *yep, hers is an evil grin*
Phlegethon: It's lovely, isn't it, the level of trust. *mostly oblivious because -- well, we're definitely approaching outright drunkenness here*
Belle: *laughs* Absolutely. *takes another sip, refills Phlegethon's glass, and grins again* So what makes you look for intoxication tonight? Anything in particular, or am I just lucky?
Phlegethon: *rests his chin in his hand and scowls into his glass before taking another drink* You're not lucky, I know that much. You just have good timing.
Belle: *gringringrin* Oh, well. Do I then?
Phlegethon: You do. *yes, drinks* You caught me alive.
Belle: *raises an eyebrow* You weren't before?
Phlegethon: Not exactly, no. In fact, just... no.
Belle: What happened? *twirls her glass absently*
Phlegethon: *more to himself than to Belle, but loudly enough that she can hear* Fucking angel took my gun. I had to -ask him- to -kill me-.
Belle: ... *eyebrowraise* You asked an angel to kill you?
Phlegethon: He wouldn't give it back. *drains his glass and sets it down in that drunken!angry way*
Belle: You -wanted- to kill yourself? *refills glass, oh yes*
Phlegethon: *pauses slightly, as it may register briefly that "wait, we didn't want people to know," but... oh, what the hell, picks up the glass again and drinks* ...I did. With that particular gun, in fact.
Belle: Why that gun in particular? Aside from it being your primary phallic symbol, of course.
Phlegethon: ...I'm not going to dignify that with a response. *shrugs* I've been through a lot with that one. Thought I might as well kill myself with it.
Belle: There's something kinky about naming a phallic symbol after an angel, you know. ...I see. *really curious now* And why did you want to kill yourself at all? I've been dead once, and it wasn't by choice, and I really didn't enjoy it at all.
Phlegethon: *if Hades could suddenly look much more shattered than before, he would. but he doesn't. of course. ...* That -angel-.
Phlegethon: [...Hadeses? Is that actually the correct plural? XD]
Belle: [Hadeses. Hadesii. A pack of Hades. A school of Hades. A murder of Hades. ...I don't know.]
Phlegethon: [...XDD Okay.]
Belle: *blinks* *...doesn't really care, but it's a change, and not one she was expecting* What about him? *glassrefillingomg*
Phlegethon: *gestures slightly with his glass* Gabriel, he's -- *stops, tries again* He's so -- *this is Phleggy trying to articulate words like "amazing" and "wonderful" without actually saying them or even admitting to himself that he wants to say them*
Belle: ... *blink* ...Gabriel. *...totally. exploding. of. wtf-y laughter. on the inside.* He's...go on.
Phlegethon: *...sighs and buries his face in his hands* Never mind.
Belle: *tilts head and touches his shoulder in a comforting NOT-SKETCHY way* No, tell me.
Phlegethon: I -love him-. *it's really a good thing he's totally smashed :D*
Belle: *that brief silence you hear is Belle providing Pac-Man and Mrs. Pac-Man and their 24601 children with enough food to last a decade* *manages to keep it -brief-, because hey, is manipulating here, but...-omgwtfbbqussr-* ...Do you really.
Phlegethon: I really do. *shudders slightly and this is something like abject humiliation and self-loathing*
Belle: Well. *looks mildly surprised* *actually, is TOTALLY FLOORED but we won't be showing that* That's quite something. And he killed you. I'd say that's a good start to a relationship, if my own is any indication.
Phlegethon: It started off perfectly fine. I caused him pain, he screamed, it was all the way it's supposed to be. Anyway, I -asked- him to kill me. *...drinks again, 'cause he needs it*
Belle: *raises an eyebrow* Torturing angels. I approve. ...And then you fell in love with him and asked him to kill you.
Phlegethon: Mmm, yes. They're so -- easily tainted. *sighs, scowls, drinks again* Something like that. Close enough.
Belle: *tilts head* So. What about him?
Phlegethon: *confused. is not equipped to handle these questions while smashed* What about what about him?
Belle: *such mad amusion. but. can't show it.* How does he feel about you? I was wondering why he wasn't his usual glowing self.
Phlegethon: *snorts and drinks again* He has his demon. Anyway, who in their right mind would love me?
Belle: Well, yes, I knew that. Just checking. *shrugs slightly* You never know, really.
Phlegethon: I'm evil and I hurt people for fun. I have -no- likeable qualities. *finishes off that glass, sets it down, and looks at it dubiously* ...No more.
Belle: *eyebrowraise* And I'm not? *faint grin* How 'bout that.
Phlegethon: He's an angel. Good, you know. It's not conducive to loving... me. *glares slightly*
Belle: Well, look at the one he's with now. Being good hasn't changed that. *innocent look*
Phlegethon: That doesn't mean he's going to -- leave one for another. *glares more, then, because we are not liking this*
Belle: *shrug* It could. You never know, really. *so very very innocent*
Phlegethon: -Stop that-. *crosses his arms on the countertop and -- head/table OTP*
Phlegethon: [Or... head/counter. WHATEVS. ...rofflecopters and stuff.]
Belle: [*giggle*]
Belle: Stop what? *looks genuinely startled* *omgsoinnocent, Phleggy :D*
Phlegethon: I don't -want- to hope. It will only make it worse. -Stop-.
Belle: *tilts head* Hope is a virtue. Should you not practice it just in case there may be a chance for you and Gabriel? *innocentinnocentrevolution*
Phlegethon: *okay, looks up and this is a full-on -glare-* I said stop and I -meant- it.
Belle: *holds up both hands* Only trying to help.
Phlegethon: *mutters something like "bitch" under his breath, but doesn't press the issue*
Belle: *smile!* Anything else on your mind?
Phlegethon: ...I think I preferred pushing up daisies. Not that I was literally pushing up anything.
Belle: Mmm. That does explain why he's been in such a Mood. Are you sure he doesn't love you? He's been terribly depressed since -- since he killed you, I assume.
Phlegethon: ... *twitches very slightly* ...I'm sure. Now stop.
Belle: Just making sure you know. He still has your gun. *...finishes off her glass, because hey, she's sober*
Phlegethon: He still... he -kept- it? *fjaklfjafs. ...acjakl. <--this is Phleggy's brain on lots of alcohol and Belle*
Belle: *nods, eyes on her glass* *still with the innocentinnocentconversationalconversationrevolution* That he did. Has it near him most of the time, too.
Phlegethon: *shudders, but -- really, can't look away now* ...He does?
Belle: Mmhmm. I was wondering why, but...you can probably tell we don't speak often. *flashes a grin* Now I know what's bothering him, at least. And I wouldn't be so quick to make assumptions about his feelings towards you.
Phlegethon: That's not -- *yes, let's try again* It's better to think the worst and have one's expectation's fulfilled than to... to hope and have those hopes dashed.
Belle: *shrug* As I said, hope's a virtue. As is optimism, really. I think it may very well work. *sincere! only...just faking it rilly rilly well.*
Phlegethon: *-glares-* *and really, that's it. doesn't have anything else to say*
Belle: *smiles!* *and...isn't going to say anything either* *but is making a mental note to tell Mama Hades*
Phlegethon: *is screwed! :D :D :D* I don't think I can stand your company much longer. Not that you're not a charming girl.
Belle: *hahaha, he so is ^________^* *looks mock-hurt* You wound me, Phlegethon. Really.
Phlegethon: That's the idea. I'm a Hades. *really couldn't care less about hurting her at this point, mock or no*
Belle: *laughs and leans over to kiss his forehead* *whispers with a grin* So am I.
Phlegethon: *totally calm here* Fuck off, please. *drunk, yes, but has never lost composure enough not to stand up steadily and walk away, and thus that is what he does*
Belle: *just...grins, after him, very much on the wicked side, and pours herself a half-glass, knocks it back, and heads out herself*

phlegethon hades, belle zelle

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