(no subject)

Oct 19, 2005 10:46

.....Hastur is fluffy.

* Hastur has joined #desperatefans
* X sets mode: +o Hastur
Hastur: *flames in woo!*
Nemesis: Fire is so original.
Hastur: *blinks at Nem* You're right. Hold on. *flames out again...*
Hastur: ... *poofs back in in a cloud of multicolored daisies*
Nemesis: *Blinks* *Amusion* Flowers. Dasieis. Excellent.
Hastur: Well, it's original anyway!
Nemesis: Very nice.
Hastur: *grins and plops down on a chair*
Nemesis: Very un-demonic, though. *Insults his demon-hood, which is much like insulting manhood, I guess*
Hastur: Well, but I'm a demon. So isn't anything I do by definition demonic?
Nemesis: ...Maybe. But really? Flowers?
Hastur: They're evil flowers.
Nemesis: ...Evil flowers. Right.
Hastur: Yeah. They.. um... bite. *picks up one of them and pokes it at his hand* Bite, flower! Bite!
Nemesis: ....*Eyes get wide* Have you ever considered psychiatric help?
Hastur: *blinks and drops the flower* I don't need psychiatric help!
Nemesis: *Giggles* You told the flower to bite me.
Hastur: No, I told it to bite *me*. I wouldn't want it to hurt *you*.
Nemesis: I doubt a flower bite would really hurt, but fine. You told you flower to bite you, which is even WORSE than telling it to bite me.
Hastur: Well, a flower bite wouldn't really be all that painful.
Nemesis: So it wouldn't hurt me?
Hastur: Well. Okay, that's a point.
Nemesis: I didn't think you cared, anyway.
Hastur: Who said I cared?!
Nemesis: Nobody.
Hastur: See, there we go.
Nemesis: Speaking of flowers, you obviously got my letter. Did you get the flower, too?
Hastur: Yeah, I got the flower.
Nemesis: *Grin*
Hastur: *smirks a bit* It was kinda dry and fell apart though.
Nemesis: *Sigh* Shame. It was pretty.
Hastur: Well, it's okay, though. It was the thought that counts.
Hastur: I'd send a flower, but.. My typist kinda lives in the desert.
Nemesis: Aww, that's nice of you.
Hastur: I could send a rock?
Nemesis: Oh, yes. Every goddess dreams of getting rocks in the mail.
Hastur: Okay, fine, I *won't* send a rock.
Nemesis: *Laugh* You don't have to send -anything-.
Hastur: Well, I'm sending the *letter*.
Nemesis: ....squee. Imeanwhat?
Hastur: *laughs* It's not much.
Nemesis: *Shrug* It's a letter.
Hastur: Yeah. Kinda short letter.
Nemesis: Mine was, too, though.
Hastur: Yeah. I didn't wanna make mine longer than yours. So it's about the same.
Nemesis: Ah, well, it works. I did send you another one, though.
Hastur: ... Now I'm gonna have to write another one to keep up!
Nemesis: You don't have to. It was really pointless.
Hastur: Don't care. Still have to.
Nemesis: *raises an eyebrow* Since when?
Hastur: It's the principle of the thing.
Nemesis: You're a -demon-. You don't hav e principles.
Hastur: I have *some* principles! I think!
Nemesis: ........Okay?
Hastur: Like the 'Have to stay equal on letters' principle!
Nemesis: So everytime someone sends you a letter, you write one back?
Hastur: I dunno. I've never gotten a letter before.
Nemesis: Wow. \
Hastur: Why, have you gotten letters?
Nemesis: A few....
Hastur: Lucky.
Nemesis: Well, you've gotten one! And well, one and two pictures from a coloring book were sent this morning.....
Hastur: ...Awww.
Hastur: I'll have to.. draw you pictures, then, or something. Because I don't have a coloring book.
Nemesis: So now you have to match everything?
Hastur: I just wanna be fair.
Nemesis: Huh. Fair? Not a very demon or you thing to do to me.
Hastur: Well, they won't be NICE pictures.
Nemesis: You really don't have to if you don't want to.
Hastur: I want to!
Nemesis: *Blinks* Wow, really?
Hastur: Yeah!
Nemesis: That's new.
Hastur: It's fun! Kinda.
Nemesis: I won't argue, then?
Hastur: Arguing can be fun too!
Nemesis: ...you're confusing me.
Hastur: I can be confusing.
Nemesis: I've noticed.
Hastur: I don't *try*. I don't think.
Nemesis: .....you're starting to make my head hut.
Nemesis: *hurt
Hastur: *demonmods up an aspirin* Here?
Nemesis: ....*Sticks tounge out* You suck.
Hastur: I was trying to help!
Nemesis: I knoooooooow.
Hastur: What do you waaant from meee?
Hastur: ... And why do I *care*?
Nemesis: ...that's what I'm wondering.
Hastur: I don't care! I shouldn't care! No caring for me! Ha!
Nemesis: Woo?
Hastur: Woo!
Nemesis: Okay!
Hastur: So. There we go. I don't care.
Nemesis: ......so it's cleared up, then?
Hastur: Okay!
Hastur: It is!
Nemesis: ...What is?
Hastur: Whatever it is is cleared up.
Nemesis: .....I'm so lost.
Hastur: ... Right. Let's talk about something else/
Nemesis: ......Okay.
Hastur: How about... potato chips.
Nemesis: ...Ew.
Hastur: Okay, not potato chips?
Nemesis: *Shrug* I'm bad at talking, I think.
Hastur: Let's talk about *me*!
Nemesis: ....what about you?
Hastur: Anything! How incredibly awesome I am?
Nemesis: .......Well, in my letter, I did compare you to Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Not that I was watching it.
Hastur: .... I'm not quite that muscular.
Nemesis: *Sigh* I know. Then I compared you to the beast.
Hastur: Not.. quite.. that hairy?
Nemesis: Oh, I know.
Hastur: Oh. Good!
Nemesis: But the thing with Gaston is that you're just as full of yourself and bastardly as he is.
Hastur: Thank you! I think!
Nemesis: ....you're welcome?
Hastur: But you like me anyway!
Nemesis: ...who said anything about liking you?
Hastur: *pouts* You don't like me?
Nemesis: Never said that, either
Hastur: So... do you like me?
Nemesis: Ummm..*Looks thoughtful and bites lip* Yes?
Hastur: *grins* I like you too!
Nemesis: Good to know!
Hastur: *nods*
Nemesis: It's not hate, so I'm good.
Hastur: Nah. Never hatted you.
Hastur: [.....hated.]
Nemesis: Could've fooled me. Well...either that, or you lusted after me liked crazy and liked to show it to torture me. ......Wow, that's confusing.
Nemesis: [YAY SPELLING.]
Hastur: Um. I dunno.
Nemesis: Dunno what?
Hastur: I didn't hate you, though!
Hastur: You're fun.
Nemesis: .....Fine, you didn't hate me.
Hastur: Still don't.
Nemesis: I've noticed. You didn't want the flower to hurt me, remember?
Hastur: Oh. Right.
Nemesis: And appearently you care about what I think of you.
Hastur: Well, I wouldn't be *surprised* if you hated me.
Nemesis: .....neither would I.
Hastur: But.. er. Thanks for not?
Nemesis: *Laughs* I still don't get why you even care, but you're welcome.
Hastur: Cool.
Nemesis: You're confusing.
Hastur: You'll have to deal with it.
Nemesis: I don't have to deal with anything.
Hastur: Well, I don't think I'm gonna stop being confusing.
Nemesis: I can always start avoiding you again.
Hastur: ... Please don't?
Nemesis: *Blinks*
Hastur: It.. that'd kinda suck.
Nemesis: *Tilts head curiously* Really?
Hastur: Yeah. Really.
Nemesis: I guess I won't though. It would, really.
Hastur: I'm, like, the spice of life.
Nemesis: ...right.
Hastur: Or something.
Nemesis: Or something. *Nod*
Hastur: *nods* Just call me Paprika?
Nemesis: ......*Facepalm*
Hastur: Well, it matches my hair?
Nemesis: Good point.
Hastur: Hastur: So I can be Paprika! And you can be.. Um...
Nemesis: ...must you be a spice?
Hastur: ... Well, I'm zesty!
Hastur: [... And I didn't really need the Hastur:, did I?]
Nemesis: ...*Facepalms again*
Nemesis: [Nope!]
Hastur: Aren't I?
Nemesis: ....maybe.
Hastur: *grins* Zesty!
Nemesis: ..........where are my shoes when I want to throw them at you?
Hastur: Awwww.
Hastur: Are you missing your shoes?
Nemesis: Mhmmm. Sadly.
Hastur: I'll get you some new ones!
Nemesis: ....you will?
Hastur: Yeah!
Nemesis: Neat
Hastur: What size are you?
Nemesis: ...I don't know. Five?
Hastur: Hm.. Okay. Be right back. *poofs off*
Nemesis: .........Huh.
Hastur: *poofs back in with a pair of sandals* How's these?
Nemesis: ....Sandals!
Hastur: Well, yeah. You said you don't like boots.
Nemesis: I don't. *Grins and yes, random!hug*
Hastur: *blinks a bit surprised, but hugs back*
Nemesis: I like sandals.
Hastur: I kinda gathered.
Nemesis: I wonder how.
Hastur: You wear them all the time.
Nemesis: ....you pay attention to that?
Hastur: Well, I mean, I don't make a point of looking at your feet, but I've noticed.
Nemesis: *Grins* Well, as long as they're not boots
Hastur: *laughs* There we go then.
Nemesis: *Grins and random!hug again* *Is weird tonight, wtf*
Hastur: *laughs a bit and hugs back*
Nemesis: *Doesn't un-hug* ...I'm hugging you, aren't I?
Hastur: Yes. I think you are.
Nemesis: ....Um. *un-hug*
Hastur: *laughs* I won't tell anyone.
Nemesis: *Shrug* It's a just weird, that's all.
Hastur: Well, it's not really *expected*..
Nemesis: .....Yeah.
Hastur: 'Sokay.
Nemesis: Like you'd object to it, anyway.
Hastur: *laughs softly* Never know.
Nemesis: Oh?
Hastur: Well, I mean, hugging's kinda.. *sweet*, y'know.
Nemesis: *Slight laugh* Oh.
Hastur: Not all that demonic, if you're pointing such things out.
Nemesis: I'm not a demon?
Hastur: No, but I am.
Nemesis: Oh, well, yes.
Hastur: So it balances out? I dunno.
Nemesis: Does it?
Hastur: Probably not.
Nemesis: Good point.
Hastur: Ahwell.
Nemesis: It's not like it ever has to happen again.
Hastur: *frowns* Aw.
Nemesis: *Blinkblink*
Hastur: Well... Er.. I kinda like it.
Nemesis: *Blinkblink* Um...?
Hastur: It's... I dunno, nevermind.
Nemesis: .....Waaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiit
Hastur: What?
Nemesis: It's what?
Hastur: Kinda... I dunno. Warm and comfy.
Nemesis: Warm and comfy?
Hastur: Yeah.
Nemesis: ....odd?
Hastur: *shrugs* I'm usually odd.
Nemesis: .....but warm and comfy?
Hastur: ...Yeah.
Nemesis: Next you'll be talking about butterflies in your stomach.
Hastur: No. Haven't eaten any lately.
Nemesis: ..............I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
Hastur: Erm. Okay.
Nemesis: *Giggles*
Hastur: I'm good at one thing. And socially appropriate language isn't it.
Nemesis: I've noticed
Hastur: *shrugs* I'd say I'll work on it, but.. I won't.
Nemesis: You like the shock.
Hastur: It's kinda amusing to get the looks.
Nemesis: *Rolls eyes* Just...don't eat butterflies. I like them.
Hastur: Okay. Um. Can I eat moths?
Nemesis: Sure.
Hastur: Okay, good.
Nemesis: Okay, fine.
Hastur: But I'll stay away from the cute moths.
Nemesis: Awww.
Hastur: And just eat the ugly ones.
Nemesis: *Giggles* If you want.
Hastur: *grins*
Nemesis: *Shakes head and laughs* Eat as many ugly moths as you want, but I have to go.
Hastur: Aw. *quickly kisses Nem on the cheek* See you 'round.
Nemesis: *Flushes* Bye.
Session Close: Wed Oct 19 01:16:29 2005

hastur, nemesis

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