Darkness within my mind

Nov 17, 2009 20:02

There are things that consume my mind
Patterns and shapes of different feelings
All clouding my judgment from delivering a sane verdict
I seek the knowledge within these thoughts
Finding some kind of solace in my dismay
Yet finding that the only one in this personal patted cell
Is the memory of my formal self
Things are not as translucent in this transit
Complications and misnomers are the links that keep my shape together
Rummaging through old broken wishes and patterns of behavior
I find myself wrapped into this muddle
Trying to figure out the answer to the riddle that will bring me some sort of peace
But feeling ail with my own veil tendencies
I seek a challenge to amuse me
Or at least that’s what I’d like to portray
I seek an equal in my thoughts, as broken and twisted as the rusted nail on my coffin
Liberation is only an option I seek with gored eyes
While using broken fingers to feel my way out
I fall into this pattern and feel secure within my strait jacket
Feeling that my own demons are my constant companions
Never failing, always comforting never yielding nemeses
I try to speak but gaggle my tongue within my throat
As it wraps itself in itself, causing me to choke on my own words
Tumbling down into the darkness
I seek clarity, an angel for guidance
But all I find are clones of my own sins
Battering onto me as if I were receiving lashing for each and every one of them
At the end of it all, I find myself hanging from the tree of life
Not in the swing, but in a noose
Waiting for the light to cinder my body into ashes
To spread across my nightmarish land
My kingdom, in the darkness I have always kept inside
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