(no subject)

Nov 02, 2005 21:53

Crossposted to Cissa's journal.

*has gone out to wait for her arrival in the mansion grounds*

*apparates nearby, looking around* *spots him and rushes over* Where is he?

*grabs her gently by the shoulders, trying to calm her frantic movements*  Not so fast, Narcissa.  Let us be calm about this.

*jerks away* Where -is- he?

*in a steely tone*  You are here to negotiate terms for his release.  You will not see him until these terms are discussed.  Now, walk with me.  *links arms with her and half-drags her further out into the grounds*

*walks with him, but looks up at him* Is he safe?

For now.  Sit.  *gestures to a nearby bench*

*sits, not taking her eyes off his face* What do you want to talk about?

*soulfully*  Oh so many things, my darling Cissy. *counts off on his fingers*  One - why you left me for that idiot Mulciber.  Two - how you could -dare- to conspire against me in such an ineffective manner.  Three - *smirks*  What you would be willing to do to ensure the safety of our son.

You want me to answer all of those? In that order?

*shrugs elegantly*  It will pass the time.  The last is the most important, of course.

Fine. *counts off on fingers as well, mostly just to mock him* One: He is not an idiot, and I love him more than anyone, especially you, could ever understand. Two: Anything was better than just living our lives in fear. And three: *hesitates, then looks down and whispers* I'd do just about anything.

*gives no indication of actually listening, reaching out smoothly as she finishes speaking to wrap a casual hand around her throat*  Would you be willing to die, Narcissa?

*pales, but looks him straight in the eyes* If that's what it took.

*softly, tightening his grip*  Would you come back to me?  Live as my wife once more?

*looks away* No. No, Lucius. I told you before I won't.

*tuts gently, shaking his head*  Well well, dear Cissa.  That -is- a pity... since those are your choices.  Nothing more. *presses yet harder, nails digging into her flesh*

You would kill me, Lucius?

Without a second thought.

A woman you once, supposedly, loved?

A woman who betrayed me.

I did not betray you, Lucius. I found a way out and I took it.

*with slight impatience beginning to show through* This is all irrelevant now.  I have given you your options.  Which do you choose?

*quietly but firmly* I don't want to die. I don't want to abandon people who need me. But I -won't- return to you.

So be it then.  *leans in to kiss her one last time, brutally, winding hands tight into her hair*

*makes a surprised sound in the back of her throat and somewhat returns the kiss, if only instinctively, then whimpers slightly as his hands tighten*

*faintly regretful as he draws back*  Such a pity that it should come to this.

*widens eyes* What are you talking about? What are you going to do?

*touches fingertips to her chest, over her heart, and narrows his eyes in sudden, fierce concentration*  Do you feel your heartbeat beginning to slow, Cissa-dear?  You must describe the sensation... I myself have never felt it.

*doesn't really feel anything for a few moments, then groans* S-stop... stop. Please. I can-can't...

*softly*  Perhaps you would prefer something more traditional then.  *draws out his wand and rests it lightly against her forehead-- pointblank range and a steady hand*

*breathes heavily for a moment, trying to regain balance* *brings her eyes back up to his, almost defiantly* What are you going to do? Avada Kedavra me?

... Yes, actually.  Why?  Do you have any more interesting ideas?

*steadily gazes directly at him* Yes. You could give me back my son and let us both go back home.

*smirks at that, without humour*  Oh Narcissa.  I never had him here in the first place. *watches her expression for a moment before intoning the fatal words with a deft flick of his wand; quiet, yet stonily forceful*  Avada Kedavra.

*confusion, shock, disbelief, betrayal, hurt* ... *crumples, dead*

*arranges her in a more aesthetically pleasing manner on the bench and heals the forming bruises on her neck, before walking away without a backwards glance*

[Typist note: Yes, she purposely called Draco "my son", instead of "our son"]

[And now here's Mulciber finding the body:]

*has recovered enough to think, and apparates onto the porch, looking for her*

*is on a bench farther out into the grounds*

*doesn't see her, so moves out onto the grounds, thinking that Lucius is too clever to kill her inside*
*looks around, his wand lit, walking slowly* *knows it's too late, whatever happened, and he'd rather go slow than miss something*
*looks around for probably about a half hour before seeing something glimmer just out of wand-light*
*freezes, his breath catching in his chest*
... *whispers* Cissa...?

*doesn't answer, obviously*

*steps forward so his wand lights her face* *whispers again* ... Cissa...

*looks pretty and peaceful, at least*

My Cissa... *has tears running down his face* *kneels next to her and checks her pulse, then pulls her gently off the bench and into his arms*
*holds her tightly, crying silently into her hair*
My sweet angel... *whimpers and is without words*
*eventually picks her up and walks off with her, still crying and nearly blind with tears*

[And now here's where Dani argues with Mulciber. Because she's really good at doing that.]


[[ ... 'Awww'? More like 'OWWWWW'. ]]
[[ He's trying to make me cry. That right there is complete, utter -heartbreak-. ]]

[NO CRYING FROM YOU. And that was a sypathetic "Aw", not a "aw how cute"]

[[ *giggle* ]]

[What's he gonna do now?]

[[ ... Do you -really- want me to answer that? ]]


[[ ... Probably go curl up and die somewhere. ]]

[HE PROMISED. He at -least- has to find Draco and tell him his mum died]

[[ M: ... ........ I LIED. ]]


[[ M: HE'S NOT MY SON. *wisheshewas* ]]




[[ M: *just. Glares.* ]]

[At least find him and talk to him before doing -anything-, will you?]

[[ M: Where. Is. Draco. ?! ]]

[I am not in charge of him.]

[[ M: Fuck you. ]]
[[ ... PERIL. ]]

[I can't control him being on mIRC! If I could, I would!]

[[ Look at the comm ]]

[...poor thing]

[[ Make sure you read that note to Ollie carefully... ... Mrph. ]]


[[ He may need him to watch Mar for a week or so? ]]

[Yeah. But he also said he's okay.]

[[ ... -That- was a -lie-. ]]


[[ M: Pft. Moron. ]]
[[ .......... ]]

[*smacks* You -promised-! How do you think she'll react if she returns to find you dead?]

[[ M: ... I think she'll see me in Mandos, KTHNX. ]]

[And you think she'll be very happy to see you there?]

[[ M: Do. You. Think. I. -Care-?! ]]


[[ M: BITE ME. ]]

[No, that's her job. And she -needs- you to stay and care for Draco. You really think he's any match for Lucius?]

[If Lucius finds him and kills him, will you ever be able to forgive yourself?]

[[ M: I'm -obviously- no good against Lucius. Oh, and did I mention that those I love have a tendency to do STUPID THINGS LIKE GO TO HIM?! ]]

[SHE THOUGHT HER SON WAS IN DANGER. You really think she's the type of person to just shrug that off and let him suffer, so long as -she's- safe??? Isn't the fact that she -isn't- like that ONE OF THE REASONS WHY YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH???]

[[ M: IT WAS A TRAP! ]]



[If someone had sent -you- a blood-stained note like that, saying it was HER, what would YOU have done??]

[[ M: Fuck. The. Hell. Off. ]]


[[ M: *not responding anymore* ]]

[Because you KNOW I'M RIGHT]

lucius malfoy, narcissa, mulciber

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