Wheels falling off Trumpsky's wagon!

Nov 17, 2019 17:55

As I reported in the previous post, the weekend has seen the Trumpsky regime willfully step off the end of a long pier. (With NO diving gear...sorry for mixing the metaphor)

Testimony of State Department and OMB officials now implicates Trump in extorting recently inaugurated Ukraine President to provide "dirt" on Trump's likely 2020 opponent. Supposedly in exchange for releasing the arms assistance the U.S.Congress had ALREADY voted.

Sunday's Post headlines "Sondland acted at Trump's behest, senior official says" -- namely, Tim Morrison, "the top Russia and Europe adviser on NSC."

The transcript of Morrison's 10/31 sworn deposition clearly cites Sondland as talking to Trumpsky "about half a dozen times... between July 16 and Sept.11" -- even though Trump says he "doesn't know Sondland well."

Pricy politics: he doesn't "know" his million-dollar donors??

Trumpsky's late-game attempt to distance himself from Sondland (who reportedly BOUGHT himself -- see above -- the U.S. embassy to the EU but, thanks to Trump, wound up "doing deals" in Ukraine) -- well, it clearly will not work.

Sondland is committed to testify before the House investigators on Wednesday-- but I would not be surprised to see him "unable" to show his face in Congress.

For those who find themselves "behind the curve" on impeachment, I recommend the Post's OTHER article today -- which needs THREE inside pages to put together the whole timeline since last spring. It cites the latest transcripts released from Committee witnesses -- and it adds up to a ringing indictment of Trump and his minions.

https://www.inquirer.com/politics/nation/trump-impeachment-investigation-cia-whistleblower-20191116.html. [weird, but Google cites the "Inquirer" as the place to find the Post's article...]

ambitions, capsule-experience, disappointed, decisive moment, cheesy, crime politics, corrected, behind, exhausted, aroused, fireworks

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