(no subject)

Oct 19, 2005 21:09

Okay. There is loggage I owe people. *shamefaced* Mainly a. Lucifer giving Gabriel porn, b. Lucifer and Gabriel's fight, and c. Michael and Gabriel talking right before Michael found out Lucifer slept with Beezie.

BUT. But but but. Those are on hold. Because this one really, really needs to be posted now.

Quick summary: Gabriel is emo and broken, and Meph is demonic and a really damn good actor. ...told you it was quick.

* Gabriel has joined #desperatefans
* Mephisto has joined #desperatefans
* Constantine has joined #desperatefans
Gabriel: *flames in, very inobtrusively, and curls up in a corner, wings spread around him*
Mephisto: [Oh, lovely. A John. Plus a Meph and a Gabriel.]
Constantine: (:D)
Mephisto: *enters. does not flame but uses the door, getting into the hang of having a body again*
Gabriel: *really not noticing anything, because...curled up in the corner* *may be crying, or may just be shaking*
Constantine: *blinks at Meph* Oh fucking /hell/ no.
Mephisto: *raises an eyebrow at John* Excuse me?
Constantine: You... are... dead.
Mephisto: I am not. I am very much alive.
Constantine: ... fuck! Why can you not... *flail* Stay discorperated.
Mephisto: I have work to do, mortal. *eyenarrow*
Constantine: *sighs* Can't get a fucking break, I swear.
Gabriel: *...still here, yes*
Mephisto: I am not here for you tonight, mortal.
Constantine: Oh? Well good.
Mephisto: *twitchy smile* No. *lays eyes on Gabriel*
Constantine: ... no.
Gabriel: *does not notice due to...curledupemoshakingmaybecrying*
Mephisto: No what?
Constantine: Lay off him.
Mephisto: *raises an eyebrow* Why? I thought you disliked him.
Constantine: I never said that.
Mephisto: *wry smile* Why are you protecting him?
Constantine: Because I feel I owe him.
Mephisto: Feel it, then. *pushes past him and walks to Gabriel*
Constantine: Fuck it. I can't stop you. I give the fuck up.
Constantine: *leaves*
Gabriel: *still very much not noticing*
Mephisto: *kneels beside Gabriel* Hello, angel.
Gabriel: *jumps, wings spreading* *turns his head away, curling up tighter* *muffled* ...Go away, demon.
Mephisto: Why so upset?
Gabriel: *tense but slightly choked* None of your concern. I said -go away-.
Mephisto: You have not answered my question.
Gabriel: Why should you care? *less furious and petulant and upset, and more...trying to keep his voice from breaking*
Mephisto: I want to know. *looks actually innocently curious*
Gabriel: *isn't looking, so can't tell* ...just go. Why would it concern you at all...?
Mephisto: Why should I not?
Gabriel: You're a -demon-. You do not -care-. *voice does break slightly*
Mephisto: Then why am I asking?
Gabriel: *slight choked noise* ...how should I know? What interest could you possibly have in my well-being?
Mephisto: Surely I can care, angel.
Mephisto: Would you deny me that?
Gabriel: *makes another incoherent noise and says something muffled under his breath, about demons and love and everything being strange* ...what do you want from me? *sounding defeated and worn*
Mephisto: From you, angel? *looks surprised* Nothing.
Gabriel: Then why are you here? What...purpose could you have in...*trails off and may have started crying again*
Mephisto: *watches him crying, quite innocent, and wipes his tears gently away*
Gabriel: *shudders as if the touch burns and looks right at him with wide, tear-stained, tired, confused eyes* ...But you hate me. *quiet and helpless*
Mephisto: When did I say that?
Gabriel: ...It...is understood. It is...the way things are...the demons...*trails off* ...your lord hates me.
Mephisto: Yes; but excepting Michael he hates all angels.
Gabriel: ...Michael. *it's impossible to tell from the tone if it's meant to be a prayer, a curse, or simply hopeless* *pause, then almost conversationally* ...you have no reason not to hate me.
Mephisto: I have no reason to hate you, either?
Gabriel: I hate all demons. Or, I did. *tone is still conversational, light, absent, as if commenting on the weather*
Mephisto: You did; and what changed?
Gabriel: ...I wish I knew. *sighs* Nothing. Everything. Some things. I truly wish I...*sighs again*
Mephisto: *sits, quite close to him* Wish what?
Gabriel: ...Things would be far simpler without love. There should be only devotion to the Lord. Anything else complicates things. Anything else brings weakness and...sin. *trembles a little*
Mephisto: *laughs aloud*
Gabriel: *doesn't react, save maybe a slight flinch*
Mephisto: Perhaps you and I are not so different, angel.
Gabriel: *looks down* ...that...is what I am afraid of. *closes his eyes and sighs quietly*
Mephisto: It is nothing to be afraid of. I find it admirable, angel, your devotion to your lord.
Gabriel: *looks at him again, eyes hollow* ...do you?
Mephisto: *smiles, and the smile sure looks genuine* Yes.
Gabriel: *nods slightly, too drained to form an expression* ...thank you.
Mephisto: *reaches out and brushes the hair from his forehead* You are welcome.
Gabriel: *closes his eyes and shudders slightly, though whether it's from revulsion or just the sensation of being touched is anyone's guess*
Mephisto: *kisses him on the forehead, very softly*
Gabriel: *shudders again, more noticeably*
Mephisto: *pulls back, looking worried* Have I upset you?
Gabriel: *makes a quiet incoherent noise* ...I...I can't...I...just...don't...understand...I...I wish...*uncurls slowly, looking completely at a loss*
Mephisto: *strokes his forehead and soothes* I won't hurt you, angel.
Gabriel: ...Lucifer hurt Michael, and he loves...loved...loves...him.
Mephisto: *leans back, but lays his hand on Gabriel's forehead* I am not my lord, angel.
Gabriel: ...but you do not love me. ...love brings pain.
Mephisto: No, angel. I do not love you. Love brings weakness.
Gabriel: *nods mutely* ...Love has driven...drives...to sin.
Mephisto: *smiles* Love has driven to virtue.
Gabriel: *quietly* Pride. Wrath. Greed. Lust. Envy.
Mephisto: *equally quietly* Charity. Justice. Compassion.
Gabriel: *turns to look at Meph, then sighs softly, eyes going slightly unfocused, and lets his hand half reach out, half fall to the side, almost without thinking*
Mephisto: *takes Gabriel's hand and squeezes it gently*
Gabriel: *sighs again, absently giving the faintest of squeezes in return* ...I don't know anymore.
Mephisto: You shall learn. *leans down and kisses him warmly on the lips*
Gabriel: *doesn't react and pulls back after a few seconds, looking vaguely confused*
Mephisto: *kisses the side of his mouth before pulling completely away*
Gabriel: *still looking at him in confusion* ...what...
Mephisto: What, angel?
Gabriel: ...what was that...
Mephisto: *small oddlook* That was a kiss, angel.
Gabriel: ...I know. *slight flash of a broken look, because of his last kiss...* ...what was it -for-?
Mephisto: Sympathy.
Gabriel: ...sympathy.
Mephisto: Yes.
Gabriel: *sighs quietly* ...I neither need nor deserve that.
Mephisto: Empathy, then.
Gabriel: *just looks at him, confused and broken and desperate and unsure, and...just needing something to hold on to, and not caring what...* *leans forward slowly, stopping a few inches away from Meph, and looking at him with suddenly startlingly clear eyes*
Mephisto: *meets his eyes, never dropping his cool* What, angel?
Gabriel: *in a different tone than before* I wish I knew. *raises a hand, as if to touch Meph's lips or his cheek, but stops it*
Mephisto: *doesn't move, aware but not on guard*
Gabriel: *rests his fingers shakily on Meph's lips*
Mephisto: *glances downward, then meets his eyes again, face gentle*
Gabriel: *something...changes in his expression, something relaxes or breaks down or shifts* *slowly, carefully, replaces his fingers with his lips*
Mephisto: *kisses back, gently, not pushing anything*
Gabriel: *just...stays there, for a long time, clinging to Meph's hand, and half-collapses onto him after pulling back*
Mephisto: *holds Gabriel* Are you all right?
Gabriel: ...I wish I knew. *saying this so often...* *struggles up to look at Meph again* I...I need...*weakly, still clinging to Meph's hand*
Mephisto: *strokes his knuckles* What can I give you, angel?
Gabriel: *kisses him again, desperately and brokenly, by way of answer*
Mephisto: *kisses back, pulling him close*
Gabriel: *clings tightly* *...and shall we leave them to it?...*
Mephisto: *clings, and... okay, leaves with him, then?*
Gabriel: *right*
Mephisto: *w00t*
* Mephisto has left #desperatefans
* Gabriel has left #desperatefans

gabriel, constantine, mephistopheles

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