Weekend wrap-up, FUs, and how will I go on?

Jan 07, 2007 22:59

Weekend wrap-up:

This Friday the kids went to visit their Dad for the first time since Christmas. Something was going on on the freeway out of town that was so bad it took us 30 minutes to move five car lengths. The last time I sat in traffic like this, my radiator burned up. No way in hell was I going to let that happen again! I turned my ass around on the freeway. Just cut across the median and flew down the other side. Of course, this meant that I had to go back into Huntsville and then through Madison. We were about an hour late getting there, and it was nearly 11 pm before I got home.

I didn’t clean the house from top to bottom like I wanted to. Instead, I spent my time tweaking my comment code (check it out when you leave me a comment! ::hinthint::winkwink:: It matches my template now!) and getting my labels out of list form. Yeah, I needed to do some things around here. But what can I say? I was on a roll, and I actually accomplished this without losing my mind. And I really wanted to sleep and enjoy the peace and quiet. Both my husband and the boys have been here nonstop for over a week, and, while I love spending time with my family, it was like one long, gigantic weekend. And I hate weekends, because I always feel so displaced.


First off, huge FUs to some girls I spent a lot of time with before, who now ignore me when I see them in public. I know now that I am not ever going to be a part of that scene or be ‘friends’ with them, but for fuck’s sake would it kill you to have some basic fucking manners? Oh well. It really is your loss. I think I am pretty damned awesome, if I do say so myself.

And another FU to the fairweather Myspace contact that friended me when I was doing derby cause she thought that was oh-so-cool. Who then proceeded to add about a hundred or so of my contacts to her friend space when she had no clue who they were before she saw them on mine. Look, I don’t give a shit if my friends on myspace add contacts or other friends and artists and such that I have friended, but this chick makes me nervous because she’s attempted to start drama and be in my business several times already. One of my contacts even unfriended me and her at the same time, so I have no clue what she’s said or done. And when I left derby, she quit really having anything to do with me. What burns me up is after she tried to weasel her way in on people I barely knew (apparently throwing MY name around as her ‘in’), she is part of several local invitation-only groups. Do you think she ever sent her ‘friend’ she has ’so much in common with’ an invite to check out any of these local groups, knowing I don’t really even know anyone here? No, she didn’t. That’s okay, though, because they probably suck as bad as she does.

A friend told me she was probably throwing my name around and adding my contacts left and right because she wants to be like me. That makes sense, except….who in the hell would want to be like me? I mean, I think I fucking rock. It took me a long time to say that, but I really do. But damn….at least attempt to carve your own identity. You aren’t really impressing anyone by saying you know me.

So yeah…big FUs to these bitches. Useless, stupid cunts, the lot of them.

How will I go on?

My second-biggest-celebrity-crush changed his status on his myspace page to ‘in a relationship’. I think I died a little inside. So what if I am married and he’s more trouble than the man I already have and we’ve never even met? Hank III, you broke my heart!

……..and how was YOUR weekend?

Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

i have issues, bitchery, frustration, blog, go me

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