(no subject)

Oct 22, 2005 16:26

...Idril is flirted with by Zaphod, gets frightened/angered by Melkor, and accosted by Ares ALL IN ONE MORNING. :D

Warnings: Non-consensual kissing, talk of parent-sexs from Ares' end.

* Zaphod has joined #desperatefans
[Idril] *sits. prettily. drinking her morning tea*
* Melkor has joined #desperatefans
[Zaphod] *saunters over* Hel-/lo/.
[Melkor] *is here* *glares because that is what he does best*
[Idril] *blinkblink* Good morning, my lord. *smile* *doesn't notice Melkor, and wouldn't recognize him, sadly*
[Zaphod] And what's your name, chickadee? *...is such a predator, omg*
[Melkor] *mutters* ...damn Elves
[Idril] ...Idril Celebrindal, daughter of Turgon. *stands and does a light curtsy politely* And your own name?
[Idril] *blinks, turning her head towards Melkor* ...excuse me, sir?
[Zaphod] Zaphod Beeblebrox, at your ... /service/.
[Melkor] Sooo You are Turgon's daughter...
[Idril] Erm...a pleasure. *bit weirded out, hi* *to Melkor* That I am. You have knowledge of me?
[Zaphod] That it certainly could be. *leeeeeer*
[Melkor] More of I knew your father.
[Melkor] *to Zaphod* And what are you?
[Idril] *scootches away from Zaphod slightly* Most do.
[Zaphod] *...oh, yes, did we forget to mention the two heads?* A Betelgeusean. *...might leer a bit at Melkor. Oh, dear.* *..and probably scootches a little closer to Idril*
[Melkor] Good, at least you are not from the wretched Arda
[Idril] Where...might your people call home? I am afraid I have not hea-wretched Arda?
[Zaphod] Wretched? Sounds like my kind of place.
[Melkor] My dear Idril, if I was allowed to, it would have been distroyed
[Idril] Destroyed? *startled look* Whyever would you wish- Who -are- you, sir?
[Melkor] *bows* Melkor *evil grin*
[Idril] *goes very pale* If this is your idea of a jest, it fails in its humorousness.
[Melkor] I jest not.
[Idril] *clinches her fists* Then I must say it is no pleasure of mine to meet you.
[Melkor] Figured
[Idril] I should hope so. It would be quite idiotic of you to think I would welcome you.
[Melkor] *rolls eyes*
[Idril] *just going to be white and shaky now, hi*
[Zaphod] *...confusion'd*
* WeeIrisse has joined #desperatefans
[WeeIrisse] *bounces in* *blondely*
[Melkor] *shakes head* Elves, just because I caused all the great evils in the world, they can never forgive and forget
[Idril] You would still do evil against us if you had the chance.
[WeeIrisse] *tilts head curiously at the strange person*
[Idril] Hello, little one. *goes to greet her...and keep between her and Melkor*
[Melkor] Not the point.
[WeeIrisse] *ELFLINGAUNTIE* ...Hi-i! Who're you?
[Idril] I am Idril Celebrindal, dear. Who are you, and might I ask where your parents are?
[WeeIrisse] M'name's Irissë. *beams* And my parents are *...we'll pretend the typist isn't really incredibly tired and actually knows the names and that she said them*
[Idril] You...you are... *stares*
[Idril] Oh /dear./
[WeeIrisse] *blinkblinkblink*
[Idril] ...nevermind, dear. Perhaps you should find your father? I am afraid this is not the proper place for children at the moment.
[Melkor] And why would you think that?
[WeeIrisse] Why not? ...'sides, I haven't seen Ata in a whole /week/.
[Idril] *tries not to sneer* I would not guess you the parental type, Morgoth. *name Ar will not know, yay!*
[Melkor] *lothes that name* Oh I cared for all my...'children'
[Idril] I doubt we have the same definition of 'caring.'
[Melkor] No, we don't
[Idril] *to Ar* All the more reason you should find him. I am afraid you will not find our current conversation interesting.
[WeeIrisse] *makes a face* Why not?
[Melkor] *kneels down to the elfling* Because if I had my choice, I would slit your pretty little throat.
[Idril] *quickly steps in front of her* /You/ will stay away from her!
[WeeIrisse] ....*meeps*
[Idril] *calmly* Irisse. Please leave.
[WeeIrisse] ...*starts heading for the door* *...shocked-like*
[Melkor] *is looking all evil and yeah!*
[Idril] *shaking more now, resisting the urge to follow Irisse until she's sure the elfling is gone and safe*
[WeeIrisse] *slips out* *............................and then goes around the mansion and in through the kitchen*
[WeeIrisse] *...where she will be hiding, kthx*
[Melkor] I thought she was older.
[Idril] Odd things occasionally happen in this place and people are changed for short amounts of time.
[Melkor] Or are killed and brought back.
[Idril] *tenses. more.* Indeed.
[Idril] Even those who are better off dead.
[Melkor] I suppose you mean me?
[Idril] And anyone who sympathizes with your cause.
[Melkor] There have been many who with a little...persuasion, have sympathized with my cause
[Idril] You speak of those you have tricked. I speak of those who have willingly gone to your side.
[Melkor] And why should they be punished for seeing things in a different light?
[Idril] A different light? Embracing evil is not something to be glorified in anyway.
[Melkor] without evil, how could one judge good
[Idril] Perhaps we could not. But that does not mean evil should be acceptable.
[Melkor] *leans in and whispers in her ear* Once you have the knowledge of something, it will always be apart of you, no matter how much you try to deny it.
[Idril] *stumbles back slightly* N-nay. It can be overcome.
[Melkor] You can kill evil beings all you want, but you can never kill evil itself. Once touched by it, it leaves a mark on you that will grow until finally, light itself looks evil.
[Idril] *stubbornly* Nay. I have seen and known evil, but I will never think it wise nor good.
[Melkor] Suit yourself.
[Idril] *glowers* You fancy yourself wise, Morgoth, but you will never triumph.
[Melkor] If you say so. the future my prove you wrong
[Idril] I have faith that it will not. Now, if you will excuse me, I am out of tea. *picks up her cup and walks into the kitchen, trying not to drop it*
[WeeIrisse] *oh, look, is in the kitchen*
[Melkor] *smirks watching her leave*
[Idril] ... *quietly scolding* /Irissë!/
* Melkor has left #desperatefans
[WeeIrisse] *...oh, look, it's the little kid with the hand in the cookie jar look* ...Ye-es?
[Idril] ...I thought I asked you to leave.
[WeeIrisse] ...I did! ...But I was hungry.
[Idril] *just sighs and sits heavily at the table*
[WeeIrisse] ...Is something wrong?
[Idril] You do not know who that was. Or what he did. Or...any of it. *tears and really wants her to be large again*
[WeeIrisse] ...Am I supposed to?
[Idril] Yes! You're supposed to be big and older and wiser than me!
[WeeIrisse] ...*scrunches up her face* Tyelko said the same thing.
[Idril] *buries her head in her arms*
* Ares has joined #desperatefans
[Ares] *bam!* *or something*
[WeeIrisse] *kitchen* *and weeeeeeeeeeee*
[Idril] *hi! Emotional trama!*
[Ares] *...kitchenifies, then, not "kitchenifies them", wtf fingers, because...has hot chick radar*
[Idril] *quickly tries to put herself back together, because, hey! public*
[Ares] *beeeeeeeams* Hi there, babe.
[Idril] Hello. *doesn't even notice the babe* Want some... *looks at her cup* Tea. That was why I was in here. *stands*
[Ares] *leers* Oh, I'll have tea, all right.
[Idril] *pours him some tea, sniffling slightly* Here. I hope you like spearmint.
[Ares] ........*eh, whatever* *Aredmodes alcohol into the tea and knocks it back* *goes back griiiiiiiiiiinning liekwhoa*
[Ares] *Aresmods
[Idril] *sits back down and looks sadly at Irisse*
[Ares] .....Something wrong, sweets?
[Idril] My aunt. She's been turned into a child.
* Nny has joined #desperatefans
[Ares] Ah. *finally notices the kid, as....doesn't like kids* I could turn 'er back for ya.
[Idril] *brightens* Could you? Please? I would be ever so thankful.
[Ares] 'Course I would. *griiiiiiiiiiin* But you'd owe me something.
[Idril] ...like what?
[Ares] *hojeez, she's like teh uber clueless* Oh, -you- know. *eyebrowwaggle* *gringrin* *come on*
[Idril] *is actually quite smart, but not used to people asking for -that-* ......I am afraid I do not. Forgive me.
[Ares] *....oh, -fine-* Here. Lemme demonstrate. *snogs!*
[WeeIrisse] *looks away* *ewwwwwwwwwww*
[Idril] *SQUEAKS* *slaps the crap out of him*
[Ares] *griiiiiiiiiiin* Like that.
[Idril] *stares* I-what-excuse me, but I am married, thank you very much!
[Ares] ......and?
[Ares] So's Daddy.
[Ares] Doesn't stop him. He's good at it, too. *GRIN*
[Idril] *stammer* I-I do not even want to know how you know! *flail*
[Ares] Not really more than one way, is there? I mean, sure, you've got the positions and specifics and extra stuff, but it all comes down to the same thing in the end. *beams*
[Idril] *GOES BRIGHT RED* That's disgusting! With your-augh!
[Ares] *gringringringrin* Well, maybe it's not your thing. How 'bout with me, then? *leeeer*
[Idril] *AFFRONTED* I will /not/ whore myself out, thank you very much!
[Ares] Alright. Deal with your niece or whatever staying little, then./
[Idril] I think that is a better choice than- *looks at him and shudders*
[Ares] ....hey, I'm hot! *looks affronted*
[Idril] *makes a face* You are also a whore.
[Ares] *scowl* You say that like it's a bad thing.
[Idril] Because it is. And it is completely disgusting.
[Ares] Oh, so you say.
[Idril] For Eru's sake, he is your /father!/
[Idril] How could you ever-I mean-
[Ares] ....'cause he's hot stuff?
[WeeIrisse] *clueless, hi* *amuses self*
[Ares] Why d'you think he has so many kids? *grin*
[Idril] Ew! Does that mean he's had children with hi-wait, I do not want to know! Gah!
[Ares] *laughs* Right. I won't ask for -that much-, then, babe. 'Cause I like you. *winkwink* Just a snog, then?
[Idril] N- *desperatly wants her Aunt back* *looks at Irisse and then sighs in defeat* Fine. But I am warning you: /only/ kissing.
[Ares] *SCORE* *griiiiiiin* Sure thing, babe. *annnnnd makes with teh godsnoggage*
[Idril] *don'tthinkaboutitdon'thinkaboutit* *manages to kiss back*
[Ares] *SCOOOORE* *insert timejump here, because is so not keeping this short* *pulls away and griiiiiiiins* Very nice. *winks annnd turns Ar back to normal!*
* WeeIrisse is now known as Aredhel
[Idril] *cringes*
[Aredhel] ......................... *glares at Ares* You want to leave this room right now.
[Ares] .........Oh, I don't think so. *looks her up and down*
[Aredhel] ...*cold stare* Now.
[Idril] No! You leave her alone! *glower*
[Ares] *....snogs her, because is smrt like that*
[Aredhel] *knees him in the groin*
[Idril] *cracks a cookie jar on his head*
[Ares] .....*ow* *glares at Ar, winks at Idril, and poofs out*
* Ares has left #desperatefans
[Aredhel] ...Idril, dear, you should not have done that.
[Idril] *nearly in tears* I wanted you back. *picks up shards of the jar*
[Aredhel] ...You still should not have. *helps* Not at such a cost.
[Idril] I do not care.
[Aredhel] *shrugs slightly* All right.
[Idril] *places the shards on the counter* *suddenly clings to Ar, in tears*
[Aredhel] *hugs her tight* *...and doesn't even ask*
[Idril] *breaks and sobs, hi*
[Aredhel] *just ... hugs*
[Idril] IamsorrybuttherewasMorgothandthenyouandhefrightenedmeandIwassoangryandIneededsomeoneandthenthemanofferedandIdidn'tknowhatelsetodo-
[Aredhel] ...It's all right, dear. It's all right.
[Idril] *breaks away from her* Ugh, my mouth...
[Aredhel] ...Let's get you some water to rinse it out.
[Idril] *nods greatfully*
[Aredhel] *gets her a glass of water*
[Idril] *takes it and rinses her mouth out*
[Idril] *leans heavily against the counter for a moment* Tuor will not be pleased with me...
[Aredhel] You did what you thought was right. No one can fault you for that.
[Idril] I...I suppose... *rubs at her eyes*
* Turgon has joined #desperatefans
[Aredhel] *kitchen, with Idril*
[Turgon] *wanders into the kitchen, then*
[Idril] Ata! *clings to him*
[Aredhel] *smiles slightly* Hello, Turgon.
[Idril] *shaking and pale, hi*
[Turgon] *hugs daughter* Hello, you two. ...What's happened?
[Idril] *doesn't answer, and just buries her face against his chest*
[Aredhel] *is not going to say anything unless Idril wants
[Idril] *bites lip* *mumbles* Morgoth.
[Turgon] *holds her more protectively* -What did he do-?
[Idril] He...he was just messing with me, talking about evil and how we could never get rid of it and he said that if he could do what he wanted he would slit Irisse's throat and she was still little and it made me so /angry/-
[Turgon] ..................................*ANGRY ELLIPSES OF DOOM, hi*
[Turgon] Did he hurt either of you?
[Idril] *clingage* *shakes head* I made Irissë go into the kitchen.
[Idril] Or, really, I told her to go away and that's where she went. *sniff*
[Turgon] *still hugging, yes* I am glad you're both safe. But Morgoth shall have to be dealt with. Soon.
[Turgon] *looks over at Ar, and notices a) dekiddification, and b) OMEWTFBLONDE*
[Aredhel] *might actually be vaguely amused*
[Idril] *nods, looking over*
[Turgon] May I ask what happened to your hair, sister mine?
[Metatron] ...*sighs* I'll keep that in mind.
[Aredhel] ...Quite honestly? I have no idea. Of course, if you think this is something, you should see Tyelko's.
[Idril] What is wrong with Tyelko's?
[Aredhel] Oh, there's nothing wrong with it. It is very colorful.
[Turgon] *amused* I'll have to. It's good to have you otherwise normal again, though.
[Aredhel] It was an interesting experience.
[Idril] *slight smile at Ar*
[Turgon] I am sure it was. When were you returned to normal?
[Aredhel] Very recently.
[Idril] *tries not to flush*
[Turgon] *feels Idril tense a little* ...Itaril? What else happened?
[Idril] ...'Tis not a big deal.
[Turgon] *frowns*
[Idril] ...would you like something to drink?
[Turgon] *sighs* Certainly.
[Idril] Alright. *goes and pours what's left of the peppermint tea down the sink, rinses it out, and then puts new water on the stove*
[Idril] *speedtea!* *hands Turgon and Ar both cups of tea*
[Aredhel] *takes the cup of tea and smiles slightly at Idril*
[Turgon] *yey speedtea* *takes the cup*
[Idril] *slight smile back*
* Angrod has joined #desperatefans
[Angrod] *hi, everyone*
[Aredhel] *hi, kitchen*
[Angrod] *embarassed by the blue hair, so makes a hasty retreat to the kitchen* *where we find family members. Gah.*
[Aredhel] *smiles at Angrod* *blondely*
[Idril] ...hello... *trying not to giggle*
[Turgon] *glances at Angrod* *and ellipses amusedly at the blue hair* Hello, cousin.
[Angrod] *flushes* *which clashes with the hair* Greetings. *slightly reassured by blonde!Ar*
[Aredhel] Nice hair.
[Angrod] ...Thanks. Same to you.
[Idril] *...giggles*
[Aredhel] Thank you. *smiles*
[Angrod] *gives Idril a wounded look*
[Idril] *tries to cover her mouth* I apologize.
[Angrod] *smiles resignedly* No need. I'd laugh too, if it were anyone but me.
[Idril] *grins at him*
* Elrohir has joined #desperatefans
[Turgon] *kitchen, hi*
[Elrohir] *wanders into the kitchen for tea*
[Idril] *sighs* I should go see if I can find Tuor.
[Aredhel] ...Perhaps.
[Turgon] *hugs Idril* Take care, darling.
[Idril] *hugs him back* Love you, Ata. *hugs Ar and Angrod too* I will see you in a while.
[Aredhel] Stay safe, dear.
[Idril] I will. *leaves*
[Aredhel] *sighs*

idril, angrod, ares, aredhel, turgon, zaphod, morgoth

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