Friday's impeachment hearing, and some excellent news!

Nov 16, 2019 01:45

I appreciated the testimony Friday by Amb. Yovanovitch -- whose tenure heading our Kiev embassy was summarily ended last May by Trumpsky. It is clear that Rudy Giuliani got rid of her so that he could more safely intimidate new Ukraine president Zellinsky.

The Repubs on the Intel Committee looked pretty pathetic as the public hearing proceeded. But they were in for real trouble at the closed Committee hearing later on Friday -- as a surprise witness came forward to implicate Trumpsky directly.

By fortunate chance, our Kiev Embassy Political Counselor David Holmes overheard Amb. Gordon Sondland, a visiting Trumpie senior official, on his cellphone with the White House. This was the DAY AFTER the infamous July 21 "do me a favor" phonecall between Trump and Zellinsky.

Holmes realized just this week that his first-hand info about Trump's eager response utterly demolishes Repub Congressmen's complaints. They had pooh-poohed earlier witnesses as only giving "hearsay" testimony on key events.

The Committee needs a couple of days to put out a transcript, and then to insert Holmes into the Committee's public hearings -- but I predict his testimony late next week will badly burn Trumpsky.

Sondland is already in deep shit, and with a little luck he'll drag the bastard down with him.

Late tonight, as other witnesses have done, Holmes gave out copies of his "opening remarks" to media. They are sizzling!

At one point, via cellphone, Sondland in Kiev sucks up to Trumpsky, "Zellinsky loves your ass [sic!]" and will do whatever Giuliani and The Donald wanted.

Nope, wrong! Trump failed to stop US arms assistance to Ukraine in early September, following the fateful phonecalls. Now, with Holmes' help, the Committee can tie Trump directly to Giuliani's and Sondland's illicit fucking around.

Here's a "morning-after" account:

break-up, ambitions, badnews, afraid no more, bedfelllows

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