George Soros trades his white hat for a black one

Jun 12, 2019 01:44

We've all heard about what billionaire George Soros has done in Eastern Europe (especially in his native Hungary) to promote democracy and liberal ideas.

ALAS, in today's Virginia primaries, he put up the bulk of contributions to two candidates running to become "commonwealth attorneys" (local DAs), in Fairfax and Arlington counties. Both men were reported tonight to have been elected, overwhelming their liberal opponents.

In Arlington, where my partner votes (I'm a Florida resident), an effective, solid attorney named Theo Stamos was defeated for re-election by a radical leftist, who got a huge Soros $600,000 campaign contribution. (Soros is by no means a Virginia resident, but altogether TOO much finance for local races across the US now comes from conspicuously out-of-state interests).

It happens we know Theo, so we are aware of what a dirty campaign her opponent had waged with Soros' money. My sig-other joined her this afternoon to proselitize outside a local polling station. Theo at that point seemed fairly confident of winning, despite the Washington Post yesterday rather oddly recommending her opponent.

She invited us to attend the "victory party" tonight, but we had been invited by old friends to dine and play bridge -- so told her we couldn't make it. Turns out it would have been a "wake" rather than a party.

Back to Soros' misbegotten funding for what his PAC blithely calls "justice reform". Admittedly we sre a bit biased because we know Theo. But Soros in effect is splitting the Democratic Party locally. It could be a harbinger for the 2020 national elections -- altogether too reminiscent of Bernie Sanders' spoiler's role in the 2016 election of a certain Donald J. Trump.

somber, screw-up, disappointed, justine, morality, hypocracy, international, florida, businesswoman, friends, manipulation, real life, hoist on petard, ya think?, win/lose, feminist, me, crime politics, too bad!, talented, sigother, ummm, news, politics strange bedfellows, remarkable story

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