(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 06:39

Hokay. So. I bring you some belated but really great to read logs of Phleggy and Gabs. Whoo!

Basic background for this is, their only previous interaction was more or less Phleggy handcuffing Gabs with unholy water'd!handcuffs and carving Bible verses with unholy water'd!scalpel onto his chest. Pleasant, no?

Installment the First. In which an arrangement is made, there is talk of Lust and unholy water, and Gabriel is very, very amused by Phlegethon's middle name.

Phlegethon: *so, right, porchification*
Gabriel: *flaming onto porch and whatnot, wheee*
Phlegethon: ...Well, well. *smirks and has something in his pocket for you -- ...well, he does*
Gabriel: ...*/glaaare/* You again.
Phlegethon: *smiles, politely* Me. Again. It's nice to see you, angel.
Gabriel: *glareglareglare* I can hardly say the same for you.
Phlegethon: You wound me. *clasps a hand to his heart. the other is in his pocket*
Gabriel: ...*glareglarerevolution, yes* Yes. I will.
Phlegethon: Not if I wound you first. *without hesitating at all, pulls out his trusty muchcore unholy water'd handcuffs, grabs Gabriel's wrists, jerks them behind him, and yes, handcuffs him. with his legendary Phleggy skillz*
Gabriel: ..........*he's getting way too good at that* *hisses quietly in frustration and pain and GLARES as best as possible*
Phlegethon: *he does it a lot* *smiles* You seem angry. Isn't Wrath a sin?
Gabriel: ...Your soul is hellbound. It is our duty to punish those who have done wrong, in the name of our Lord. *glower!* *...that means "yes, yes it is :D"*
Phlegethon: Of course. *pats his cheek* Shall we go somewhere more private?
Gabriel: *pulls away and glaaaares* Absolutely not. *you're handcuffed, Gabs dear, I don't think you have room to make any decisions here*
Phlegethon: It's so convenient, how I don't have any obligation to listen to you. *takes hold of Gabriel's collar and starts dragging him off... somewhere. a room. with a bed. :D*
Gabriel: *augh, dragged* *attempts to kick him while being dragged*
Phlegethon: *is taller and cuter has him handcuffed, so disregards that and la, hi, we're in a room*
Gabriel: *Stuart Townsend/Guy Pearce OTP, yo* *glaaare* What on earth are you doing?
Phlegethon: *looks thoughtful a moment and contemplates his bottle of unholy water* ...I'm going to offer you a choice.
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* A choice.
Phlegethon: Yes. *twists the cap off of said bottle and presses it to Gabriel's lips* I force this bottle of unholy water down your throat while I describe to you, in detail, what I did to Michael last night...
Gabriel: ...*pales* *very obviously* *not because of the unholy water* *speaks, moving his lips as little as possible* Or?
Phlegethon: *smirks and traces Gabriel's cheekbone with his thumb* Or you let me fuck you.
Gabriel: ...*shudders* *pulls back as far as he can* What did you do to Michael?
Phlegethon: You know what a corkscrew does to a person? Do you know what a corkscrew covered in unholy water does to an -angel-?
Gabriel: *.../winces/* You...how could you dare? *as glarey a glare as can be managed in the current situation. not much, in other words.*
Phlegethon: Oh, very easily. Make your decision, angel.
Gabriel: *pauses, then with an obvious effort, nudges the bottle of unholy water away and glares at Phleg* All right. All right. Go ahead.
Phlegethon: *grins slightly* Good choice, angel. *caps the unholy water and pockets it again* I'm sure you'll regret it.
Gabriel: *glareglareglare* I do already. Can you get it over with?
Phlegethon: That's the idea. *takes Gabriel's chin in his hand and kisses him, more gently than makes much sense, but -- hasn't consumed harmful substances this time!*
Gabriel: *...may kiss back a little, just out of... ...I really have no idea*
Phlegethon: *triumph!* *smirks a little against Gabriel's mouth and pulls back enough to not screw up as he unbuttons Gabriel's shirt* You may not want to struggle this time around. *kisses the hollow of his throat*
Gabriel: *quiet, slightly strangled noise of frustration and glares slightly* You can hardly expect me to enjoy it.
Phlegethon: Surely even you can fall victim to lust. *trails his fingertips down Gabriel's chest and hey, we're not exactly ugly over here--*
Gabriel: *recall that said chest still has scarrage, hi* *glares lots because lust is what got him kicked out in the first place* *...yeah, is in love and this is evil!Hades and caused pain but...yes. rather less than ugly. and has noticed that.* Lust is a sin I do not like to discuss.
Phlegethon: *oh, we recall* *smiles at him* Are you certain? Or would you rather I discuss the nature of the inverted pentagram I drew on Michael?
Gabriel: *shudders* ...You...how...I don't understand how you can do these things.
Phlegethon: You don't have to understand it. Now, are you going to tell me why you don't want to talk about lust?
Gabriel: ...*grits teeth* *with an effort* I was cast from Heaven for indulging in it.
Phlegethon: *...-grins-* -Really-, now. Not much of an angel at all, are you, then? Indulging with whom, exactly?
Gabriel: *jaw set* *growls through clenched teeth* That is hardly /your place/ to decide. He has forgiven me my sins. ...With humans. And...with a demon.
Phlegethon: Then this ought to be nothing particularly new. *smiiirks, yes, and traces the scars on Gabriel's chest with his fingertips*
Gabriel: *shudders* Though I'm sure even you can understand that it won't be pleasant. *...this may be a bit of a lie, as yes, Hades, but zomgPhleggywhoishawt:D -- typistphrasing, ahem*
Phlegethon: Why resist? You're bound to this fate, now. Resisting can only make it worse. *is hawt, yes, rather, and knows it* *is, however, rather absorbed in studying his own handiwork*
Gabriel: *closes his eyes, scowling* I will not enjoy it. *which is probably a bit of a lie, but >__>* Can you get it /over/ with?
Phlegethon: *attempts to look innocent, which doesn't really work. at all.* And, now, why would I want to do -that-?
Gabriel: *...innocent!Phleggy is a great image* *that was the typist. clearly.* ...Because I hardly am eager for the alternative.
Phlegethon: *it's also a primarily nonexistent image* ...Exactly.
Gabriel: ...What exactly are you trying to accomplish? *mild glare*
Phlegethon: ...What do I ever want to accomplish? I want to push you. I want to see how far you can bend until you break.
Gabriel: *...glare, yes* I will not let you reach the point.
Phlegethon: We'll see about that, angel. *kisses him again, harder, and it's really rather very clear that he's Not Kidding*
Gabriel: Oh, will we? *kisses back just as much, apparently more as a show of strength than anything else. um, I don't know, I really don't.*
Phlegethon: Absolutely. *smirks* Surely this demon of yours must have prepared you for the likes of me.
Gabriel: *winces at that* *glare* Don't speak to me of him. You have no right.
Phlegethon: All right. Then why don't you speak to -me- of him? What could possibly prompt an angel to stoop so low?
Gabriel: *glares more* You know nothing of it, mortal. You cannot speak of it nor judge it.
Phlegethon: *abruptly shoves Gabriel up against a wall, pinning him by his shoulders* Then why don't you explain it to me?
Gabriel: *looks at Phleg levelly* I love him.
Phlegethon: *actually looks mildly surprised, then braces himself against the wall with one hand and -laughs-*
Gabriel: *glareglare* *harshly* /What?/
Phlegethon: Well, isn't that -precious-. *still laughing over here*
Gabriel: *still glaring over here* What do you mean?
Phlegethon: Absolutely -nothing-. Come along, angel. *cups Gabriel's cheek in his hand*
Gabriel: *still glaring, but...follows to the bed and fadetoblack...?*
Phlegethon: *oh god yes. ;___; my brain will -explode- if I actually try to RP this 'cause ew Phleggysex EW EW EW -- we can skip ahead? XD*
Gabriel: *...PHLEGGY IS HAWT, THOUGH -- er. right. skipping ahead.*
Phlegethon: *...is totally the kind of guy who smokes after he gets some. so will be doing that now. :D and is nekkid. not naked. ... I'm done, I swear*
Gabriel: *...that was the typist dying, thanks* *...yes, naked. not nekkid.* *and this is the point at which he watches the ceiling and /guilts/.*
Phlegethon: *glances over at Gabriel and looks vaguely interested* What's wrong?
Gabriel: ...*looks at him a little incredulously*
Phlegethon: ... *smiles* Care to talk about it?
Gabriel: ...You just forced me to sleep with you on pain of /drinking unholy water and hearing what you did to Michael/, when you know I am in love and that /I loathe you/, and you have the /gall/ to ask what's wrong?
Phlegethon: Of course. I like to hear the details. *drops his cigarette in a generally floor-like direction*
Gabriel: ......As if that /weren't enough on its own/?
Phlegethon: Essentially. Yes. Talk to me, angel.
Gabriel: ...You should know perfectly well what the problem is. Even if you have never been in love, which I don't doubt is the case, you can imagine what it is for someone you /hate/ to force you into infidelity.
Phlegethon: No, I have never been in love. I don't -- love. *shrugs and smiles slightly* I suppose I can, though. Only in the most abstract way. Why do you think I'm asking you?
Gabriel: *coldly* I figured as much. *glare* Why /are/ you asking?
Phlegethon: *simply, and still smiling* I'm curious.
Gabriel: Curious. You're...*stares incredulously, then shakes his head* I hardly know what to say to you. *a mixture of frustration, disgust/disdain, and exhaustion*
Phlegethon: Tell me what you -do- know to say? *sparkly grin of Hi, I'm Totally Batshit Insane*
Gabriel: *glare* I /hate/ you.
Phlegethon: It's mutual. Are angels supposed to hate?
Gabriel: Likely not. We weren't exactly meant to love demons, either. And I think this is a special case. *glaaare, la*
Phlegethon: Surely someone as sparklingly virtuous as yourself can find good qualities even in -me-. *deadpan, yes*
Gabriel: *still with the glaring, yes* I find none.
Phlegethon: You're terribly cruel for an angel, Gabriel.
Gabriel: I believe I have the right, after what you've done.
Phlegethon: Possibly. *yawns, deliberately* So, Gabriel. Who exactly is this demon you love?
Gabriel: ...*glare* It is none of your affair.
Phlegethon: Does he at least have a name?
Gabriel: Of course. But I'm not telling you.
Phlegethon: Right. *la la la new tactics let's light another cigareeeeeette ^__^* All right, how does this sound? "Michael, Raphael, lovely to see you two. Would you like to know how it is that I now know just how Gabriel sounds as he's being fucked?"
Gabriel: ....*stares* ...What is the /matter/ with you?
Gabriel: *this is a Gabs freaking the hell out, by the by*
Phlegethon: ...I'm a Hades. *-grins-*
Gabriel: Why would you want to...*just looks disbelieving. and flaily.*
Phlegethon: I like to maximize the results of my work.
Gabriel: ...What would it be worth to you to stay quiet about it? *wary look*
Phlegethon: *doesn't respond for a moment, because, y'know, EVIL PLOTTAGE WITHIN* ...You. I want to -- experiment. On you, preferably.
Gabriel: ...And in exchange you'll swear that no one hears of this?
Phlegethon: If you trust my word, yes.
Gabriel: ...Swear by something.
Phlegethon: ...By what? What will you trust enough?
Gabriel: ...On your name and your life.
Phlegethon: *would roll his eyes, but we're dignified* All right. I, Phlegethon Milton Hades, swear by my decidedly bad name and my life that I will never speak of this incident to anyone.
Gabriel: *nod* All -- *pause* *blink* ...Your middle name is Milton?
Phlegethon: ...Yes, my middle name is Milton. Why do you ask or care?
Gabriel: ...*actually looks amused* .../Milton./
Phlegethon: ...What's so funny about -Milton-? *scowls*
Gabriel: Well. You'd expect something less...common. Or Christian. *amused, yes*
Phlegethon: *will punch him if he actually laughs* We're all named after poets.
Gabriel: *is close to it, but won't* I see. *grins* The irony is overwhelming.
Phlegethon: ...Paradise Lost. Yes. Hilarious.
Gabriel: *smirks faintly before nodding* All right, then.
Phlegethon: I believe I can assume you won't tell, either.
Gabriel: *scowl* Of course not. Have I not made it clear enough that I don't want anyone to find out?
Phlegethon: Abundantly. *smiles* Congratulations, you've just made a deal with a Hades.
Gabriel: *glare* Lucky me.
Phlegethon: Oh, -very- lucky. *right, should leave now because this is weird* *...pats him on the head, undoes his handcuffs, gets dressed and so on, and leaves :D*

Installment the Second. In which Gabriel knows Phlegethon too well, there is torturescalpelunholywater, and there is Guilt and a strange sense of Honour.

Phlegethon: *exists. in a random room of roomness. looking mildly peeved*
Gabriel: *exists too, conveniently enough...!* *doesn't comment on peevedness, although would were it anyone else* *...ignores, more or less*
Phlegethon: Ah! Angel. *claps his hands together* There you are.
Gabriel: *...glares* ...Yes, indeed. Lucky me.
Phlegethon: Your friend Michael is very unnecessarily violent. I prefer my head attached for the most part. And how are you?
Gabriel: *winces at the mention of Michael* *under his breath* He did the right thing. *a bit louder* Quite less than all right, no thanks to yourself.
Phlegethon: I'm pleased to hear it. Are you feeling up to some good, old-fashioned pain?
Gabriel: *looks at him a bit incredulously, then sighs* I suppose I have no choice.
Phlegethon: Not particularly, no. Unless you want me to tell. *grins*
Gabriel: *wearily* Of course I don't. We've been over this. Go ahead, then.
Phlegethon: *ruffles his hair, yes, because that makes ever so much sense* Would you mind taking off your shirt? That, of course, means, "Take off your shirt. Now."
Gabriel: *mild glare, but does so*
Phlegethon: *haha, do we get a thrill out of this dominatrix stuff? heck yes we do* Very good. *rolls back his sleeves and steps close enough to trace the scars of the Lord's Prayer on Gabriel's chest with his thumb* Do these still hurt? *really sounds honestly just -curious-*
Gabriel: *...Gabs is usually a top, so this is fun! XD* *shudders slightly* Not unless they're touched. *pointedly*
Phlegethon: *dude, can you imagine uke!Phleggy? no, no you cannot* *smirks triumphantly* Interesting. How badly?
Gabriel: *ahahaha. that'd be...special, yes. XD* *still with the mild glaring* Not a great deal, I'm sure you're unhappy to hear.
Phlegethon: *it could technically happen, but... under very weird circumstances* I -am- unhappy to hear. *straightens (not like that, obviously) and begins to rummage through the pockets of his coat* ...Scalpel?
Gabriel: *well, we'll have to discover -- ahem. I said nothing. haha, nothing.* *frowns faintly* What about it?
Phlegethon: *-- yes. yes we will. :D ahem. and by "circumstances" I mean "omgwtf in love with an angel"* *holds it up* ...Would you prefer it?
Gabriel: *bwahahaha. we're so evil.* *blink* As opposed to?
Phlegethon: *sets it on the conveniently-placed table and holds up, in succession, a Swiss Army knife, a pair of scissors, and his handy dandy switchblade*
Gabriel: ...*/stares/* *shakes his head slightly to clear it, then gives him a dry look* I assume if I asked you which caused the least pain, you would make certain to use anything but that.
Phlegethon: *tilts his head just a bit* ...What? *then smiles* You're very perceptive.
Gabriel: *shakes his head again, then gives a faint, dry smirk* I believe I'm getting to know you too well.
Phlegethon: -Too- well? Can you possibly know me -too- well? *turns more serious suddenly, arranging the various weapons in neat rows on the table and examining them thoughtfully as he does so* You're much better at this than Michael was.
Gabriel: *seriously as well* Knowing you at all is knowing you too well. *rolls his eyes slightly* I don't want to hear about it. That was the condition.
Phlegethon: I'm not telling you about it. I mean you're far more likely not to get yourself deeper in by being idiotic. *pulls out his trusty flask of unholy water, uncaps it, picks up the scalpel, and dips it in, la*
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* I'd say I've been enough of an idiot already, allowing myself to get into this position. *winces*
Phlegethon: Not really, no. None of this is your fault, is it? *we're not going to cause pain just yet because this is a good conversation*
Gabriel: *sighs* *patiently* Of course it is. I was weak. I made the wrong choice. I know this.
Phlegethon: I'm a manipulative bastard, angel. You didn't have much of a choice in the first place.
Gabriel: I did, though. I...it was /weakness./ *not looking at him now and obviously not saying everything he's thinking of*
Phlegethon: -Angel-. *runs the tip of his scalpel lightly down the pulse in Gabriel's neck* I'd really prefer it if you would talk to me.
Gabriel: *shudders again, closing his eyes* ...I don't want to talk about it. Or think about it.
Phlegethon: That's the point. *smiles, as if in sympathy, although it's a little obvious that he's simply very good at faking it -- because now he begins making an incision along Gabriel's upper arm* Go on, would you?
Gabriel: *hisses, clenching his eyes shut, and tries to force himself to relax* No.
Phlegethon: *runs a fingertip down the cut to collect some of the blood* If I bat my eyelashes, will you? It can't be so difficult.
Gabriel: *shudders* *coldly* You have no idea.
Phlegethon: *just as coldly* You'd be surprised, angel. *dips the scalpel in unholy water again and begins to write... something... on Gabriel's arm in small, precise letters*
Gabriel: You /can't/ know. You aren't capable of...*breaks off, hissing again, and clenches his fists*
Phlegethon: -You- have never been a Hades. *is, it would seem, writing "Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell"*
Gabriel: And you have never been an angel. Nor have you ever been in love. *I hate iRony, in Majanglish*
Phlegethon: *will just be moving to Gabriel's other arm now and writing out all of Macbeth's "Is this a dagger which I see before me..." etc. speech* Point. At the moment, however, I believe I have the advantage. You can talk about it or I can rip your tongue out.
Gabriel: *holding on tightly to whatever it is behind him -- a chair or something* *laughs breathlessly, and without humour* You hurt me too badly, your fun's gone, isn't it? And if you tear my tongue out you won't be able to hear me scream.
Phlegethon: *finishes the last L, pressing much much harder as Gabriel speaks* ...I know enough to know when to admit defeat. *translation: ;__; I have been pwned.* *--er. apparently we're just going to dip the scalpel in the water again and begin to. ...scrape the skin from Gabriel's shoulder*
Gabriel: *wincewince* *...and, yes, much with the trying his hardest not to make any sort of sound*
Phlegethon: *more under his breath than anything with the foreshadowing foreshadowing revolution* You're really terribly beautiful. Are all angels so perfect? *much with the gouging out a significant portion of Gabriel's shoulder*
Gabriel: *slightly strangled noise, clenching the chair behind him tighter and trying to stay solidly on his feet* Oh, well, you'll forgive me if I don't thank you for that observation.
Phlegethon: I'm -so- disappointed. I wonder what will happen if I introduce this water to your bloodstream. *smiles*
Gabriel: *somewhat breathlessly* You'll be short one angel very quickly, that's what.
Phlegethon: Would it kill you in so short a time? *frowns faintly*
Gabriel: *staring straight ahead* No. I would discorporate myself rather than face the pain.
Phlegethon: How convenient. *holds up a syringe because of -course- he carries those around too* Well?
Gabriel: *looks right at him and angelmods up the flaming sword, holding it out in a "I have a flaming sword and I'm about to use it -- /on myself/" look* *excuse the typist while she is twelve*
Phlegethon: Hmm. Don't, please. *pockets the syringe again*
Gabriel: *levels the sword at him, quite suddenly* Or I could do this.
Phlegethon: Yes. Yes, you could. Will you?
Gabriel: *looks at him for a long moment, then angelmods the sword away and looks up again* Get on with it.
Phlegethon: *surprise, yes* ...Why not kill me? It would be easy enough. I'm at least somewhat mortal.
Gabriel: I made a deal with you. You gave your word, and I -- though not officially -- gave mine in turn. Killing you to get out of it would be dishonourable.
Phlegethon: How disgustingly angelic of you. *grins a little oddly* I don't believe I have ever met someone with ideals quite so pathetic.
Gabriel: You flatter me more and more.
Phlegethon: I aim to please.
Gabriel: Oh? You've missed your aim. Considerably.
Phlegethon: I suppose I have. *smirks, and -- oh, okay, we're going to -kiss- Gabriel now, -that- makes sense*
Gabriel: *doesn't return it, just waits for it to end*
Phlegethon: *pats him on the head* You're all right, angel.
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* Oh?
Phlegethon: Yes. You have some amount of sense. *smiles and hands him the bloody scalpel* I'll see you tomorrow. *leaves and stuff*

Annnd Installment the Third. In which there is a confession, a gun exchanges hands, Phlegethon says some things for the first time and serves as a thesaurus, Gabriel breaks down, and there is talk of love, hate, sarcasm, and tears.

Phlegethon: *is... sitting, somewhere, contemplating a pistol*
Gabriel: *walks by, then, or something* *blinks, frowning slightly* Who are you planning to shoot with that?
Phlegethon: No one, yet. *begins to point it at Gabriel, then pauses and holds it out, as if handing it to him, instead* If I asked you to kill me, would you do it? Would you pull the trigger?
Gabriel: *flinches slightly, then blinks* ...what?
Phlegethon: *speaks slowly and levelly* If I asked you to kill me, would you? Would you hold this gun against my head, pull the trigger, and watch as I died?
Gabriel: *blinks and stares for a few seconds before shaking his head slightly to clear it and assuming a slightly colder expression* As if you would let me. I refuse to believe you'd allow yourself killed so easily.
Phlegethon: Try me, angel. *still holding the gun out to Gabriel* You want to, don't you? Why wouldn't you want to? You hate me.
Gabriel: *not moving to take it, eyes narrowing* What are you trying to do?
Phlegethon: I'm trying to ask you to kill me. What does it look like I'm doing?
Gabriel: Why would you ask me to kill you? *suspicious*
Phlegethon: Because I want to find out if you'll do it. Will you?
Gabriel: If I do, what good does it do you? *suddenly takes the gun and aims it coolly* You find out I will, and then you die. What happens then?
Phlegethon: Then? Then I come back, as seems to be the way of things here, and I have an entirely new and different understanding of what it apparently means to be angelic.
Gabriel: *...winces at that* And that's supposed to help me want to kill you?
Phlegethon: I don't particularly want to die. Not at your hands.
Gabriel: ...*this is an omgwtf face* ...So /why in Home's name are you asking me to kill you?/
Phlegethon: I'm sure it would be much easier to explain than suicide.
Gabriel: And why would you want to kill yourself? *still levelling the gun at him, yes*
Phlegethon: *random subject change! and really isn't looking very concerned about the gun* When was the last time you cried, angel?
Gabriel: ...*blinks* When was the -- what?
Phlegethon: The last time you cried. When was it? I can return the favour if you'd like. When I was four, I jumped out of a cherry tree. I wanted to fly. I split my chin, skinned both knees, and scraped all the skin off of my palms. When my mother found me crying on the porch, she slapped me. That was the last time I cried. And how about you?
Gabriel: ...*stares* *pause* ...You've never cried since then?
Phlegethon: *dully* Not once.
Gabriel: *blink* ...Oh. *pause* This afternoon.
Phlegethon: Interesting. Do you cry easily or was there a death in the family?
Gabriel: *glares* *this is not the usual glare, nor is it even the usual Gabbysmash!glare, but the "touchy subject, plz not to be messing or I keel j00, h0r" glare* Don't even start.
Phlegethon: Fine. Are you going to kill me? The inside of the barrel of my gun is getting old.
Gabriel: *glares again and angelmods the gun away*
Phlegethon: ...I was attached to that.
Gabriel: My heart bleeds for you. Really, it does.
Phlegethon: That, angel, is called abuse of sarcasm.
Gabriel: Would you be so kind as to demonstrate the proper use, then?
Phlegethon: The time has to be ripe. Give back my gun.
Gabriel: Why?
Phlegethon: It's -mine-. And if I decide to kill myself after all, I'll need it.
Gabriel: *coolly* You have no respect for my body, I have no reason to respect your property. *shakes head* You've still not told me what brought about this sudden desire to die.
Phlegethon: Fair enough. But if I told you, I'd have to kill you. *looks at him blankly*
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* And your fun would end rather abruptly, wouldn't it.
Phlegethon: That's why I can't tell you.
Gabriel: Well, that's hardly fair.
Phlegethon: Fairness is not my concern. Why do you want to know?
Gabriel: I never would have guessed. It's unlike you.
Phlegethon: As is my reason for contemplating suicide at all. It works out.
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* I see. Or rather, I don't. At all.
Phlegethon: That may have been the point. *rummages in his pocket and comes up with a lighter and a pack of cigarettes* Do you really want to know?
Gabriel: ...No, I've only been asking to toy with your mind. *rolls eyes* Of course I want to know.
Phlegethon: *lights a cigarette, because this is his nervous habit. not that he has nervous habits. or anything. because he's PHLEGETHON HADES, DESTROYER OF WORLDS* ...I -- listen. I don't hate. Do you know why?
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* No. Inform me.
Phlegethon: Familiarity breeds contempt. I don't allow myself to become close enough to anyone that I would hate them.
Gabriel: *still eyebrowraising but actually looking somewhat understanding* I see.
Phlegethon: *looks at him silently for a moment, but -- glances down as he speaks* I hate you.
Gabriel: *calmly* Do you really.
Phlegethon: I do. I hate you. *smokes, yes*
Gabriel: *tugs at his collar slightly, gesturing as if to pull it down* You know, in between the scalpel, the unholy water, and the blackmail? The possibility entirely escaped me.
Phlegethon: *exhales frustratedly* I don't think you understand what that means, angel.
Gabriel: No. No, I don't. *looks back at him levelly* Enlighten me.
Phlegethon: It means I'm getting attached to you. It means I -care-.
Gabriel: ...*blink* /What/?
Phlegethon: ...I care. About you. *looks about ready to kill something, very possibly himself*
Gabriel: ...*this is a very floored archangel* *stares* ...I don't understand.
Phlegethon: Neither do I. We're even.
Gabriel: *blinks* *a lot* ...How...when.../why/...*yep, can't settle on a question*
Phlegethon: How? I'm fucked if I know. When? Possibly for some time. I realized it last night. Why? I wish I knew.
Gabriel: *grabs on the one that causes least issue* Last night... Was this before or after you gouged out half my shoulder?
Phlegethon: After. *grins, because, yes, this is easy enough to talk about*
Gabriel: *sighs, a little frustratedly* Lovely.
Phlegethon: Very. Can I kill myself now?
Gabriel: Suicide is a sin.
Phlegethon: *...-laughs-*
Gabriel: *scowl* What?
Phlegethon: Have you noticed that I don't care about whether or not something is a sin?
Gabriel: It doesn't mean I should aid you in committing another.
Phlegethon: Give me my fucking -gun-, angel.
Gabriel: *level glare* /No./
Phlegethon: *glares right back* Then kill me.
Gabriel: No.
Phlegethon: Do you want me to say please? I can. Please kill me.
Gabriel: *shakes his head* No.
Phlegethon: What does a man have to do to die around here?
Gabriel: *raises an eyebrow* Well, were I the sort who enjoyed pain, I'd tell a certain demon what you've done. But I'm thinking said end is a considerably worse one than you'd like to meet.
Phlegethon: *this is a truly pissed off Phlegethon* What else am I supposed to do? If I die, I won't have to -think-, at least for a couple of days.
Gabriel: *snaps, probably harsher than he intends* That's hardly my problem, is it? I didn't ask for this.
Phlegethon: -Neither did I-. *glares, yes*
Gabriel: It's your -fault.-
Phlegethon: -My- fault? It's your fault for being so goddamned -- *we're going to stop now*
Gabriel: If you hadn't insisted on this ridiculous -blackmail- I -- *breaks off* *blinks* ...What?
Phlegethon: It was -your- idea. *smiles, thinly* It's your fault for being so -- how do I say this? "Enticing" sounds like a recipe for cajun food.
Gabriel: *glowers* Because I certainly would have made my way into this arrangement by choice -- .... *blinks* *stares* /What/?
Phlegethon: ...Appealing, perhaps? Captivating, maybe.
Gabriel: *...yes, still staring in disbelief* *tries to talk but really can't form words*
Phlegethon: I could list synonyms. Attractive, stunning, enthralling. Is that enough for you?
Gabriel: *...still with the stunned staring* *slowly backs into a wall and half-collapses against it* *low and suddenly sounding slightly tired* What are you trying to do?
Phlegethon: I'm trying to tell you why this is entirely your fault. *sighs, which is slightly odd from him, and drops his cigarette*
Gabriel: *stares a little longer, then closes his eyes and exhales shakily, bringing a hand to cover his eyes* *quietly* I don't need this.
Phlegethon: *arches an eyebrow* What's wrong with you? *<-- not concern. totally not concern. in conclusion: lackofconcern*
Gabriel: *sharply* What do you /think/ is wrong? *in the same way these are totally not tears starting up again*
Phlegethon: I'm a manipulative bastard in l -- *okay, we're stopping now. no, really*
Gabriel: *doesn't even react to that* *and, yes, we're going to start crying quietly now, because /that makes everything better/*
Phlegethon: Oh, for fuck's sake. What do you want from me?
Gabriel: Nothing. -Nothing-. *slides to the ground and keeps crying*
Phlegethon: ... *goddammit, this is concern* Well, how do I make you stop -crying-?
Gabriel: *shakes his head weakly* *and isn't crying too much, but...yes, this is an archangel with Too Much To Deal With*
Phlegethon: *gets to his feet, turns around, and very calmly punches a hole in the wall*
Gabriel: *flinches a little at the sound*
Phlegethon: *speaks just as calmly, although he's still facing the wall* You know, I wish I could cry. *contemplates his bloody knuckles*
Gabriel: *quietly* And I wish I couldn't. It makes us even. *...yes, still crying*
Phlegethon: I can't -- decide whether I want to -hurt- you or -- *turns around and... looks at Gabriel, still doing very well at this "pretending to be calm" thing*
Gabriel: *still has a hand over his eyes, half out of not wanting to look at Phleg and half out of not wanting Phleg to see him cry*
Phlegethon: *-growls- under his breath* I -hate- this. Whoever the fuck came up with love deserves a painful death.
Gabriel: *low and barely audible* At the moment? I may agree.
Phlegethon: You -- *pauses* ...why? You have your demon. *this is not bitterness*
Gabriel: *sighs* *even quieter* Do I?
Phlegethon: So you tell me. You know I've never told anyone I loved them?
Gabriel: *drops his hand at that* *has stopped crying, mostly* ...I would be surprised, but...knowing what I know of your family and yourself...
Phlegethon: *...sits next to him, crosslegged* Not surprising. I know. Do you think I should start now?
Gabriel: *blinks vaguely* ...I...don't know.
Phlegethon: *watches him intently* In that case, I might as well. *pauses, and then, quietly, almost grudgingly -- but it's obvious he means it* I love you.
Gabriel: *leans his head against the wall and looks at him, tiredly and with a hint of sadness*
Phlegethon: *looks right back* I'm sorry. That's something else I've never said and meant.
Gabriel: *softly* I am, too.
Phlegethon: *if Hadeses stared, he would be doing that right now* -Sorry-? What do you have to be sorry for?
Gabriel: *shrugs, shifting his gaze to -- nothing in particular* It's my fault.
Phlegethon: -Your- fault? Explain that to me.
Gabriel: *shrugs again* For one, I made the wrong choice to start with. For another, he should not love me. And for another, you stated it yourself not long ago.
Phlegethon: I was lying. I lie half the time. Get used to it. It's not your fault. It's my own fucking fault for being -weak-. *shudders* -Love-. What a waste of time.
Gabriel: No. You were telling the truth. *closes his eyes and sighs softly* Love is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength. Love sets you up for pain, and only those strong enough to bear the pain fall in love.
Phlegethon: Maybe I was, but I didn't believe it at the time and I don't believe it now. *scowls at his hands* I don't like this pain.
Gabriel: *shrugs slightly again* I believe it now. That's what matters. Sadists never enjoy their own pain.
Phlegethon: I've never -- dealt with this kind of pain before. Wanting something I can't have. *this may, in fact, be the closest to "broken" he's ever looked*
Gabriel: *opens an eye to glance at Phleg, then sighs quietly and opens the other too, shifting closer and tilting Phleg's chin up to look him in the eye*
Phlegethon: *starts, slightly, eyes widening almost imperceptibly* *starts to say something, then stops and -- yes, stares at Gabriel*
Gabriel: *holds the gaze for a minute, then kisses him gently*
Phlegethon: *freezes, because -- well, -omgwtfbbqussr-, and kisses back, with the air of one barely holding himself entirely in check*
Gabriel: *kisses for a while, then pulls back, returning to focus on -- something not Phleggy*
Phlegethon: *doesn't say anything for a moment, then --* ...What was that for? *may or may not be shaking slightly*
Gabriel: *shrugs slightly* It seemed like the right thing to do.
Phlegethon: ...The -right thing-? *glares; no, I don't know, either*
Gabriel: *looks back at him; this is an expression of total emotionless calm* You were in pain. And I gave you what you wanted. For a minute.
Phlegethon: *and this is an expression of -anger- because he doesn't know what else to feel* That's worse, you know.
Gabriel: *shrugs* Then I'm sorry.
Phlegethon: Please -- *breaks off; has no idea where he's going with this*
Gabriel: *tilts head* *quietly* Please what?
Phlegethon: Please... *looks rather disgusted with himself, but* Let me have you one more time?
Gabriel: *hesitates, then nods slowly, extending his hand*
Phlegethon: *...takes it and -- the typist has to go, so. um. fade to black? XD*
Gabriel: *yessss.*

gabriel, phlegethon hades

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