* Hastur has joined #desperatefans
* X sets mode: +o Hastur
Hastur: *flames in woo, but it's.. uh.. purple flame, yes*
* Famine has joined #desperatefans
Nemesis: *NAPS* *'cause the typist is lazy*
Hastur: *half-grins at napping!Nem, but sits down, humming diminished fifths, cuz that's what he does*
Hastur: *glances over* Hey, Famine.
Famine: *watch the typist phail at IC due to attempting to teach her sister how to play the violin* *nods, a little surprised at the actual form of address* ...Hastur.
Hastur: What's up?
Famine: *it's still surreal* ...Not a great deal. I'm still curious to hear the end of that story.
Hastur: What story?
Nemesis: Dasies. *Is only half asleep, what?*
Famine: ...Yes, that one.
Famine: The...biting flowers.
Hastur: Um. There were no biting flowers. I tried, but.
Nemesis: Not evil 'nough.
Famine: ...
Famine: Right.
Hastur: *glances at Nem* They _were_ evil. They just.. er.. didn't.. feel like biting.
Nemesis: *Yawns* Fine.
Hastur: *looks at Famine* Okay, fine. I... there were daisies, okay? She said that wasn't very demonic, I was like... um.. they're evil daisies! And I tried to get one to bite me. But it wouldn't.
Famine: ...*-laughs-*
Hastur: *blinks*
Famine: ...You really -have- lost your touch, haven't you:
Famine: *?
Hastur: *GLOWERLY* I have *not* lost my touch!
Nemesis: *Pokes Hastur with a foot* Only a little. *Yawns again*
Hastur: Not at all!
Famine: *so amused* Biting daisies.
Hastur: Sure! Y'know, look cute, but.. BITE.
Nemesis: ....like a kitty.
Hastur: Yes! Like a kitty!
Nemesis: Daisies don't have teeth.
Hastur: In case you were curious, Popcorn is getting more and more evil every day. She's getting good at pouncing on anything that moves!
Nemesis: All cats are like that.
Hastur: Well. Yeah. But she does it in an EVIL way.
Hastur: [Popcorn: *really not all that evil, really*]
Famine: I'm sure she does. *the puppet cannot be blamed for the typist's zomgdistraction*
Hastur: Right. Exactly. Hah. Evil! Evil evil. But fluffy.
Famine: ...Right.
Hastur: I haven't lost my touch!
Nemesis: 're plenty fluffy. *half asleep, anyone?*
Hastur: I mean.. I can still do this! *sets Famine's HAIR ON FIRE*
Hastur: *even though it's not.. er.. HOT fire..*
Famine: ..........
Nemesis: .....*puts it out*
Hastur: See? Ha! Evil!
Famine: ....Right. *still amused*
Hastur: You're laughing at me!
Famine: No, I'm not. *is so amused*
Hastur: You are!
Famine: I'm -grinning-. There's a different.
Famine: *difference
Hastur: At least you're *thinking* about laughing at me!
Famine: I won't deny that.
Nemesis: 's hard not to.
Hastur: Hmph.
Hastur: It's not funny.
Famine: It's -very- funny.
Hastur: It is not!
Famine: I think it is.
Hastur: Well, it's not. So there.
Nemesis: Yes it is.
Famine: Two against one. *grin*
Hastur: *glare*
Nemesis: He's riiiiiiiiight.
Hastur: He is not.
Nemesis: .....I'm confused.
Hastur: Sorry?
Famine: *amusion*
Nemesis: ....mmph.
Hastur: So, anyway, once upon a time, Sir Rave laughed at the ninja jester, and the ninja jester didn't find that funny at all, and he... did something very very bad to Sir Rave.
Nemesis: ....if you do something bad, I'll kill you. Or something.
Hastur: And I don't know what it was, but it involved peanut butter and styrofoam packing material.
Hastur: Oo! I got it! *totally demonmods, er... a bunch of packing peanuts to appear.. stuck all over Famine. With peanut butter.*
Nemesis: .......Ew.
Hastur: Ha!
Hastur: Now *that's* funny.
Hastur: *snickers*
Nemesis: I prefer my brother to not be covered in Peanut butter......
Hastur: Stickier than jelly. I think.
Nemesis: I wouldn't know.
Famine: .......*facepalms* *and twitches, because dude, bad memories involving Hastur and peanut butter*
Hastur: *waves a hand and demonmods it all away*
Nemesis: Yay.
Famine: That's better.
Nemesis: Yesbetter.
Hastur: Better butter.
Famine: Fascinating as an adventure as this has been, I'm afraid I'll need to part company for a while. *gives Nem a Look that says NO FLIRTING WITH HASTUR OR I KEEL HIM OMGWTF*
Nemesis: *Squeaks*
Hastur: Adios, Rave-o.
Famine: ....I won't ask. *and is out*
* Famine has left #desperatefans
Hastur: Geez, it was just styrofoam.
Nemesis: ....with peanut butter. Do you know how long it takes styrofoam to decompose?
Hastur: See, so Pollution would like *that* part..
Nemesis: Peanut butt is food.
Nemesis: *Butter
Hastur: Oh, that wasn't *edible* peanut butter*
Hastur: *=.
Nemesis: [Tradefed, Ally. Peanuts don't have butts.]
Nemesis: .....what?
Hastur: There was turpentine in it.
Nemesis: .......you're weird.
Hastur: Well, what? It was, like.. a testament to his relationship!
Nemesis: ....um. Right.
Hastur: Like.. the food that can't be eaten.. and the horrible non-biodegradable substance!
Nemesis: Try telling him that.
Hastur: I might!
Nemesis: Okay. Fine.
Hastur: Maybe.
Nemesis: Maybe what? *Sits up and sits cross-legged*
Hastur: Maybe I'll tell him.
Nemesis: Oh. Okay. He wouldn't like it, though.
Hastur: Maybe I'll not.
Nemesis: ......maybe you -won't-.
Hastur: Whatever.
Nemesis: *Yawns* How're you?
Hastur: Evil.
Nemesis: :Fluffy You don't seem that evil.
Hastur: Looks can be deceiving?
Nemesis: ....Right.
Hastur: For instance, I look hot, but... Okay, *that* appearance isn't deceiving.
Hastur: Oh! I got your other letter.
Nemesis: *Rolls yes* ....Really?
Hastur: Yep.
Nemesis: *eyes.
Nemesis: *Brightens* Did you like it?
Hastur: I did!
Nemesis: *Grin* Pointless, but a letter, anyway.
Hastur: The pictures were... colorful.
Nemesis: They were supposed to be!
Hastur: Then you pulled it off masterfully.
Nemesis: *Grin* Thanks. You liked them?
Hastur: I'm trying to convince my typist to hang them on the wall.
Nemesis: *Laughs* Excellent.
Hastur: Yep!
Hastur: I have to write you another letter now.
Nemesis: You don't have to, but we've been through this.
Hastur: I know.
Nemesis: So I won't argue.
Hastur: There we go!
Nemesis: Okay!
Hastur: So, I don't get to see Rave laugh all that often.
Nemesis: I like it better when he laughs then anything else because most of the time lately he's worried about something.
Hastur: Is he?
Nemesis: Yeah. Same with Meta.
Hastur: Poor Clancy.
Nemesis: I don't like it. It's sometimes me, too.
Hastur: What've you got to worry about?
Nemesis: What? Oh, no, they worry about me, but I worry about them worrying about me. It's a weird cycle.
Hastur: But you can take care of yourself..
Nemesis: I can, but they still worry.
Hastur: Yeah.
Nemesis: Not to mention they're overprotective and freak out if I get a bruise or someone looks at me the wrong way.
Hastur: Little sister syndrome.
Nemesis: *Amusion* What?
Hastur: They're your big brothers, even if it's rather metaphorical. From what I've seen, throughout history, big brothers never mentally let their little sisters age past four or so.
Nemesis: *Laughs* It makes sense.
Hastur: So, yeah. Just ignore 'em.
Nemesis: *Eyes get wide* Ignore them?
Hastur: Well, I mean, ignore the crazy-overprotective thing. Do what you want.
Nemesis: Oh, I do, but gets hard. Especially when I get lectured every single time I see them.
Hastur: I bet.
Nemesis: Oh?
Hastur: Or just whack them upside the head.
Nemesis: ....I couldn't do that.
Hastur: Metaphorically.
Nemesis: ......okay, you've lost me.
Hastur: If they start lecturing you, lecture *them*.
Nemesis: ......I can't, though, because they're -right-.
Hastur: Are they?
Nemesis: *Wrinkles nose* Yes.
Hastur: About what?
Nemesis: ...whatever they're giving me the lecture about?
Hastur: How do you know?
Nemesis: How could they not? I mean, it's usually dumb stuff, but they're right.
Hastur: But they might be wrong.
Nemesis: How?
Hastur: They're not *infallible*.
Nemesis: Well, no, but.....when it comes to most things they worry about, they tend to be right.
Hastur: What lately?
Nemesis: What have they been lecturing me about?
Hastur: Yeah.
Nemesis: I guess you've been the big topic of lecturing. *Shrug*
Hastur: What about *me*?
Nemesis: *Looks thoughtful and bites lip* Everything?
Hastur: That's helpful.
Nemesis: ...I'm doing that vague thing again, aren't I?
Hastur: Yeah, I think so.
Nemesis: ....sorry.
Hastur: They really don't need to lecture you about *me*.
Nemesis: Why not?
Hastur: I'm really not gonna do anything.
Nemesis: They're convinced you are. If I remember right, today's topic was....trusting you. And how you -could- hurt me.
Hastur: *Anyone* *could* hurt you. They *could* hurt you.
Nemesis: *Shrug* They don't like it, anyway.
Hastur: Yeah, well.
Nemesis: Well what?
Hastur: Don't suppose I can blame 'em. Still say it's stupid.
Nemesis: They just worry. Like I said earlier, they're overprotective, and you've looked at me the wrong way, I guess.
Hastur: What's that? *tilts his head sideways and closes one eye* Like this?
Nemesis: *Giggles* Nice demonstration, but probably not.
Hastur: They're kinda weird.
Nemesis: Who?
Hastur: Clavy.
Nemesis: ..........that was just bad. *Laughs*
Hastur: *grins* I try.
Nemesis: *Giggles* You're right, though. They're weird.
Nemesis: But like you said earlier, I doubt they can help it, being my brothers and all.
Hastur: Yeah. It's kinda instinctive.
Nemesis: *Shrug* So it's not really....okay, so it can be something to worry about, because yeah. They're been known to be out for your blood before.
Hastur: Yeah, and I'm still here. I can take care of *myself*, too.
Nemesis: Well, yes.
Hastur: So don't worry about it.
Nemesis: What? That they might be out for your blood?
Hastur: Well, yeah. I mean, why should you really care if they're out for my blood?
Nemesis: ....who said anything about caring?
Hastur: Okay, nobody.
Nemesis: Exactly.
Hastur: I don't care either. Other than that, y'know... Kinda have a vested interest in keeping my blood.
Nemesis: Right. I should hope so, anyway.
Hastur: Yeah.
Nemesis: Losing blood isn't really fun
Hastur: Not really.
Hastur: Especially when you have a rare blood type.
Nemesis: Rare blood type?
Hastur: Yeah. I have Type D.
Nemesis: .....*Blink* Okaaaay....
Hastur: D for DEMONIC.
Nemesis: .......*Laughs* You really are bad at jokes.
Hastur: But you laughed.
Nemesis: ...No I didn't.
Hastur: You did too!
Nemesis: ....fine.
Hastur: Hahaha.
Nemesis: ....whaaaaaaaat?
Hastur: That's laughing. Like you did.
Nemesis: *Laughs*
Hastur: See, laughing!
Nemesis: *Still laughing* I'm not laughing.
Hastur: You're not laughing?
Nemesis: No. *Still is, though*
Hastur: Well, what *are* you doing?
Nemesis: .....expressing my extreme hatred for you in a creaive manner.
Hastur: *laughs*
Nemesis: .....what?
Hastur: That was great.
Nemesis: ...Oh. Thank you. I think.
Hastur: Welcome.
Nemesis: *Giggles* Really though?.....um....I have nothing to say.
Nemesis: ........*Falls over laughing*
Hastur: *grins* Careful.
Nemesis: *Sits up* I won't get hurt, if that's what you're asking. I think.
Hastur: Don't worry. I'm not Rave. *sits up straight and looks all Serious* Be careful, Nemesis! You might get a bruise or something! Perhaps you should wrap yourself in bubble wrap. To stay safe. I worry about you, you know.
Nemesis: .......*Eyes get wide*
Hastur: *smirks* Or I could be Clancy. *starts waving his arms around wildly* Be careful! Aaah! You might.. Well, something might happen! You never *know*! Oh dear!
Nemesis: .....*Facepalm* Famine was close. But that doesn't work.
Hastur: Okay. My bad.
Nemesis: *Laughs* I wouldn't put the bubble wrap past him.
Hastur: *grins* Wouldn't surprise me.
Nemesis: I could spend a lot of time popping it, though!
Hastur: That could be fun! *demonmods up a bubblewrap coat* Want it?
Nemesis: *Giggles* Only if I can sit here for a few hours and pop it.
Hastur: By all means! *tosses it over*
Hastur: I guarantee that there are no dud bubbles in there.
Nemesis: Excellent! *happily pops bubbles, yay*
Hastur: *demonmods up some of his own and starts popping*
Nemesis: *Giggles* This is way too amusing.
Hastur: It's fun!
Nemesis: It iiiiissssssss.
Hastur: Hmmm. *demonmods a bit so his bubblewrap starts playing musical notes instead of popping*
Nemesis: .....*Laughs* That's just...weird.
Hastur: But fun! Watch! *pops.. Beethoven's Fifth*
Nemesis: ......*Laughs harder*
Hastur: *moves on to.. Jingle Bells*
Nemesis: *Laughing so hard that the no breathing is good, yay*
Hastur: Any requests?
Nemesis: *Shakes head* No. Nothing comes to mind.
Hastur: *plays I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts*
Nemesis: *Cracks up again*
Hastur: *And then... Beauty and the Beast*
Nemesis: *Squeaks* I love that movie.
Hastur: That's what you said in the letter.
Nemesis: I didn't think you were actually going to pay attention to my Beauty and the Beast rambling.
Hastur: You said I was like the Beast.
Nemesis: I did. *Grin* There are some simalarities.
Hastur: Well, you're certainly a beauty.
Nemesis: *Flush* Um...thank you?
Hastur: Welcome.
Nemesis: That letter was pointless, though.
Hastur: I liked it.
Nemesis: Really?
Hastur: Yep.
Nemesis: *Grin* I didn't think you would, actually.
Hastur: Why's that?
Nemesis: ...all I talked about was my favorite movie.
Hastur: It's a decent movie.
Nemesis: *Raises an eyebrow*
Hastur: What?
Nemesis: ....you've actually seen it?
Hastur: Oh, yeah. There's weekly Disney Nights in the sixth circle.
Nemesis: ....*giggles* I doubt that, but okay.
Hastur: No, seriously. We normally don't show the DECENT ones, though. Lemme tell you, when some of the damned souls have seen Rescuers Down Under for sixteen hours straight...
Nemesis: *Laughs*
Hastur: The look of despair on their faces is just *delicious*.
Nemesis: That's disturbing. I haven't actually seen that one, but I've seen The Rescuers.
Hastur: Evanrude!
Nemesis: Exactly!
Hastur: *nods*
Nemesis: It's a good movie.
Hastur: Yeah.
Nemesis: So's Snow White.
Hastur: Yeah. Snow White's good, too. The prince sings like a *pansy*, though.
Nemesis: Okay. So maybe he does.
Hastur: Maybe?
Nemesis: ......yes?
Hastur: See, there we go.
Nemesis: ......It was made in the thirties. What do you expect?
Hastur: True.
Nemesis: ...Beauty and the Beast is my favorite. But you already know that.
Hastur: I like Lilo and Stitch.
Nemesis: *Giggles* It's cute
Hastur: Yeah.
Nemesis: I can't remember if that's the one that I wibbled at or not.
Hastur: Oh, did you wibble?
Nemesis: I can't remember. Probably.
Hastur: It's a wibbly movie.
Nemesis: It is. I wibbled at Finding Nemo, too.
Hastur: Iiiiiiiii can speeeeeeeak whaaaaaaaaaaale.
Nemesis: *Giggles* I like that movie.
Hastur: It was pretty amusing.
Nemesis: It was. It had sad parts, but it was funny.
Hastur: It was.
Nemesis: I had no clue you've seen those movies.
Hastur: Nobody expects the Spanish Ninja Disney-Watching Jester!
Hastur: Ole!
Nemesis: *Laughs* That's awful.
Hastur: What can I say? I'm not always predictable.
Nemesis: I've noticed. Kinda weird.
Hastur: Well, nobody's *always* predictable. Not even Clancy.
Nemesis: Yeah, good point.
Hastur: But he *usually* is.
Nemesis: ...Yes. He is.
Hastur: *nods*
Nemesis: And you used to be. Not so much anymore, though.
Hastur: I did?
Nemesis: *Nod* Yeah.
Hastur: Oh. Like.. if I were still predictable, what would I be doing now?
Nemesis: .....now?
Hastur: Sure!
Nemesis: ....I can't tell you that, though.
Hastur: Oh. Okay. *pops his bubblewrap to 'Under The Sea'*
Nemesis: *Giggles* I haven't seen that movie in ages.
Hastur: *grins and starts singing* The seaweed is always greener...
Nemesis: You know the words?
Hastur: In somebody else's lake! You dream about going up there! But that is a big mistake!
Nemesis: *Giggles* You do. Wow.
Hastur: *switches tunes and starts popping Kiss The Girl*
Nemesis: *Blinks*
Hastur: What?
Nemesis: ....nothing.
Hastur: Bubble wrap is fun.
Nemesis: *Giggle*
Hastur: *looks thoughtful*
Nemesis: ....*Confused at the thoughtful look*
Hastur: *shrugs* Might as well. *leans over and zomgtotallykissesNem!*
Nemesis: .....*Kisses back, what? .....you didn't see that.*
* Famine has joined #desperatefans
Hastur: *uh...totally kissing Nem*
Famine: ........................................................*this is what we call ellipsing*
Nemesis: .....*Pulls back* Uh-oh.....
Famine: .............................................*ELLIPSES SOME MORE*
Hastur: *blinks and looks over his shoulder* Er... Rave! *covers his head with bubble wrap* You saw nothing.
Famine: ................................*this is so not helping the ellipsing*
Famine: *in fact, there's probably a chemical in bubble wrap that FILTERS THE ELLIPSES and turns each period into FIVE BILLION MORE, so in fact it MAGNIFIES THE ELLIPSING*
Nemesis: [XD]
Hastur: *removes bubble wrap from his head* Um. Want some bubble wrap?
Nemesis: *Kinda sorta frozen*
Hastur: It plays music!
Famine: .............................................................................*black-market ellipses can be recieved for 100 a cent! appropriate for Famine, isn't it? black market and whatnot. hi, this is the typist, and you'll be seeing a lot of her tonight as Famine is unable to do anything but ellipse :D*
Hastur: I'm... gonna take that as a no.
Famine: .....................................*here are some things that nobody ever expects: the Spanish Inquistion, bisexuality, Spanish ninja jesters, and the Snapish inquisition. here are some things that everyone always expects: Tofurkey, cracked-out asterisks, and Famine's ellipsing.*
Hastur: ... Right.
Nemesis: *Squeaks* Um. Hi?
Famine: ......................................*everyone loves Magical Famine, 'cause his name doesn't really rhyme with Dammit, look at him now, ellipsing like wow! where are the ellipses hiding right now?*
Hastur: Um... It wasn't edible peanut butter.
Famine: ......................*I wonder if you could cover ellipses with peanut butter and sell them on eBay. I bet you'd make a killing. They wouldn't be too filling, though, considering they're that tiny.*
Hastur: *watches Famine uneasily* .. You're gonna kill me, aren't you?
Famine: .........................*this is something like the silence right before a train wreck. a really, really big train wreck. with really, really big trains. a train carrying gasoline and a train carrying lit matches. shut up, it's possible here.* ..............what was -that-?!
Hastur: Um. She was.. choking. On... a.. piece of.. tuna. And... I had to.. um... Get it out.
Nemesis: .........*Facepalm*
Famine: ..........................................*hi, welcome back to the Ellipsing Channel. today we have for you Great Moments In Ellipsing, starring Famine, third Horseman of the Apocalypse. Then we have Most Wanted Ellipses From The Black Market, featuring the highly coveted peanut-butter-covered ellipses, and then a brief presentation of the Comma Sutra, in conjunction with our sister channel, Punctuation Station.*
Hastur: Um.. Right. Um.
Hastur: *facepalms, suddenly realizing he's acting INCREDIBLY like CLANCY*
Famine: ..................*ellipses like that tall chick's father. whom he happens to actually be. so it would make sense to be ellipsing like an ellipsing thing, aka himself. wouldn't it? of course it would. I'm so glad we agree. not lad, fingers, wtf? I'm not a lad no matter if we agree or not, kthnx.* ...........*is deciding to turn to the one whose blood he -isn't- after* .......Nemesis?
Nemesis: *Squeaks* Yes?
Hastur: *takes a deep breath*
Famine: ...............................*yeah, every phrase is still going to preceded with ELLIPSING LIEK WHOA. don't expect this to change for...oh...say, five centuries? what can I say? when you live a long time, you tend to hold a grudge. and also, ellipse liek whoa. or maybe Famine's just special like that. typist is not humming Magical Famine now, I swear.* ..........what was that?
Nemesis: ....Ummm...well, that was...ummm....Hastur and I....ummmkissing?
Hastur: *bites his lower lip, half wishing she'd stuck with the tuna story*
Nemesis: *Isn't that smart, really*
Famine: ..................................................*it's a well-known fact that zebras are, in fact, black with white stripes. did you know that? their skin is black. fascinating, innit? that has really no relevance to this whatsoever, but the typist figured she had to run out of ellipsing jokes sooner or later. anyway, it's also a well-known fact that actually hearing something stated will often make it worse. i.e., this. he
Famine: *hence, ellipsing*
Famine: *and since now there's a new linething, can ellipse more!* .....................................................
Hastur: [XD]
Hastur: *decides, perhaps wisely, that there's nothing he could possibly say to make the situation any better, so shuts up.. and pops his bubblewrap, which plays that DUM DUM DA DUM DUM DA DUM DA DUM DUM DUM funeral march thingie*
Famine: [Taps?]
Famine: [Or...maybe I'm just brainded. Nevermind.]
Hastur: [No! The... thing..]
Famine: [I have no idea what you're talking about. So here is Famine with ellipses coming from his nick.]
Nemesis: [Taps isn't the funeral march...is it?]
Famine: [No, it's not. I'm just on crack.]
Hastur: [It's not. It's the one that goes Um... HOW DO I DESCRIBE IT.]
Famine: [Phonepost humming it or something]
WeeIrisse:(....Taps is the ... sleeptime thing.)
Tobias: (... I know what you mean :D)
WeeIrisse: (The Tango: Maureen?)
Nemesis: [Hehehe. I know what the funeral march is. Taps is "Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes, from the hills from the sky, all is well, safely rest, God is nye.]
Cytty-out:[The usual funeral march is easily changed into the wedding march. *random*]
Nemesis: [*is a girl scout. Knows this.*]
Famine: [I am soooo confused XD]
Hastur: [OKAY!]
Hastur: [*grabs phone*]
munspy: {{The Funeral March, sounds vaguely like Darth Vader.}}
Nemesis: [Dum dum dee dum....dum dum dee dum....]
Cytty-out:[*thinks IC fails at actually being IC*]
Nemesis: ....*Hides behind the couch 'cause she fits there*
Hastur: [Okay, Maj. Phoneposted. ;)]
Famine: ...................*still ellipsing, for the record. if the record was at all corrupted and claiming that he had actually stopped ellipsing at any point. in fact, is even ellipsing as he talks. but typing in all the ellipses between the letters would take too long* ......-why-?
Nemesis: *Peeks over the top* .......Um?
Hastur: *intently studies the ceiling*
Famine: [OH, THAT'S IT]
Hastur: [YEAH. THAT ONE.]
Nemesis: [YAY MAJA]
Nemesis: [I'm pretty sure that's it.]
* Crowley has joined #desperatefans
* Crowley slaps Famine around a bit with a large trout
Crowley: .. Haven't done -that- in awhile.
Nemesis: [XD]
Arkady: (Trout: *OFFENDED*)
Famine: ........................*is just going to stare at Nem meaningfully in that annoying way older siblings have. and also ellipse! just in case there was any doubt of that. contact Dagon about mixups with corrupted records.* *also, WTF TROUTING* *DON'T TROUT ME WHEN I'M ELLIPSING, DEMON*
Nemesis: Ohno. *Hides again*
Hastur: Stop making her nervous, Rave.
Crowley: *blinks at the dead chat* Well, isn't this a lively bunch.
Hastur: *GLARES at Crowley* Crawly... Shut up.
Nemesis: *Throws a shoe at Crowley from behind the couch*
Famine: .............*turns to give Hastur a Look that isn't quite a GLARE or even a Glare but is getting there. on a fast train. possibly the same one that was wrecked earlier. though whether it's the gasoline or the lit-match train is anyone's guess, really.* *startlingly calmly, which is...probably not a good sign for later. calm before the storm and whatnot. oh, this is so great. not for Hastur, obviously. but...anyway.*
Famine: You aren't making this much better.
Hastur: Fine. We kissed. Deal.
Crowley: ... Ooh. The plot thickens. *peanut gallery, hi.*
Hastur: *GLARE again*
Famine: *GLARES at Crowley too* *awww, brother-in-law brainshare -- omfg, did I just say that?*
Nemesis: *Would glare, were she not behind the couch*
Nemesis: [......HAHAHAHAHA*]
Nemesis: [Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww]
Famine: Yes. You kissed. *which is why I'm ELLIPSING, in case you somehow MISSED IT, you idiot* *Looks at Hastur again, and it's pretty much a Glare by now* What I can't understand is what could possibly spurn her to do that. With you, no less.
Hastur: Gee, let me think here. Did it have *anything whatsoever to do with you*? Nope. So kindly butt out.
Nemesis: ........*Lalalalala, hiding*
Crowley: 's mouth: *duct-taped by typist*
Famine: .................................................*welcome back to Ellipsing With The Pros! we missed you during your short absence from our program. how has your day been? filled with ellipses, we hope! now let's get back to business.*
Hastur: I can practically see the periods flying from your brain.
Famine: ................................*you've reached 1-800-Lackofvocalchords. we're sorry, we can't take your call right now. please have some nice ellipses while you hold and wait for the next available representative to grant you the ability to speak. oh, wait, there it goes.* ......If you'll excuse me, I'd like to speak with my sister.
Nemesis: *Squeaks*
Hastur: Fine. Speak away.
Famine: ...........*we're sorry, there appears to be a shortage of ellipses due to overuse. this should not be a problem, unless you happen to be Famine, in which case we apologize for screwing you over completely* ...Nemesis? Would you mind going into the kitchen for a minute?
Nemesis: ....No. *Comes out of hiding*
Famine: *heads for the kitchen, then* *LOOK, COMMENT WITHOUT ELLIPSES8
Famine: **
Hastur: *waits*
Nemesis: *Follows. Like, y'know, she's walking to her death*