(no subject)

Oct 21, 2005 12:03

In which Cocytus babysits ickle!Phlegthingy, a fountain goes up in flames and Lethe confronts Cytty on the current issue of their impending doom.

* turkeyLurkey is now known as Cocytus
IcklePhlegthingy: *sitting next to a flaming armchair and munching on licorice :D*
Cocytus: *walks in and...blinks...a lot, first at the flaming armchair and then at the disturbingly familiar child sitting next to it* ......
IcklePhlegthingy: *looks at Cytty* ...what?
Cocytus: *insert ellipses here* ...Phlegethon?
IcklePhlegthingy: *grins* That's me.
Cocytus: *I'm going to spare a certain personification and not use a certain phrase* ...oh, you have -got- to be kidding me.
IcklePhlegthingy: Sorry, nope. *stiiiill grinning*
Cocytus: *apparently staring until the brain starts working again is a good idea* *sighs and rubs at his face tiredly* I don't have enough cigarettes for this.
* ArmandStJust has joined #desperatefans
ArmandStJust: *looks around*
Cocytus: *is staring at his kiddified brother and a flaming couch and...yeah...lights himself another cigarette because that's...about all he can think to do right now, apparently*
IcklePhlegthingy: *solemn* I tried a cig'rette once but it made me cough a lot.
Cocytus: *quirks a brow* Yeah. Sometimes they do that. *takes a long drag and sighs* How old are you?
IcklePhlegthingy: I'm seven. And a half.
Cocytus: ...lovely. *cocks his head to the side* So what sort of trouble have you been causing, then?
IcklePhlegthingy: I set a couch on fire but then a SpecOps guy took my lighter and then a nice man gave me candy and I got matches -- *points at the flaming chair*
ArmandStJust: *stares at the Hadeses* *puzzled about little one*
Cocytus: *looks over at the chair, then back at Phleg* No kidding? You at age seven, a bonfire of furniture somehow still seems too small. I'd've thought the walls would be burning by now.
IcklePhlegthingy: The licorice guy told me not to burn the whole place down 'cause I'm s'posed to -manipulate- people.
Cocytus: *takes another drag, looking amused* Right. How does burning the mansion down have anything to do with manipulating people?
IcklePhlegthingy: 'f they're all already mad at me, I can't.
Cocytus: *smirks* You're a Hades. You're slacking if they know that you did it.
IcklePhlegthingy: S'not my -fault- I'm only -seven- and Mother won't let me get at the -really- sharp knives. *holds up his pocketknife*
Cocytus: *grins a bit* I was playing with scalpels when I was four and you only get a pocketknife at seven. Either you're even more dangerous than I thought or parents really do get more lenient as time goes by.
IcklePhlegthingy: *glowers* I don't -like- you.
Cocytus: *grins more broadly* I'd almost be disappointed if you did.
IcklePhlegthingy: *slumps a bit and flings his knife at the side of the chair*
Cocytus: *takes another drag off of his cigarette, eyeing Phleg thoughtfully* Bored?
IcklePhlegthingy: *-scowls-* Yeah.
Cocytus: Anything in particular you can think of to help you not be bored?
IcklePhlegthingy: *thoughtful!* ...I wanna burn more stuff. Or hurt somethin'. *simple Hadeses have simple needs...*
Cocytus: *so it would seem* ...well, if you can't burn the house down, have you thought about going outside and setting things on fire? I'm sure you could find something of interest.
IcklePhlegthingy: *brightens!* 'Kay! ...but the mean lady took my gasoline. *scooowl*
Cocytus: *browquirk* I doubt that was all the gasoline in the world, Phleg.
IcklePhlegthingy: My name's -not- Phleg. *GLARE. so much glareage that it deserves caps*
Cocytus: *grrrrrrrrin* Sure it's not. You want help looking for that gasoline or what?
IcklePhlegthingy: It's not, it's not, it's -not-. *brandishes his lighter at Cytty* ...wouldja?
Cocytus: *smirks* I could be convinced. You're not the only one who's bored.
IcklePhlegthingy: *totally unconvincing* Uh, please.
Cocytus: *snorts* Never say that word again. It frightens me coming from you. *heads for the plothole* Come on.
IcklePhlegthingy: 'Kay! *follows, sticking his lighter in his pocket*
Cocytus: *look! a plothole!* *digs and pulls out a jug of gasoline* ...think this should be enough?
IcklePhlegthingy: Yeah. *grins. gap-toothed, still* Let's go.
Cocytus: *raises the jug in mock salute* All right, then. Lead the way. This is your adventure. I'm just pretending to be adult supervision.
IcklePhlegthingy: *v. v. solemnly marches out through a conveniently placed back door* 'dult supervision's stupid, y'know.
ArmandStJust: *wonders if he could stop the mischief being planned*
Cocytus: *snorts and follows* At your age, I agreed wholeheartedly.
IcklePhlegthingy: 'm always gonna think that! *oblivious-osity -- marchmarch towards the lake* ...Think we can set that -whole- thing on fire? *sparkle*
ArmandStJust: *sighs and gives up on eavesdropping* *follows Cocytus* You shouldn't let him do that. *quietly*
Cocytus: *stares at the lake* *blinks at the gas* ...maybe not the whole lake with this little-- *blinks at Armand*
IcklePhlegthingy: *ignores Armand* Then let's get -more-! *would squee, but... no*
ArmandStJust: No. *more firmly*
Cocytus: *looks down at Phleg again* Kid, I'm not carrying out enough gasoline to set that whole bloody lake on fire.
IcklePhlegthingy: *...frowns* Fine. There a littler lake, then?
* peeking is now known as Nimue
ArmandStJust: *bites lip* Please don't do that.
Nimue: *walks in, hurriedly* Did I just hear something about "lake on fire"?
Cocytus: *shrugs* Possibly? *looks over at Armand again, then at Nimue* ...
ArmandStJust: *bites lip* They are going to set the lake on fire or part of it.
Nimue: *stares at Cocytus* I happen to /live/ in that lake, thank you.
IcklePhlegthingy: *beambeams* I like fire!
Nimue: I do too, but not in MY LAKE.
Cocytus: *takes a long drag off of his cigarette, then drops it and grinds it out* Let's burn something else, Phleg.
IcklePhlegthingy: Name's not Phleg! -- do we hafta?
IckleLance: *blinks at Phleggy and Mummy and OMGBIGPEOPLE*
Cocytus: You're name's not Phleg but I'm calling you that anyway and yes we have to. I don't need to have any more people mad at me than I've already got.
IckleLance: *runs over and clings to Nimue*
ArmandStJust: Something else, preferably with nothing alive in it or on it.
Nimue: *hugs Lance* So you are still small?
IckleLance: *nods solemnly*
IcklePhlegthingy: *siiiiighs heavily* 'kay, -fine-. What are we gonna burn?
Nimue: What have you been doing without me?
Cocytus: *shrugs* How should I know? You're just my current source of entertainment. I'm not making much in the line of decisions here.
IckleLance: *blinks* Nuthin'. *looks at OMGPEOPLE* ...Everyone's big, Mummy.
Nimue: Except for us, I see?
IcklePhlegthingy: *siiighs* Can we burn -- *looks around, spots a tree* -- that?
IckleLance: *nods* Mmhmm.
Cocytus: *looks at the tree* ...can we try something that's less likely to burn the whole forest down in the process?
Nimue: Let us sit down and watch all those big people, then. There are people here who tried to burn our lake.
ArmandStJust: *smiles at Lance* I didn't know you had a son.
IckleLance: *glare of five year old DOOM* Who did it?
IcklePhlegthingy: ...That's not as fun.
IckleLance: *waves at Armand, too*
Nimue: Yes, I do have a son. His name is Lancelot.
Cocytus: Sorry, kid, but fun gives way to reason, here. How about we burn a shed or something. ...or you could set the fountain on fire.
ArmandStJust: *bows at Lancelot* Nice to meet you, Lancelot. I'm Armand St. Just.
Nimue: Lancelot, you are too young to be a knight yet; do not defend me so valiantly!
IcklePhlegthingy: *brightens* Fountain?
Cocytus: *smirk* Yes. Fountain. It's over here somewhere. *heads off and, lo and behold, there is a fountain!*
IckleLance: *tiny smile and wave at Armand* *to Nimue* But Mummy, I don't want the lake to get burned.
Nimue: *hugs him* The lake won't get burnt.
IckleLance: Good. *cling*
IcklePhlegthingy: *follows -- sparklesparklegrin fountain!* Fire!
Nimue: *looks up* I am glad you are a good, honorable, well-behaved young man, Lancelot.
IckleLance: *blinks* Me too.
Cocytus: *amusion* Right. *holds out the gasoline* Have at, pipsqueak.
Nimue: If I ever catch you setting things afire...well, you know what would happen, don't you?
IckleLance: ....Something bad?
Nimue: Yes. Something bad. So I know you will never do that! *smiles*
IcklePhlegthingy: *absently* Name's not pipsqueak. *takes it and lugs it over to the fountain* ...hmm. *uncaps it, pourpourpours on the surface* It's preeeeetty!
IckleLance: *giggles*
Cocytus: *so so amused* *pulls a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket as he watches*
IcklePhlegthingy: *regards it thoughtfully for a minute, then ceremoniously pulls out his lighter and touches the flame to the surface of the water*
Cocytus: *lights his cigarette, then crosses his arms over his chest and continues watching with a smirk*
IcklePhlegthingy: *solemnsolemn* I -like- fire. Kinda how like I don't like you.
Cocytus: *snort* Nice, obvious divide most times between the people who like me and the people who don't. Good to know which side you're on.
IcklePhlegthingy: I'm helpful, aren't I! *sits in front of the fountain and -stares- at the pretty flaaames*
Cocytus: So helpful. *shakes his head and smirks*
IcklePhlegthingy: *nods, absently -- is staring at the flames, now, and not paying as much attention to Cytty*
Cocytus: *isn't really paying attention to Phlegthingy, either, so whatev* *is more like staring distantly into the flames as he smokes his cigarette*
* IcklePhlegthingy has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

* Lethe has joined #desperatefans
Cocytus: *is just outside the back door, smoking and staring at the nolongerburning fountain*
Lethe: *does the customary quick once-over of the room for safety checks, then because apparently he picks up habits, heads to the kitchen for coffee, or something, and notices the back door open* *peeks out and raises an eyebrow* Cocytus?
Cocytus: Hmm? *glances back over his shoulder and smiles slightly* Hello, Darling.
Lethe: *raises an eyebrow* What are you doing?
Cocytus: *shrugs and flicks his cigarette butt into a small puddle of gasoline ickle Phleg spilled and watches it burst into flames* Smoking? I was babysitting earlier.
Lethe: *raises an eyebrow at the flaming!puddle* Anyone I know?
Cocytus: *smirks* Yes. Phlegethon. He set the fountain on fire.
Lethe: *looks startled, then laughs* He's still a child, then? That must have been entertaining.
Cocytus: Entertaining's a word for it. It took a bit to convince him that he couldn't set the entire lake on fire. Predictably enough, he decided that he didn't like me.
Lethe: *amusion* Phlegethon doesn't like anyone. Not even the people he likes. Setting the lake on fire seems typical.
Cocytus: 's what I thought. *pulls another cigarette out and plays with it, puts it between his lips, fidgets with it, but doesn't light it*
Lethe: *leans against the side of the door* ...Either you've found a way to light cigarettes using solely friction and your willpower, or there's something wrong.
Cocytus: *snorts and stares at the fountain again* Ever the observant one, aren't you?
Lethe: *almost cheerfully* I try. It's the main reason I'm not fodder for the maggots at the moment. Anything you care to divulge?
Cocytus: *looks almost amused, shaking his head slightly* Not much to tell, really. I'm simply remembering why I always hated silences as a child.
Lethe: And why would that be? *tilts head slightly*
Cocytus: *still staring at the fountain* Why am I remembering or why did I hate them?
Lethe: Either. Both.
Cocytus: Because a silence, especially in our family, means that something's coming. And, for once, there's no doubting that half of that something is aimed at me.
Lethe: Half. *looks almost guilty*
Cocytus: Half. *glances back over his shoulder, then finally lights the cigarette*
Lethe: Ah, you still have to resort to lighters after all. Much like the rest of us petty mortals. *sighs* Cocytus...
Cocytus: Mmm? *smoking and staring at the fountain again*
Lethe: Don't...put yourself between Mother and me. It isn't worth it.
Cocytus: I didn't. She did.
Lethe: What is that supposed to mean? *almost frustrated*
Cocytus: *shrugs slightly* There are very few things I'm not willing to do, particularly when my family asks or demands it of me. She knows that.
Lethe: ...That's dangerous. For you, and for any of the others. You know that.
Cocytus: She put it down to betraying her or you, Lethe. I don't have many morals but those I do have won't let me betray either. Not even if my life is forfeit.
Lethe: *clenches a hand into a fist and lets out a tense, almost hissing sigh* ...The choice should be obvious. You should not sacrifice the family for me. No one else would even give it a thought.
Cocytus: Apparently our opinions differ on the shoulds of this situation. *glares at the fountain for a moment before flicking his unfinished cigarette into it* For anyone else in the family, the issue wouldn't exist. For me, it does.
Lethe: *scowls faintly* It shouldn't exist for you, either. It gets you into situations like this.
Cocytus: *looks back with a rather blank expression* Do you have any reasons other than that?
Lethe: ...What other reason should there be? *scowl deepens slightly* Self-preservation should be the foremost reason for doing anything. If a Hades didn't know how to take care of him- or herself, they wouldn't be a Hades. *automatically doesn't say "we" to include himself in the family*
Cocytus: Funny. I remember preaching that when we were kids. But, by that logic, then, I'm still a Hades. Because I know full well -how- to take care of myself - I have the instinct for self-preservation - but I choose to ignore it.
Lethe: *slightly frustrated noise* -Why?-
Cocytus: Because, as unbelievable as it might sound coming from me, sometimes loyalties to others find their way over loyalties to self. You can look at it in a selfish light, if you wish. There's only one family member I'd even -begin- to doubt would betray me so I won't betray him. Whatever the reasons, the outcome is still the same.
Lethe: *clenches his fist tighter* *quietly* -Damn- it, Cocytus, no one should have to put themselves on the line for my sake. Least of all family.
Cocytus: That's the thing, Darling. No one -has- to. *pauses with a slightly sad half-smile* I just do.
Lethe: *gives another frustrated sigh, closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair* You still shouldn't.
Cocytus: And when was the last time I honestly went by what someone else thought I should do?
Lethe: *and yet another sigh* ...stubborn bastard. *hi, Lethe, look who's talking* *sounds slightly annoyed and frustrated, but also faintly amused and distinctly relieved. ...is talented.*
Cocytus: *smirks a bit* Something we have in common, Darling.
Lethe: *mumbles* It must run in the family.
Cocytus: *actually grins for the first time all day* Truly. *sighs then* ...I should be leaving.
Lethe: *opens an eye, stifling a yawn* Likely a good idea. I should leave soon myself. *pause* *opens the other eye* Cocytus?
Cocytus: *raises his eyebrows, actually letting himself look a bit tired* Hmm?
Lethe: *calmly* You're an idiot and a cocky bastard who refuses to see reason in any way, shape, or form when it comes to this situation, and you likely wouldn't see reason if it slapped you in the back of the head with a leaden gun barrel, and I very much hope that you fully enjoy yourself in your last moments of life. *pauses, then gives a very faint smile* Thank you.
Cocytus: *lets out a laugh and grins broadly* You've described me better there than anyone else ever could. *places a hand on Lethe's shoulder* You're welcome. And goodnight. And, believe it or not, Darling... *smiles faintly and kisses him on the forehead lightly before walking away with one last pat on the shoulder* It really is worth it.
* Cocytus is now known as Cytty-out
* Lethe has left #desperatefans

cocytus hades, armand, nimue, phlegethon hades, lethe hades, lancelot, crackplot!

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