RP Log | Isabel

Nov 13, 2009 00:09

Isabel Logan: *as they walk out of the hospital, Isabel is still clutching an empty plastic ice cream dish and spoon and has ice cream all over her face* AnnieAlex, I can go play with BabyEllie?
Alex Eames: *taking Isabel's hand as they get outside, expecting it to be sticky* You can play with her when we get there *looking to her watch to check the time* She'll probably be awake...
Isabel Logan: *yep, sticky hands* *nods, bounces a little as they walk* We can play with cars. An' the blocks. An' I can draw pictures. *omgAnnieAlex'shouseissofun!sugar!*

Alex Eames: You can do all those things, yes. But you have to be good, you promise?
Isabel Logan: *nods, doesn't understand why she would be bad at AnnieAlex's house* I am good!
Alex Eames: Good girl. *gets to her car, unlocks it and opens the backseat door. There's a car seat that's intended for Isabel to sit in* Here you go.
Isabel Logan: *climbs in, tries to buckle herself*

Alex Eames: You need help? *obviously intends to help her anyway*
Isabel Logan: No, I'm big.
Isabel Logan: I can do it. *trying*
Alex Eames: Let me show you how it's done. *helps her*
Alex Eames: Then you'll know for next time, and you can show off to your mommy and daddy.
Isabel Logan: Okay. *nods*
Alex Eames: *fastens her in* There you go.
Isabel Logan: *wiggles her feet* I get to call my Daddy later.
Alex Eames: Do you? *amused, yet confused*

Isabel Logan: *nods* He gived me my Mami's phone. *pats her pocket, where Millie's phone is peeking out of*
Alex Eames: *nods with a smile* Good. You look after that phone.
Alex Eames: *letting her keep it, since it's obviously what Mike wanted, then gets into the drivers seat and buckles herself in*
Isabel Logan: *singsong in the backseat, singing something or other*
Alex Eames: *drives, letting her sing*
Isabel Logan: *looking out the window, all curious* AnnieAlex, do you live far-away?

Alex Eames: Not far. It won't take us long to get there.
Isabel Logan: An I will play with BabyEllie an' see Dayvid-Ellie's-Daddy?
Alex Eames: Yep. They're waiting for you.
Isabel Logan: Yayyyy.
Isabel Logan: *and then as an afterthought* I will play with you, too, AnnieAlex.
Alex Eames: Oh, thank you, I'm glad.

Alex Eames: *chuckles* What have you been upto today, Isa?
Isabel Logan: It's my daddy's birthday! An' we had cake in the morning. An' then I went to school. An' Mami and Daddy picked me up from school.
Alex Eames: Cake for breakfast? Wow.
Alex Eames: Happy birthday to daddy, huh.
Isabel Logan: Yeah. It was chocklit.
Alex Eames: ...yum. *feeling nauseated at the idea of cake for breakfast*
Isabel Logan: An' we went to dinner. An' I had chicken strips. An' then Mami said the stinky baby is coming.
Alex Eames: *internally, she chuckles at that* Yeah, I know the baby is coming, that's why you're with me. I promise he won't be that stinky.
Isabel Logan: He will POOP. And smell like POOP.
Alex Eames: You poop.

Alex Eames: *cringes at what she just said*
Isabel Logan: Not inna diaper.
Isabel Logan: I poop in the toi-let.
Alex Eames: You used to, Isa. I saw it.
Isabel Logan: NA-UH!
Alex Eames: *chuckles* You can chat with David about poop. He -loves- to discuss all sorts of crazy. You can tell him I gave you permission, too.
Isabel Logan: Poop is YUCK.
Alex Eames: Tell David.
Alex Eames: *still driving*
Isabel Logan: I WILL.

Alex Eames: Good. Let's listen to the radio. *switches it on*
Isabel Logan: I like singing!
Alex Eames: Me, too.
Alex Eames: *plays a CD that belongs to Ellie, so it's got children's songs on it*

Isabel Logan: I know this song! *sings along*

Alex Eames: I thought you might.
Isabel Logan: *singing loudly*
Alex Eames: *just relieved they're no longer talking about that what comes out of backsides*
Alex Eames: *drives, with her singing, all the way home. Pulls up in her driveway and stops the car, gets out*
Isabel Logan: *manages to unbuckle herself, which is way easier than buckling*
Alex Eames: *opens the car door for her*
Isabel Logan: *leaps out*
Alex Eames: *locks the car and leads the way up to her front door, opens it quickly and lets her in*

Alex Eames: *inside, David is sitting in the living room, the TV is on, and Ellie is sitting on his lap, in her pyjamas and holding a bottle of milk*
Isabel Logan: *runs in* Hellooo! *singsong*
David Dresden: *turns off the TV*
Alex Eames: *closes the door and takes off her coat*
Isabel Logan: *bouncing around*
David Dresden: That must be Isabel, because no one else I know makes that much noise.

Isabel Logan: *giggles* My daddy says I am noiiiisy.
Ellie Eames: *perks up, dropping her bottle and looking over at Isabel*

David Dresden: Yeah? Well, he's -right-
Alex Eames: You want to give me your coat, Isabel?
Isabel Logan: *takes off her coat with some effort, then runs over to Ellie*
Alex Eames: *takes the coat and hangs it up*
Ellie Eames: *on David's knee, grins widely when Isabel goes to her*
Isabel Logan: *plops down next to them* Hiii.
Ellie Eames: *smiles* Yooooo.
Alex Eames: *sits down*
Alex Eames: *like, omg, thank god I'm sitting down*
Alex Eames: *and yay, rest*
Isabel Logan: *giggles, still sticky-faced and sticky-fingered*

David Dresden: What have you been eating? You make me want to get paper and stick it to your face.
Isabel Logan: I had ice cream! An' I gotta eat it inna car and Daddy put onna siren and it went woo-woo-woo to the hos-bittle.
Alex Eames: Argh, I left them the ice cream tub in the car. *sort of like a headdesk moment, sighs*
David Dresden: The car forgives you. *then to Isa* That sounds exciting

Isabel Logan: Yeah. An' later I can call my daddy. *takes the cell phone out of her pocket*
David Dresden: *looks at the phone and then at Alex*
Alex Eames: Mike gave it to her, it's Millie's phone.
David Dresden: Ah. *to Isa* Don't go making long distance phone calls...
Alex Eames: Put it back in your pocket, Isa, to keep it safe.
Isabel Logan: *looks it over, presses buttons, and they make noise, even though the keypad is locked* I wanna call my daddy.

Alex Eames: Not yet. Daddy is busy. He'll call you soon, so you best hold onto it. *smiles, pulling her shoes off at the same time*
Isabel Logan: *sighs, tucks the phone back*
Ellie Eames: *pushes herself off David's knee and toddles over to the corner of the room where some of her books are, grabs one and then carries it back to Isabel and hands it to her*
Isabel Logan: I can read to you.
Isabel Logan: You want me to read? *to Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *tries to climb back up so she can sit next to Isabel, with the intention of being read to*
David Dresden: She does, it's time for her bedtime story. Lucky you.
Isabel Logan: *opens the book, "reads" it to Ellie - she knows some of the words, which she makes a big deal out of pronouncing, but makes up most of the story based on the pictures*

Ellie Eames: *after David lifts her up so she's sitting next to Isabel, she listens to the 'story'*
David Dresden: *smirking at the new version of the book* *whispers to Alex* Why didn't I think of that?
Isabel Logan: *finally finishes the book* The end!
David Dresden: *applauds her*
Alex Eames: *little chuckle* That was nice, Isa.
Ellie Eames: Heeee! *lots of giggling and then takes the book back*
Isabel Logan: I am a good reader. *smiles, all proud*
Alex Eames: That you are. Well done. *smiles*

Isabel Logan: Ellie has to go to bed now? Or can she play?
Ellie Eames: *drops back to the floor, David has to catch her, she then toddles back to the books*
Alex Eames: You can play with her for a little bit, but it won't be for long.
Isabel Logan: *still bouncy, goes to where Ellie is and starts playing with blocks with her*
Ellie Eames: *sees this and grabs a block*
Isabel Logan: *builds blocks with her*
Isabel Logan: *chatters while she does so*
Ellie Eames: *quiet babble, none of it making sense, just holds the block and watches Isabel*
Isabel Logan: *builds a tower, then knocks it down with glee*
Ellie Eames: Hehehehehe
Isabel Logan: *grins, does it again*
Alex Eames: *David and Alex are chatting, but they look over when the blocks get knocked over*

Isabel Logan: *giggling*
Alex Eames: *shakes her head in amusement*
Alex Eames: *expecting this to lead to a lot of noise*
Ellie Eames: Heeee! *squeals*
Isabel Logan: You wanna do it? *to Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *doesn't understand, starts toddling back towards her parents*
Alex Eames: No, Ellie, she means kick the blocks over... *points back to Isabel*
Ellie Eames: *looks back at Isa*
Ellie Eames: *standing in the middle of the room like 'what, what, what do I do?'*
Isabel Logan: *makes a block tower near her* Push it!
Ellie Eames: *giggles as she goes over, instead of pushing it over, she takes the top block and tries to put it in her mouth*
Isabel Logan: Nooo, like this. *pushes part of it*
Ellie Eames: *gets it! pushes the rest over*
Ellie Eames: *throwing the other block onto the pile for good measure*
Isabel Logan: Yay!

Ellie Eames: *claps her hands together*
Isabel Logan: Good job, Ellie!
Alex Eames: *David and Alex clap as well*
David Dresden: Yay. *smirking*

Isabel Logan: *gets bored of the blocks after awhile, poking around the living room kinda nosey*
David Dresden: There's a whole box full of toys in Ellie's room, if you want to play with something more fun?
Ellie Eames: *toddles over to Alex, who pulls her up and cuddles her*
Isabel Logan: Yeah, I do. I have toys in my room. But my room is at home!
David Dresden: *gets up* You wanna come check out these cool toys?
Isabel Logan: Yeah! *follows him*
David Dresden: *leads the way down the hall to Ellie's room, flicks on the light and goes over to the toy box and opens it* Here, look, some haven't even been played with... you can be the first. Knock yourself out, kiddo.
Isabel Logan: *runs to look at toys, finds some of them interesting, some of them too babyish* I wanna play with my kittyyyy.

David Dresden: Sorry, but your kitty isn't here. It's only for one night, though, then you'll be back at home. *has got this sneaking suspicion this kid is getting grumpy and tired*
Isabel Logan: But I wanna play with him! An' give him a kitty treat and he sleeps with meeee! *her voice gets higher as she goes on, getting upset at being away from parents who are having a stupid baby brother and her cat*
David Dresden: Hey. *softly, kneels down to her level* It's okay. I'll bet he misses you, too. You'll be back before you know it.

Isabel Logan: I wannn' my kitty! An' my dah! *looking around, upset, runs out to the living room* Annie Alex!

David Dresden: *shakes his head, follows her*
Alex Eames: *looks up* Isa?
Isabel Logan: I wanna go home now, Annie Alex. You take me home.
Alex Eames: I can't take you home, sweetie. Not yet. *hands Ellie to David, and holds out a hand to Isabel* But you come here?
Isabel Logan: *frowning goes over* I do go home! I want my kitty!
Alex Eames: *takes her hand, caring* I know you do, but there's no one there. Besides, Daddy is gonna call you soon, remember? He's going to expect you to be here, and being good.
Alex Eames: And being okay.
Isabel Logan: No, he comes to get me and I go home!

Alex Eames: No, he has to look after your mommy. But I promise he'll call soon and he'll tell you everything.
Isabel Logan: *frowning, arms crossed* I go home, I go home.
Alex Eames: No, you stay here. It's not that bad, and I was hoping you would watch a movie with me.
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Isabel Logan: *perks up* A movie? We can have pop-corn?
Alex Eames: Yes, we can. But I can't watch it by myself, you have to watch with me, okay?
Isabel Logan: *thinks* Okay.
Alex Eames: *smiles* Good. Let me go put Ellie to bed, she can't watch the movie. You see those dvds just there? *there's a low shelf with suitable DVD's on it* You can pick one for me?
Isabel Logan: *nods* I will pick one.
Alex Eames: Good girl. *stands up and goes to check on Ellie, making David go do the popcorn, because she can*
Isabel Logan: *goes over to the DVDs*
David Dresden: *popping some cooooorn*
Alex Eames: *puts Ellie into bed, and making sure everything is okay before leaving her, taking the monitor with her*

Alex Eames: *after reading Ellie another story, Alex comes back out to the living room* You picked one yet?
Isabel Logan: Yeah, I wanna see the toys. *holds up Toy Story*
Alex Eames: Great. *holds out her hand for the dvd* Let's get it set up
Isabel Logan: *hands it to her, goes to sit in the middle of the couch*
Alex Eames: *switches the dvd player on and pops the disc in*
David Dresden: *returns with a bowl of popcorn and places it on the table, looks over at Isabel being in the middle of the couch and raises his brow*
Alex Eames: *sits down next to Isabel and looks at David* She's not in your seat, just sit down.
David Dresden: *smirks and sits down on the other side of Isabel*

Isabel Logan: *perks up at popcorn, grabs a handful*

Alex Eames: *the film starts playing*
Isabel Logan: *gets into the movie, eating popcorn, dropping some pieces*
Alex Eames: *they both watch with some interest, they've seen it before, but it's good enough--mostly they're doing it for Isa*
Isabel Logan: *at some point, Isabel does like she usually will with Millie or Mike and leans against Alex*
Alex Eames: *lets her, loosely hugging her since she's used to that with Nathan*
Isabel Logan: *after the movie ends, Millie's cell phone goes off and Isabel grabs it from where she'd set it on the table*
Isabel Logan: *pushes buttons, but it's on lock* It don't work! *all overexcited*

Alex Eames: *takes the phone from Isabel and fixes it so it answers and hands it back to her*
Isabel Logan: *into the phone* HI DADDY.

Isabel Logan: Yah, I am. What're you doooooing?
Isabel Logan: Na-uh. *pause* I wanna see!
Isabel Logan: *standing in between where David and Alex are sitting - like, in front of her seat on the couch, not on the couch* I wanna go hoooome.

Isabel Logan: *another pause and then* *stern, upset* I said I'm the baby.

Isabel Logan: *mutters something that sounds like "stupid, smelly brother."
Isabel Logan: *whines* I don' wanna brother.
Isabel Logan: *another pause, then* Isa: Yes, I do get them. No brother. Just cupcakes an' soda.
Isabel Logan: I want a kitty. Not a brother. *pause* I wanna kitty brother for Bassard.
Isabel Logan: *pause* Isa: Where is Mami?
Isabel Logan: I talk to her now. *pause* HI MAMI. You come home now.
David Dresden: *looks at Alex and sighs, knowing that there's nothing they could do to help Isabel*
Alex Eames: *goes to get a drink and comes back*
Isabel Logan: NO, NOW. *pause* YES, I DO. But I will not visit the smelly, poopy baby. An' he will see me eat my chips an' has my soda.
Isabel Logan:...smelly baby don't eat chips an' soda now, do he? *pause* He don't get good stuff till I say.

Alex Eames: *sits down with the drink and whispers to David, quietly*
Isabel Logan: *pause, then* I did not get kissed goodnight. *pause* No kisses for the baby. *another pause, then* NO. NOT WHEN I DON'T. NO. *starting to get upset, another pause while Millie talks to her, and then, quietly*...I wan' my dah. Now.

Isabel Logan: My mami. My dah.
Alex Eames: *sympathetic face*
Isabel Logan: *after a moment in which Millie says, "I thought you were going to sing us a goodnight song, Isa starts to make a singsong voice, making up a song as she goes* Goodnight stupid kitty, no one wants you, go'way, you a dumb kitty, you get no ships or soda...
David Dresden: *unable to keep the smirk from his face*
Isabel Logan: *continues* I don' wan' you, an' Bassard don' wan you. *pause* That's RIGHT. Send me my dah.
Isabel Logan: *pause* Nooo. *determined look* Then I will stay up ALL NIGHT.
David Dresden: *looks scared*
David Dresden: *like, what?!*
Alex Eames: *pokes him*
Isabel Logan: No. Nononono. *stampy foot* Nooooo. *the beginning of a tantrum, and then, quieter, in response to something Millie says* No. *quiet, sniffly, really meaning yes*
Isabel Logan: *on the other end of the line, Millie quietly and tiredly sings a song to Isa, who is quiet, leaning against the couch, sniffling*
Alex Eames: *looks to the baby monitor, surprised this hasn't woken up Ellie yet*
Isabel Logan: *after the song ends, and Millie's said something else* No. *sad, soft*
Isabel Logan: No, Mami, I will wait.
Isabel Logan: Yes, Mami. *pause* No. I wan him to get me. *another pause* Dah, comegetme, comegetme. *whiny*
Isabel Logan: You gettttme.*pause, and a grumble* I am allllways good. *still whiny*

Isabel Logan: I will wait for morning. You sleep tight.
David Dresden: *looks to the clock, knowing he's tired even if Alex and Isa want to spend the whole night awake*
Isabel Logan: (haha like a 3 yr old could make it that long)
Isabel Logan: *sings a little goodnight song she learned somewhere - probably a bedtime story or preschool*
Isabel Logan: *sad* Byebye, Dah. *all baby-talkish, 'cause she's sad, closes the phone*
Isabel Logan: *not allowing time for the phone to be passed off to Alex or anything so Alex can talk to the grown ups or anything*

Alex Eames: *looks at her, with a little sad face*
Alex Eames: *like, aww*
Isabel Logan: *to Alex* I will wait for my daddy to get me.
Alex Eames: Okay. *nods* You gonna come sit with me while we wait? *pats the seat next to her*
Isabel Logan: *nods, climbs back up onto the couch, sniffs*
Alex Eames: *puts an arm around her and gives her a hug*
Isabel Logan: I can see another movie?
Alex Eames: Yes, which do you want? Wall-E is good... *looks at David who is yawning* Best say goodnight to David, he's going to bed.
Isabel Logan: Good-night, Ellie'sdaddydavid.

David Dresden: Goodnight. *kisses Alex's cheek and then goes to leave*
Alex Eames: Do you like Wall-E?

Isabel Logan: *nods* My cousin Daisy has it.
Alex Eames: Shall we watch that? *getting up to change the discs over*
Isabel Logan: *nods*
Alex Eames: *changes them over and sits back down with Isa*
Isabel Logan: *leans against Alex again, arms crossed*
Alex Eames: *hugs her, settl;es back and watches the film, waiting for her to get drowsy and fall to sleep*
Isabel Logan: *tries to keep awake, blinking her little eyes each time she starts to nod off, all determined*
Alex Eames: *glancing down at her every now and then, smiling a bit at that, but doesn't say anything*
Isabel Logan: *finally falls asleep, lying against Alex, kinda clutching at her in her sleep*

Alex Eames: *quietly switches the TV off, and carefully, as if she has had practice at this or something, she carries Isabel into Ellie's room, where there is a bed made up for her. She puts Isabel down in the bed and finds a teddy for her to cling onto so she'll let go of Alex*
Isabel Logan: *snores quietly*

*MORNING! Alex is awake super early, and is making breakfast--well, coffee*
Isabel Logan: *gets up relatively early...still wearign same clothes from yesterday, all wrinkly, and her curly hair is a MESS, runs out to the kitchen looking confused* Mami? *all half-awake*

Alex Eames: *looks round* Hey, Isa. *softly and quietly*
Isabel Logan: *frowns, rubs her eyes*
Alex Eames: Are you okay? Do you want breakfast?
Isabel Logan: *nods* I wan' breakfas'. An' then I go see my mami an' daddy.
Alex Eames: Yep, that you do. But breakfast first. What do you want?
Isabel Logan: Pancakes?
Alex Eames: Okay. Pancakes it is. *starts preparing them*
Isabel Logan: *watches*
Alex Eames: *gesturing to the table there* You can sit down and you can have a drink.
Alex Eames: *passes her a glass*
Alex Eames: *well, beaker*
Isabel Logan: *takes the glass, has a drink of juice or whatever*
Alex Eames: *plastic sippy cup thing*
Alex Eames: *it's juice*
David Dresden: *strolls in, carrying a drowsy Ellie who had woken up when Isabel had left the room*

Isabel Logan: *sips her juice, looks over and waves*
David Dresden: *little wave back* Yo, Isa. *to Alex* Yum, you're making pancakes. Myyy favourite!
Isabel Logan: Pancakes is my favorite.
Ellie Eames: *half-asleep, looking at Isabel, not used to seeing her in the morning*
David Dresden: *sits down* Let's wait for Auntie Alex to feed us.
Isabel Logan: *slurp slurp, nods at David*
Ellie Eames: *slowly waking up, after a few moments she points to the ground and David lets her go. She holds onto the table leg and looks over at Isabel*
Isabel Logan: You gonna eat pancakes, Ellie?
Ellie Eames: *sleepy smile* Boo.

David Dresden: Mmmm, pancakes, Ellie. Pancakes. You like them.
Isabel Logan: *little laugh*
Ellie Eames: *grins* *tugs on her pyjamas*
Isabel Logan: *grins at Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *still holding a pacifier in one hand, she toddles over to the wall and stands there*
Isabel Logan: What you doin?
David Dresden: ...good question. What you doing, Ellie?
Ellie Eames: *points to Alex*

Isabel Logan: She lookin' at AnnieAlex.
Alex Eames: *turns around from the pancake making and smiles at Ellie* You watching me, Ellie?

Ellie Eames: *toddles over to her and grabs her leg, hugging her* Maaaaama. *sleepy, rubs her face on Alex's leg*
Alex Eames: *looks to David, who gets up and takes over the pancake making*
Isabel Logan: You can make pancakes, too? *to David*
David Dresden: Oh, yeah. Mine are world famous. *grins at her*
Alex Eames: *picks up Ellie and bounces her*
Isabel Logan: You put chocklit chips in there?
Alex Eames: *frowns* Chocolate?
Alex Eames: *amused by this*
David Dresden: *chuckles*

Isabel Logan: Yeah, sone-times my daddy puts chocklit chips.
David Dresden: Maybe your daddy will make you them for breakfast tomorrow?
Isabel Logan: *nods* Or he will bring donuts. *big smile*
David Dresden: Mmm, delicious. *huge grin*
Isabel Logan: *giggles*
Alex Eames: *eyeroll* Now he's gonna want donuts, too.
Isabel Logan: Donuts is yum.
Alex Eames: Donuts are yummy, yes. *chuckles*
David Dresden: I knew you liked 'em.
Isabel Logan: Heehee.
David Dresden: *hands her plate of pancakes* Do you like syrup on them?

David Dresden: *grabs the syrup and squeezes out tons on her plate*
Isabel Logan: Yay! *starts to eat*
Isabel Logan: *remembers her manners with a mouthful of food* Fankoo, Daybid.
Alex Eames: *puts Ellie in her highchair and cuts up her pancake for her*
David Dresden: You're welcome. *putting the rest of the plates down and tucking into his own*
Isabel Logan: *noms*
Alex Eames: *everybody eats! om nom nom*
Isabel Logan: *yes!*
Alex Eames: *when they're done, Alex puts everything away that she can, except Ellie is being slow*

Isabel Logan: *stickyfaced*
Alex Eames: *looks at Isabel and smirks* Did you enjoy that?
Isabel Logan: Yah, it was yum.
Alex Eames: Good. *grabs a babywipe and quickly wipes her face*
Isabel Logan: Eee!
Alex Eames: You gotta look clean for your mommy and daddy.
Alex Eames: There.
Isabel Logan: Nahhh.
Alex Eames: Yeahhhh. *smirks*
Ellie Eames: Nahhhhh

Ellie Eames: *also sticky!faced, huge grin, a fist full of food*
Isabel Logan: Heehee.
David Dresden: *is off getting ready*
Alex Eames: *cleans up Ellie and takes her out the highchair*
Ellie Eames: *more awake, once on the ground, she toddles off*
Alex Eames: Come on, Isa, let's go get ready and then we can drive you back to your parents.
Isabel Logan: I am ready!
Alex Eames: Look at your hair... *follows Ellie, gesturing to Isabel to follow them*

Isabel Logan: Yeah I like it. *shakes her hair*
Alex Eames: *chuckles at her, and goes to Ellie's room, quickly getting her ready and getting hairbrush for Isabel*
Isabel Logan: Nonono.
David Dresden: *gets Ellie ready and lets Alex deal with Isa*
Alex Eames: Yes.
Alex Eames: It won't take long, but it's gotta be done.
Isabel Logan: No-no-no. You don't brush my hair. *runs away from her*
Alex Eames: *sighs* Greeeat. *follows her and hands the brush to her* You do it then

David Dresden: *sooo relieved he has Ellie*
Isabel Logan: *takes the hair brush, swipes at her hair once, very haphazardly, then tosses the brush on the couch, runs for the door, stands there*
Alex Eames: Big girls don't go out with messy hair, Isabel.
Alex Eames: What will your mommy say when she sees that you didn't do your hair? She'll be shocked.

Isabel Logan: No, she'll say, you look pretty, Isabel. You are my best baby.
Alex Eames: Is that so? You need to do your hair first. *softly* As soon as your hair is brushed, we can go. *looks over at how David has already gotten Ellie into her coat and is getting ready to go*
Isabel Logan: No, I WON'T. *about to start crying* I go see my mami an' daddy nowwww.

Alex Eames: Isabel, we're about to leave. Just let me make it look tidy, it won't even hurt.
Isabel Logan: *suddenly complacent look, mischievous eyes* ....okay, AnnieAlex.
Alex Eames: *raised brow*...ohh-kay. *goes to her and gently smoothes out her hair, not even using the brush*
Isabel Logan: *her hair's still all frizzy/messy, but neater*
Isabel Logan: *arms crossed*

Alex Eames: There. Now we can go. *grabs Isabel's coat and helps to put it on her*
Alex Eames: *sighs as she looks over at David and grabs her own coat, he gives her a sympathetic look and grabs the car keys*
Isabel Logan: *gets in her coat*
Isabel Logan: *stuffs her hands in the pockets*

Alex Eames: Right. *opens the door* Let's take you to your mommy and daddy.

Alex Eames: *leads the way to the car, David unlocks it and he puts Ellie in her seat as Alex opens the door for Isabel* Here you go, sweetie. Hop in.
Isabel Logan: *climbs in*
Alex Eames: *fastens her in and then closes the door*
Alex Eames: *David and Alex both stop outside the car, talking for a moment*

Isabel Logan: *talks to Ellie about something or other*
Ellie Eames: *waves, all securely fastened in, wiggling her legs and trying to get out*
David Dresden: *gets in the passenger seat as Alex goes back into the house for something else* You two kids playing nice?
Isabel Logan: Yes, I am always nice. *nods*
Ellie Eames: Nah, nah, nah, nah. *chews her fingers*
David Dresden: *looks back at them* Hmm?
Isabel Logan: *shrugs*
Alex Eames: *comes back with a bag, puts it in the back, and then makes David get out the passenger seat*
David Dresden: Hey, I called it.

Alex Eames: I'm letting you drive instead.
David Dresden: *surprised, gets out*
Alex Eames: *gets in his seat and he goes for the drivers seat*
David Dresden: *starts the car, and then buckles in*
Isabel Logan: *looking out the window*
David Dresden: *picks the fastest route*
Alex Eames: *zoom zoom zoom*
Alex Eames: *they get there*
Alex Eames: *Alex gets out and opens the door to Isabel's side, unfastens her* *to David* I won't be long.
David Dresden: Alrighty.

Isabel Logan: *climbs out*
Alex Eames: Let's go to your mommy and daddy. *holds out her hand*
Isabel Logan: *grabs her hand* I will see my mami and my dah. *nods*
Alex Eames: Thought you'd like that. *holds on tight and walks over to the hospital*

Isabel Logan: *they get directed to the maternity ward and then to Millie's room*

*Millie is sitting on the bed, already dressed, and her older brother, Ray, is sitting on a chair, holding the baby. Mike is out getting breakfast*
Alex Eames: *holding Isa's hand, she knocks on the door, quietly*
Millie Logan: *Millie looks up* Hey!
Isabel Logan: MAMI! *runs to her*
Alex Eames: *small smile* Hey.
Isabel Logan: *totally ignores everything but Millie for a moment, hugs her tightly*

Millie Logan: *hugs her back* Careful, baby. *looks up again* Hey, Alex...thank you so much for taking her last night.
Alex Eames: *nods* It's alright. How you feeling?
Millie Logan: A little tired and sore, but okay. Isabel, did you say hi to Uncle Ray?

Ray And your new baby brother? *is holding BB!Kit*
Isabel Logan: *wrinkles her nose* Hi, Uncle Ray.
Alex Eames: *goes over to Ray* I take it this is baby David?
Ray This is.
Isabel Logan: No it's NOT a baby brother. He's a kitten.

Millie Logan: *sigh* Isa, do you want to go find Daddy with Uncle Ray?
Alex Eames: *looks at the baby with a smile, probably the biggest she had in a week* Hello baby David.
Isabel Logan: Yes I do. And we will go home and you will go home and we will leave the baby kitten here.
Ray Do you want to hold him? ...looks like I'm on Isabel-duty.

Isabel Logan: *making faces*
Alex Eames: Of course. *nods*
Alex Eames: Might as well swap...
Ray *hands the baby to Alex, then goes to take Isa*

Millie Logan: Tell Auntie Alex thank you for watching you, Isa.
Isabel Logan: Thank you AnnieAlex.
Alex Eames: You're welcome, Isabel.
Alex Eames: *takes the baby, carefully*
Isabel Logan: *grabs Ray's hand and drags him out, babbling about something or other*
Millie Logan: *watches Alex holding the baby with a tired smile*

*he is a fat baby with a decent amount of hair*

Alex Eames: *smiling at the baby for a minute, then to Millie* You look as tired as I feel. How you feeling?
Millie Logan: Tired...sore...was Isabel good?
Alex Eames: Well, she wasn't purposely difficult, she was just upset at what was going on and missed you.
Alex Eames: *strokes baby!David's cheek with her finger*

Millie Logan: *sighs* Sorry about that...
Baby!David: *gurgles at her*
Alex Eames: It's okay. We understand, it's gonna take her time to deal. She'll be alright.
Alex Eames: *grins at the baby*
Millie Logan: *nods*

Baby!David *looking around*
Alex Eames: Okay. You best have him back. *little smile*
Alex Eames: *that joy was shortlived* I've gotta get going. David is waiting -- my David, not yours, obviously -- and we're taking Ellie to stay with my parents.
Millie Logan: Weekend to yourselves? *takes Kit back*
Alex Eames: Something like that.
Millie Logan: Fun...*holds the baby close to her* Thanks again for watching her. Tell David I said thanks, too.
Alex Eames: It's alright, we don't mind. Tell Isa, I enjoyed watching movies with her. *nods*
Millie Logan: *smiles* I will.
Alex Eames: *leaves with a little wave*

Millie Logan: *watches her go*

aim log, david dresden, ellie dresden eames, isabel logan, kit logan, millie logan

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