A poll -- thanks for the idea, Vikkie!

Jun 11, 2019 10:47

I've been doing this blog for nigh unto 15 years now -- a fuckload of politics since the advent of Trumpsky. Before that, I told you a bunch about on-line girlfriends and other inntimate indiscretions.

Before that, I used to reblog a lot of sexy photos from Flickr -- then they changed reblogging arrangements, and wiped that out.
(Curious readers can check out that epoch, simply clicking any tags that strike your fancy --and enjoy a look back)

Annyway, thanks to Viktoria, here is a quick survey to see you lovely readers' preferences for future LJ bloggery:

1 -- a good bit of politics, all Trumpsky all the time -- call it the cable-news option.

2 -- more sex!

3 -- more personal, what's-up-in-my-day kinds of things (lately seems to be sports-car racing).

4 -- something else (please use your imaginations!).

outrageous, playing rough, la petit mort, shameless, erotica, international politics, public -- yay!, sluts, "controversy", no sex, girlfriends, sapphoria, tumblr, sin by the seaside, yet more travel, vero beach, heh heh, unbloggable, panties down, holier than thou, redhead wants me, poets anonymous, rambling thoughts, post again, different, intimacy, rumpled bed, bikini, self-portrait, flickr campaign, naughty smile, deliciousness, stories, secrets, readers' appeal, lezzie possibilities, subbie?, blogging, lj, wanting to touch, spanking, balls (not my favorite appendage...), hoist on petard, dancing in her panties, provocative, sensualists, livejournal, me exposed, travel, life in general, vibrators, the blog experience, philosophy, 25 girls (not counting tango), kittybeenbad, us, flirting dangerously, egypt, getting lucky, personal

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