Being a working stiff

Oct 03, 2007 06:39

really sucks sometimes. The ONE measly day I have to work this week is customer appreciation day/other various ‘discount’ days at several of the thrift stores in the greater metro area, one of which has an amazing china cabinet that I’ve had my eye on since it arrived several weeks ago:

You can’t see any detail, but it’s basically a cabinet on four legs, with plain sliding glass on top; three shelves with grooves to display plates, etc, silverware drawer, and bottom cabinet with basketweave design on the doors. It was impossible to get a good pic because the dining set reflected in the glass was less than a foot in front of it.

Closeup of the basketweave detail:

I had to get right on top of it because, like I said before, there was something right in front of it.

It was cheap to begin with, but just always out of reach. But today it is HALF PRICE. I asked my husband if he’d go get it for me as soon as it goes on sale, since I am working and all, but he won’t. This irritates me to no end, because I do everything for him but wipe his ass. I realize it’s asking a lot of any man to go do something girly like this. But…..he asks an awful lot of me, and has put an awful lot of extra responsibility on my shoulders over the years. Nine times out of ten, I follow through. I have never asked him to do anything like this for me, ever. And I doubt I will, ever again.

I would love to have this piece! I’d call out of work if I didn’t need the money so badly and wasn’t afraid I’d get fired for it. I am sure it won’t still be there when I get home from work today - and today, that will be even later because I have to stop at the Verizon store to see what’s wrong with his phone! I guess it just isn’t meant to be mine
. I know I’ll find something else I like just as well, I just doubt I’ll find it at this good of a price.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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