In which Cocytus meets Constantine and then the existence of anOTPend leads to something of a foursome.
This, I believe, we decided would be DF canon because Cocytus and Constantine being friends amuses us.
* Constantine has joined #dfgreenupsidedown
Cocytus: *we'll just say that he's sitting in a corner for now, hi*
Aurore: *couch! Yay couch!*
Nariel: *looks in*
Aurore: Nar! *smiles at her*
Constantine: *... here!*
Feanaro: *oh well, smiling at daughter and nodding coolly to Rore, we assume*
Aurore: John! *glomps him*
Constantine: *glomp'd* Hey. *kisses her cheek*
Nariel: *andermhidaddy* *smiles back at Fea, though a little confused* Greetings, Ata. *smiles at Aurore, too*
Aurore: *smiles at John, then glomps Nar*
Cocytus: *glances up and, oh look, happy people* *is apparently reading Dante...again...because he doesn't have the entire Inferno memorized yet, shock of all shocks*
Constantine: *peeks over Cytty's shoulder* Good book.
Cocytus: Hmm? *glances up and half-grins* I know. I've read it at least fifty times now.
Constantine: Only fifty? Pfft, beginner.
Constantine: Most of it's crap, though.
Constantine: I mean, there are the circles, but Dante obviously hasn' t been there.
Cocytus: *snorts and shrugs* I have other things to do in life and generally read the entire Divine Comedy straight through. *browquirk* Having not been there myself, I wouldn't know.
Constantine: *shrugs* Not the most fun place ever.
Cocytus: I wouldn't imagine, being Hell and all.
Constantine: Lu's kind of an ass too. Snappy dresser, though.
Cocytus: *laughs* I've seen him once or twice. I'd have to agree.
Constantine: *hops over the back of the couch to sit next to Cytty* Not a bad looking guy. Apparently best fuck in the Seen and Unseen. Though I wouldn't know.
Cocytus: *amusion* Not a bad reputation to hold, I'd say, whether or not there's simple proof. It's not as if many people are going to argue the fact with the lord of Hell.
Constantine: Oh fuck the Lord of Hell thing. I've argued with him. Flipped the fucker off a few times too.
Cocytus: *browquirk again* Interesting.
Constantine: ... got in a spot of trouble for it.
Cocytus: *grins* So I'd imagine.
Constantine: John Constantine, by the way. *offers a hand*
Cocytus: *accepts the hand* Cocytus Hades. A pleasure, Mr. Constantine.
Constantine: John's fine. Or Constantine. No Mister needed.
Cocytus: John, then. A pleasure either way. *closes his book and sets it aside for the time being*
Constantine: Where you from?
Cocytus: England, on a general level. More specifically, wherever I feel like being from at any given time. Yourself?
Constantine: England as well. London, mostly.
Cocytus: *nods and grins slightly* I've been from London on occasion. Interesting city. What do you do?
Constantine: Demons.
Constantine: ... in both senses.
Cocytus: *blinkblink* ...interesting.
Constantine: I deport them.
Cocytus: Not your average way to make a living, that.
Constantine: Well not really. But it pays... no, it doesn't.
Cocytus: *laughs and just generally looks amused* Well, I doubt you can call it boring, at least.
Constantine: That's true. Chicks dig scars, all that.
Cocytus: Truly. Given such a line of work, I'd imagine scars are relatively abundant.
Constantine: Yep. What is it that you do, Mr. Hades?
Cocytus: *charming grin* It would be Dr. Hades, technically, but Cocytus is fine. *shrugs* I used to work in a hospital. These days I'm more in the family business. That is to say, I do whatever pays.
Constantine: *laughs* A noble business indeed! Doctor, huh?
Cocytus: Mm. Doctor indeed. Second in my class simply due to the fact that the one professor who never liked me happened to oversee my final dissertation.
Constantine: Hate it when that happens. Never went into practice?
Cocytus: I did, for a time. Actually worked emergency services and surgery.
Constantine: Wow, tht's... impressive.
Cocytus: *laughs* Thank you. I actually miss it sometimes.
Constantine: Do you? I think I'd miss my job if I had to stop.
Cocytus: It's what happens when you leave something you're attached to. It was a childhood dream, being a doctor. I decided on it when I was about four.
Constantine: That's... adorable.
Cocytus: *laughs again* I'm not sure if I should thank you for that comment or not.
Constantine: I've been called precious.
Cocytus: I'll take adorable over precious, then.
Constantine: Best mate of thirty years told me that. Almost killed him.
Cocytus: Perhaps that would explain it. I don't have a best mate to call me embarassing things. I just have siblings.
Constantine: I have a sister, that's all.
Cocytus: Three older brothers, one younger brother and a little sister. Family reunions are amusing, in a very general definition of the word.
Constantine: Oh Lord. Large family. There were no more after me, thank someone. Broke the mold and all that.
Cocytus: Honestly, the world probably would have been safer if there hadn't been any more of us after my eldest brother. Or, really, if there hadn't been any of us at all.
Constantine: World would probably be... well I don't know really. Huh. *looks thoughtful* I guess someone else would have done my job.
Cocytus: The good deeds a man might have done are just as easily taken up by another. It is the evils a man might have performed that cease to exist along with the man.
Constantine: ... pretty.
Cocytus: *chuckles* I study psychology and philosophy in my spare time.
Constantine: Yeah? Interesting. I read... random things, really.
Cocytus: Random is just as good. Anything particularly interesting?
Constantine: Paradise Lost.
Cocytus: Ah. I haven't read that in quite some time.
Constantine: Good, more accurate than Dante.
Cocytus: *smirks* I should read it again, then. Maybe then I'll have a better idea of what I'll see when I die.
Constantine: Who says you're going to hell?
Cocytus: If I'm going to Heaven, the rules are -far- more lax than the world is generally led to believe.
Constantine: You sound like my kind of man.
Cocytus: In that case, your kind of man has a fairly good chance of fitting in with most of my family.
Constantine: Oh dear. Is that good or bad?
Cocytus: It really depends on your point of view. The majority of the world would likely inform you that it was a bad thing, though.
Constantine: I see. Well I'm not exactly one of that good guys.
Cocytus: Good, bad - both highly relative. I'm in a family that considers being placed on the world's most wanted list an honour.
Constantine: You're talking to the most hated man in Heaven and Hell.
Cocytus: Ah. Interesting position, that.
Constantine: Oh I get into lots of interesting positions.
Cocytus: *laughs and grins* I do, too, but I'm not entirely sure we'd still be talking about the same sorts of positions in that case.
Constantine: *smirk*
Constantine: I meant I get into more than a few scrapes, but you take it how you like it.
Cocytus: I figured as much. Honestly, I can take it a few ways and still say it's true for me.
Constantine: Interesting. *eyebrow quirk*
Constantine: The same goes for me, for the record.
Cocytus: *grins* Always good to know.
Constantine: I like you, Cocytus.
* Balthazar has joined #dfgreenupsidedown
Cocytus: Good to know that, too. I believe I'm rather fond of you, as well.
And here’s where we shoot straight out of canon and into anti-OTP. Anti-OTP and SO VERY MUCH NOT PG-13 CONTENT OMG.
Aurore: *pounces Bally* Hi!
Balthazar: *is pounced* Hello, Aurore.
Constantine: *laughs* Aurore, control thyself.
Cocytus: *glances over at Aurore and Bally with a slight look of amusion*
Aurore: How are you?
Balthazar: I'm doing well. And you?
Aurore: Great! *hyper*
Constantine: *shakes his head* Sweet girl.
Balthazar: *grins at her* Who gave you the sugar?
Constantine: Not guilty!
Aurore: *laughs* Who says it's sugar?
Cocytus: *sits back on the couch and fiddles absently with the ribbon marking his page*
Constantine: You two want to join us?
Balthazar: Oh, why not?
Constantine: *scoots closer to Cytty to make room*
Aurore: Sure! *plops down on the arm of the couch*
Balthazar: *sits next to John*
Cocytus: *glances over at the new folks with his usual charming smile*
Aurore: *grins back at him* Got some room on your lap?
Cocytus: *eyebrowquirk* Might I request an introduction first?
Aurore: Aurore Lestrange. And you?
Constantine: *kisses Bally's neck* What about you? Room on your lap?
Cocytus: *amused* Cocytus Hades.
Aurore: Oh really? A Hades, hm?
Cocytus: Yes. *raises both eyebrows* You've heard of us, I'm guessing?
Balthazar: For you? Always.
Constantine: *moves onto his lap, grinning wickedly*
Aurore: Mmmmhm.
Cocytus: Considering the majority of my family, I'll assume you've met us on the grounds of our criminal aspect.
Balthazar: *wraps his arms around John and gives him a kiss*
Constantine: *returns the kiss, watching for Cocytus's reaction out of the corner of his eyes*
Aurore: *laughs* Course. However, I still want on your lap.
Cocytus: *discreetly watching John and Bally, of course* *smirks* Who am I to argue?
Aurore: *slides off the arm of the couch and into his lap*
Balthazar: Been amusing yourself?
Constantine: Made a friend.
Aurore: *to Cytty* Want anything?
Cocytus: *still looking rather amused with a girl in his lap, which is not a completely unusual position for him* Not really, no.
Aurore: Darn.
Aurore: *innocent smile*
Aurore: *leans casually back against Cytty*
Balthazar: Oh, really?
Cocytus: *smirks slightly and, hey, not complaining, really* *wraps an arm around Rore's waist's more comfortable*
Constantine: *nods to Cocytus*
Aurore: *brushes her lips against his neck*
Cocytus: *head tilts a bit to the side instinctively*
Balthazar: Hmm.
Aurore: *nibbles lightly*
Constantine: What do you think of him? *kisses his neck*
Balthazar: He seems nice. Very lickable.
Constantine: I thought so too.
Cocytus: *rather amused grin, as he's listening in on the conversation anyway* *not that he wouldn't be grinning at the nibbling anyway*
Aurore: *listening in, too* *licks*
Constantine: Obviously Aurore has taken our suggestion to heart.
Aurore: *smirks at John* I try.
Balthazar: So she has.
Cocytus: *shivers slightly at the licking and laughs*
Aurore: *nibbles at his earlobe*
Constantine: They're kind of giving me ideas.
Cocytus: *still so very much not complaining, here, hi*
Balthazar: *leers at him* Are they?
Constantine: Mmhm...
Aurore: *licks his neck again* You don't react easy.
Cocytus: *smirks, head tilting a bit farther* No. I don't.
Aurore: *nibbles all down his neck* Why not?
Constantine: *smirks slightly, watching Aurore and Cocytus*
Cocytus: *shivers slightly again* It's called desensitizing. Up to a point, I've trained myself not fully feel anything if it would get in the way of remaining completely aware of my surroundings.
Aurore: Wanna go somewhere were you don't have to be aware?
Balthazar: Share your ideas, love?
Constantine: *blinks* Hmmm??
Balthazar: You said they were giving you ideas. *gropes*
Cocytus: *eyebrowquirk yet again* Could be interesting.
Aurore: I'll make it good.
Constantine: Maybe the four of us could... get together...
Aurore: Hmmmmm... *watching John*
Cocytus: I don't doubt you will. *both eyebrows raised again at John's comment*
Aurore: I think that's a -lovely- idea.
Balthazar: That has... possibilities.
Constantine: Doesn't it though?
Balthazar: *licks his lips* Yes.
Cocytus: *charminggrin* I can't say I'm not intrigued.
Constantine: As am I.
Aurore: Very intrigued.
Constantine: What do you say, love?
Constantine: *speaking to Balthazar*
Balthazar: By all means.
Constantine: *raises his eyebrows*
Constantine: ... well?
Aurore: *leans innocently on John*
Constantine: *smirks slightly*
Aurore: *kisses his shoulder lightly*
Constantine: *leans over and kisses her*
Aurore: *kisses back, setting a hand lightly on his cheek*
Beezie: *and the eyebrow raises further* All muzzzt be in one Domain or the other.
Cocytus: *sits back and watches with a look of amusion*
Balthazar: *smiles at Cocytus*
Constantine: *pulls away, smirking*
Aurore: *licks her lips* You taste good.
Constantine: *raises his eyebrows* Oh?
Aurore: Mmmhm. I wonder what other parts of you might taste better?
Constantine: *laughs* You'll have to ask Balthazar about that.
Aurore: *to Bally* Do tell.
Balthazar: I recommend the shoulder.
Constantine: Just the shoulder, love?
Balthazar: To start with.
Constantine: Aaah.
Constantine: ... I feel like an entree.
Cocytus: *just listening amusedly at this point*
Aurore: You are an entree. *grins at him*
Constantine: ... /am/ I? Well thank you for informing me.
Balthazar: Left or right shoulder, Aurore?
Aurore: Mmmm... I'd like the left, if you don't mind.
Balthazar: By all means.
Constantine: Do I not get a say?
Aurore: *licks his ear* Why'd you want that?
Constantine: Mm...
Aurore: *grins at Bally* Easy to melt.
Constantine: Melts in your mouth /and/ your hands.
Cocytus: *still watching and grinning a bit, never mind the general lackoftypist*
Aurore: *smiiiirks* *reaches down and gropes him*
Constantine: *gasps* My...
Balthazar: *kisses John's neck*
Aurore: Like that, hmm?
Constantine: *yes, melty John*
Constantine: Quite.
Aurore: *undoes his pants and reaches inside*
Constantine: *bites his lip*
Cocytus: *not that he's left out at all, what?* *leans forward to kiss Aurore's neck lightly just because he can at this point*
Aurore: *moans very softly and gropes John more eagerly*
Balthazar: *bites John's right shoulder*
Constantine: *groans and leans heavily against Balthazar*
Aurore: *reaches over and gropes Cytty, too*
Cocytus: *makes a quiet noise against her neck and bites slightly*
Aurore: *moans loudly*
Cocytus: *rather likes that reaction so bites again, the arm around her waist tightening slightly*
Aurore: *gropes them a bit more roughly and whimpers*
Constantine: *swears under his breath and kisses Balthazar deeply*
Cocytus: *groans a bit louder than before and bites her shoulder this time*
Aurore: *leans into the bite*
Cocytus: *runs the tip of his tongue up her neck and bites again right under the jaw*
Aurore: *meeeeeeeelts against him*
Aurore: *sorry John*
Cocytus: *grins faintly against her neck and kisses it* *if we ever needed proof that he's good at whatever he does...*
Aurore: *moans again, softer*
Aurore: *gropes Cytty insistently*
Cocytus: *groans again, shifting slightly with another bite and a lick at her jaw*
Aurore: *shifts to kiss him on the lips*
Cocytus: *kisses back, a hand brushing up her back*
Aurore: *gropes him again*
Cocytus: Mmph. *flicks his tongue across her lips and pulls her closer*
Aurore: *parts her lips eagerly*
Cocytus: *takes advantage of that parted lips without a thought, hands running over her back again*
Aurore: *presses close against him*
Cocytus: *holds her there, kissing deeply*
Aurore: *tangles her fingers in his hair*
Constantine: *... snogging Bally?*
Aurore: *snogging Cytty*
Cocytus: *definitely not complaining on this snogging thing*
Balthazar: *very much of the snogging John*
Constantine: *our foursome has broken up... and half of it isn't an antiOTP, wtf XD*
Balthazar: *whispers in John's ear* Perhaps we should switch around?
Aurore: *will snog anyone, rawr*
Constantine: ... *glances over at Cytty and Aurore* They look busy.
Balthazar: More's the pity.
Constantine: You want to ask them?
Cocytus: *hasn't snogged anyone since he got to DF so yeah...anyone's good, so long as he doesn't die in the process*
Constantine: ... *pokes Cytty*
Cocytus: *pulls back from the kiss, eyebrows raised slightly* Hmm?
Constantine: Care to switch it up?
Cocytus: *looks amused again* Can't say I'd be complaining either way.
Aurore: I'll take anyone who wants me.
Constantine: *kisses Balthazar one last time before getting off his lap*
Balthazar: *swats at John's arse then looks over at Aurore* Here, darling?
Constantine: *laughs at the swattage*
Cocytus: *grins*
Aurore: *purrs and moves over to Bally's lap*
Constantine: *straddles Cocytus's lap and kisses him*
Aurore: *does much the same as John*
Cocytus: *kisses back, hands gripping John's hips*
Constantine: *grinds against him, tangling his fingers in his hair*
Balthazar: *kisses Aurore thoroughly*
Aurore: *much with the snoggage*
Cocytus: *groans slightly against John's lips, grip tightening and holding him there*
Aurore: *is a very good kisser, so maybe Bally isn't suffering much...?*
Balthazar: *is enjoying himself, considering he has a girl on his lap*
Constantine: *nibbles at his lips*
Aurore: *oh good* *starts grinding slowly against him*
Balthazar: *moans softly and slides his hands under her shirt*
Aurore: *purrs loudly and presses against his hands*
Cocytus: *flicks his tongue over John's lips*
Constantine: *slides his tongue into Cocytus's mouth, running his hands over his chest*
Balthazar: *bites at her neck*
Aurore: *tilts her head back with a moan*
Cocytus: *meets John's tongue with his own, shivering just slightly and runs his hands up John's back*
Constantine: *slides a hand down Cocytus's pants, pressing against him*
Balthazar: *licks her neck*
Aurore: *shivers all over* Balthazar... Ooooh...
Constantine: *kind of perks at hearing his husband's name but... goes back to Cytty*
Aurore: *making out with Bally on the couch! YAY*
Cocytus: *slighty muffled groan and, hi, sort of drags his nails down John's back*
Constantine: *gasps and arches against him*
Cocytus: *oh, that's a good reaction right there, grins slightly against John's lips and does it again*
Constantine: *shivers and bites his neck*
Balthazar: *nips her earlobe*
Aurore: *purrs and reaches down to grope him*
Cocytus: *shivers as well, head tilting to the side with a groan and drags his nails back up John's back this time*
Balthazar: *inhales sharply*
Aurore: *undoes his pants and reaches down into them*
Constantine: *starts stroking him, kissing him roughly again*
Cocytus: *shivers slightly and groans again, kissing back just as roughly, one hand moving up to the back of John's head*
Constantine: *bites his lip and continues groping*
Balthazar: *winds his hands in her hair*
Aurore: *gropes him skillfully*
Balthazar: *whimpering slightly, yes*
Cocytus: *flicks his tongue at the corner of John's mouth, shivering again*
Constantine: *bites his shoulder*
Aurore: *becomes rougher*
Balthazar: *heartily approves*
Aurore: *tugs at his pants, wanting them off*
Balthazar: *lifts his hips to assist with the lack of pants*
Balthazar: *it should be noted he is wearing black silk boxers*
Constantine: *loves those black silk boxers*
Aurore: *pulls them down and off, then admires the silk boxers* I like...
Constantine: *glances at Balthazar out of the corner of his eye and moans*
Balthazar: *smirks at her* So does John.
Aurore: *snickers and tugs at them, too*
Constantine: Mmmhm... *goes back to kissing and groping Cytty*
Cocytus: *totally with the kiss, yes, and rather gropes a bit as well at this point*
Balthazar: *pulls the boxers off*
Constantine: *groans and kisses harder*
Aurore: *grins at him* What do you want me to do?
Cocytus: *returns the force of the kiss, one hand groping, the other dragging nail roughly down John's back again*
Constantine: *starts grinding against him*
Cocytus: *arches his hips upwards, pressing close*
Constantine: *starts pulling at Cocytus's pants*
Balthazar: *smiles at her* Surprise me.
Aurore: *kneels in front of him* You sure?
Balthazar: *glances at John* Yes.
Constantine: *would... probably watch if he weren't busy*
Cocytus: *moves kiss and bites slightly at John's neck*
Constantine: Oh you can go harder than that...
Aurore: *starts sucking him off, then*
Cocytus: *quirks a brow slightly with a faint grin* Right. *bites again, harder this time, where the neck meets the shoulder*
Balthazar: Oh /Lucifer/...
Constantine: *moans loudly and grinds against him*
Cocytus: *groans, flicking his tongue over the marks his teeth left, then bites again, still groping*
Aurore: *quite skilled, rawr*
Constantine: *starts struggling out of the rest of his clothes. his husband shouldn't have /all/ the fun*
Balthazar: *is very impressed with Aurore's skills, yes*
Cocytus: *impatient? well, all right then, shall help him out of his clothes and still isn't about to complain as he does so*
Constantine: *straddles him again, after the clothes are finished being taken off*
Aurore: *nibbles and licks*
Cocytus: *this is a rather enjoyable position, yes* *runs the tip of his tongue over John's collarbone*
Constantine: *shivers and nibbles at his neck*
Cocytus: *shivers as well, biting and dragging his nails down John's back again*
Balthazar: *whimpers and moans*
Constantine: *bites his chest*
Cocytus: *shivers again with a quiet hiss, groping again*
Aurore: *and deepthroats and swallows*
Balthazar: *is going to be very loud very shortly*
Constantine: *is already very very loud, but... is normally. it's a wonder the neighbors haven't complained*
Balthazar: *the neighbors probably are afraid to complain*
Cocytus: *loud is amusing and incites Cytty to continue with the biting and groping, somewhat roughly at this point*
Aurore: *does it again, caressing his thigh*
Balthazar: *is, in fact loud and there is more shouting of his ex-boss's name and - yeah*
Aurore: *cleans him off, then looks up at him with a smirk*
Constantine: *is actually very close to this point*
CassandraOfTroy: *is scaredleikwhoh of the loud!demon!sexing going on*
Balthazar: *is rather dazed*
Aurore: *purrs softly*
Theo: *is not precisely scared, just really weirded out*
Constantine: *isn't a demon!*
Theo: *Theo doesn't do scared*
CassandraOfTroy: *doesn't make much differentiation*
Cocytus: *no, he's not a demon, but he -is- loud and he still has reason to be*
Balthazar: *is an ex-demon*
Balthazar: That...
Aurore: That...? *grins at him, and moves to sit on the arm of the couch next to him*
Constantine: *much louder moan, grinding against Cocytus*
Balthazar: Was very nice.
Cocytus: *arches his hips upwards with slight groan and another hard bite*
Aurore: Glad to hear it.
Balthazar: I believe it's only fair that I return the favor.
Aurore: I must say, I would enjoy that.
Constantine: *gasps and... were he a demon would be yelling his bosses name at this point in time*
Constantine: *likes senseless debauchery*
Balthazar: *divests Aurore of her clothes*
Balthazar: *lust is his favorite sin, y'see*
Cocytus: *definitely enjoying the senseless debauchery* *flicks his tongue over the bite marks and grins*
Aurore: *purrrrrrrrs and is declothed*
Aurore: *LIKES LUST*
Balthazar: *kisses Aurore deeply*
Constantine: *nuzzles Cocytus's neck* Mm...
Aurore: *kisses back passionately, wrapping her arms around him*
Constantine: *mutters* Rape wasn't involved here, was it?
Balthazar: *kisses his way down her body*
Cocytus: *slight browquirk* I would hope not.
Aurore: *purrs under his lips* Yeeees...
Constantine: *blinks at his husband and Aurore* ... never thought I'd see that.
Cocytus: *glances over, eyebrows raised* ...interesting.
Balthazar: *Aurore has mad skills, yo*
Aurore: *maaaad skills* *comes from the slutting, whoring, stripping, and barkeeping*
Balthazar: *returns the favor, shall we say*
Constantine: Not that I'm complaining. I'm in the lap of a very -- *kisses his neck* -- handsome -- *kisses his shoulder* -- man. *kisses his chest*
Cocytus: *shivers, head falling back slightly* I'd be insulted if you were. I can't say I'm complaining either.
Aurore: *enjoys it immensely and eventually annoys the neighbors*
Constantine: Oh good, I'd be horribly offended. Although we could switch places and I could have a very handsome man sitting in my lap.
Balthazar: *bites and nibbles and licks*
Cocytus: *grins* We could and you could, yes.
Constantine: *moves to sit next to him*
Aurore: *moans and clings to the couch and generally enjoys*
Cocytus: *moves to straddle John, then, biting slightly at his neck again*
Constantine: Oooh... *closes his eyes, enjoying*
Cocytus: *flicks his tongue up John's neck to his ear*
Constantine: *smirks and runs his hands over Cocytus's chest*
Balthazar: *continues to minister to Aurore*
Aurore: *eventually annoys the neighbors and does NOT yell his daughter's name. Thankgod*
Cocytus: *shivers slightly and bites again, dragging his nail down John's chest*
Balthazar: *looks up at Aurore and smirks*
Aurore: *grins down at him* You've got skills, Balthazar.
Constantine: *moans and kisses him roughly*
Balthazar: Thank you. I try.
Aurore: I didn't know you did girls.
Cocytus: *kisses back, just as roughly*
Balthazar: I don't.
Balthazar: You, my darling, I made an exception for.
Aurore: Really? *interested* Why?
Balthazar: You're devastingly beautiful.
Constantine: *bites Cocytus's neck* Careful, love, I'll get jealous.
Constantine: *... says John as a naked man straddles his lap*
Aurore: *blushes* That's why?
Balthazar: And you have a very talented mouth.
Cocytus: *shivers with a bit of a grin, head cocked to the side*
Constantine: I fear I shall be replaced. *nibbles Cocytus's shoulder*
Balthazar: Never, love.
Aurore: *blushes more and grins*
Cocytus: *shivers again, an edge of amusion to his expression*
Balthazar: *gives her another kiss*
Aurore: *kisses him back teasingly* You're pretty damn good with your mouth.
Balthazar: Lust is my favorite sin.
Constantine: Mine too. *licks at Cocytus's chest*
Aurore: Mine as well.
Cocytus: *smirks and shivers* I'll have to agree on that.
Balthazar: How perfect!
Constantine: *laughs*
Aurore: *grins* Precisely. Anything else you want?
Balthazar: Many things, but I fear I must away.
Constantine: Do I get a kiss before you go?
Aurore: *grins* Goodnight.
Balthazar: Of course. *grins and kisses John thoroughly*
Constantine: *kisses back happily*
Balthazar: See you later. *winks and goes*
Cocytus: *smirks slightly, sitting back a bit*
Constantine: Night love.
* Balthazar has quit IRC (Quit)
Constantine: *grins at Aurore* Care to hop in here?
Aurore: *blushes* 'D love to. *moves over to them*
Constantine: *smirks and kisses her*
Aurore: *kisses back happily*
Cocytus: *grins and watches a moment before biting at Aurore's neck, nails trailing down John's chest again*
Constantine: ... how do we arrange this here?
Aurore: *gasps* Oh my.
Constantine: *shivers, a bit lately*
Cocytus: *smirks* I believe we said something earlier about positions we'd been in? This would be an interesting one.
Constantine: .. it would indeed. What do you think, Aurore?
Aurore: Which? *was not paying attention earlier :.:*
Constantine: Positions in generally.
Constantine: *general
Aurore: I'm up for anything.
Constantine: As long as you don't steal Balthazar away. *smirk*
Aurore: I'd never. I couldn't, actually. *laughs*
Constantine: What about you, Cocytus? Ideas for positions?
Cocytus: *laughs and grins* I have plenty, although I've never been on a couch for it before.
Constantine: Care to name some?
Cocytus: *sits back, eyeing the two of them with a thoughtful smirk* I doubt we need an actual position, really, so long as no one gets left out.
Constantine: *stretches out on the couch* You could both just sit on me, if you like. *smirk*
Aurore: *grins* I like that idea. You take his chest, Cocytus... I'll take his crotch? *wink*
Cocytus: *grins* That could work.
Constantine: *snickers*
Aurore: *straddles him* This will be fun...
Cocytus: *laughs quietly, tracing his nails over John's chest again*
Constantine: *shivers* Oh yes...
Aurore: *trails her own fingernails over his abdomen*
Constantine: *lots of shivering*
Cocytus: *amused smirk, biting his neck, fingers brushing over a nipple*
Aurore: *grinds against him a little*
Constantine: *groans*
Aurore: *does it again with a smirk*
Constantine: Oh... God...
Cocytus: *trails kisses down John's chest, flicking his tongue over the other nipple*
Belial: *eyes him thoughtfully* Not -too- stubborn though, I should hope.
Constantine: *bites his lip, very excited with all this*
Aurore: *enjooooooying him being excited, kthnx*
Cocytus: *there'd be a problem if he -weren't- excited, yo* *bites at the nipple just because he can*
Constantine: *gasps*
Aurore: *starts grinding agian*
Cocytus: *bites again, then moves to flick his tongue over the other nipple, still playing with the first*
Constantine: *bites his lip, overwhelemed with pleasure*
Aurore: *closes her eyes halfway and moans softly as she moves*
Cocytus: *keeps his eyes open to, as always, keep his surroundings in mind, but is mostly just watching John's reactions and occasionally glancing down to Rore*
Aurore: *smirking* *starts fucking John*
Constantine: *grabs Cocytus and kisses him*
Cocytus: Mmph. *kisses back, hand still trailing over his chest*
Aurore: *moans softly as she rides him*
Constantine: *moans against his mouth*
Cocytus: *flicks his tongue at the corner of John's mouth, nails raking over his chest and abdomen*
Aurore: *scrapes her fingernails down his stomach*
Constantine: *shivers*
Cocytus: *pulls back to trail the tip of his tongue down John's neck and bite at his collarbone with an amused smirk* I'm afraid, loves, that I must be on my way.
Constantine: *kisses him once more* A... alright.
Aurore: *breathlessly* Good... to meet you....
Cocytus: *kisses back, grinning slightly* Perhaps I'll see you again later. *moves away and kisses Rore, biting her neck quickly before leaving*
* Cocytus is now known as Cytty-out
Aurore: *grins at John and starts riding him harder and faster*
Constantine: *clings to her, kissing deeply*
Aurore: *kisses back passionately*
Constantine: *bites at her lips*
Aurore: *moans loudly*
Constantine: *digs his fingers into her back*
Aurore: *whimpers and is very close to the edge*
Constantine: *is as well*
Aurore: *annoys the neighbors very very much and pretty much collapses on him*
Constantine: *mm, loudly annoying the neighbors*
Aurore: *curls up half-on and half-off his chest*