The Unsent Letter

Dec 01, 2011 12:01

The unsent letter

Dear love,
There is no proper name for you
No face to match your reflection
No voice to sooth the aggressions
Just an outline of what you have been to me
You have been the quixotic tail of the fallen solider slain by his sword
The virtuous revelations that have lead me into Delphi then left me blinded by the Fates
The one that has crossed my path like a whirl wind of passion on a desolate desert
You were my mirage within the darkness of dejection
You brought a death row inmate hope before the switch was halfway done but pulled away because it was inconvenient
You created lies to calm my melancholy only to let me drown in my own tears
You, my dearest love
Have betrayed me, placed false idols in front for me to revere and shower unconditionally yet left me bankrupt with only myself to blame
You, the cleverest of all sins
You are not part of the originals but the deadliest of all
Loving you has been my condemnation
As I stand before you, my executioner, I will not beg for you.. Dream of you.. nor die for you..
For each time you promise me heaven, only hades has seen my redemption
So my sweet, sweet, love, I will let you go
I will live on and forget you ever existed
You have branded me with your thorns, lashed at me with your empty promises and burned me with your detestation
I am bleeding you
Bleeding you from every pore
I believed within your deceits
Denied my own sanity
And banished my common sense
I will no longer be your slave
I will not listen to your seductive lullabies
Promises of warm inviting arms
Those sweet, sweet words of forever
And happily ever after's
I have seen you my love
For the evil siren that you are
Luring the youth into unforeseen perils
Just to gnaw at their bones
While you use their skin to falsely claim other lost souls
Oh evil mistress I will no longer be on a bent knee pleading for your affection
I won't beg or plead for a mere sighting of your compassion
I have quit you
Like I have said every other time that you have broken my heart
And came back for more
Because without you . . .
There is just no . . . Me . . .
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