RP Moment | Darkness

Nov 13, 2009 23:31

Set for Wednesday night

But I've seen her broken. A crushed flower- sobbing for poor, dead Joe

Wrapped in the dark and cold blankets, Alex squeezed her eyes shut as the revelations of the day rang in her ears. It was more than difficult to sleep when your mind was full, your stomach was empty, and a man was snoring next to you. Still, she didn't make any effort to move, and she couldn't bring herself to attempt sleep either; all she could do was try to ignore the way her mind was relentlessly replaying everything to her from the past week.

There was just no way she could sleep even if she wanted to. Once again her home had been violated, and every fibre of her being was agonising over Mulrooney: the things he had said, who he was, why he hated her so much. Her own anger bubbling away under the surface -- he planted that letter, not her like it had been suggested -- he messed up his own case, and here he was blaming her for it the whole time. She had believed him when he pointed the finger at her, over and over, now she was so angry that she wanted to burst.

He wanted her to feel the same kind of failure that he had been suffocating with for 10 years. The irony was that Alex hadn't exactly felt like she had had a victory in the first place. Guilt had been something she had lived with, but apparently that wasn't enough for him.

Let's go, sweetie

She had arrested him -- put him in handcuffs, mirandised him, watched him being dragged away-- but it didn't help her feel any kind of closure. She knew why it was supposed to, it wasn't lost on her that somehow it was supposed to mean that he hadn't won here, that his plans were foiled and it was over -but she knew it wasn't really. CSU had already been to dust for prints, once her things had been discovered at Mulrooney's home, but thankfully they had done the job pretty quickly. Though they had found a partial print, she just remembered thinking she needed to do a better job at cleaning.

Now she had to go through the motions of a trial, so it was never over.

You're thinking too loud

Alex frowned, the haze of her mind lifted enough for her to realise it wasn't a memory and that it was actually the half-asleep man next to her.

"What?" Her voice croaked, not used to speaking having been quiet for so long.

David cracked open one eye to look at her, her neck twisted as she watched him, but he could see she wasn't really with him. "Stop thinking, and go to sleep," he told her. She shook her head, words seemed to be an effort at this point. She should have been more quiet with her thoughts and never woken him up. "You gonna stay awake forever?"

Alex didn't answer. She couldn't answer because she honestly wasn't sure she wanted to sleep right now, though she knew she should. Her whole body felt uncomfortable at even being there, how was she supposed to sleep?

David sighed. "Do you want coffee?" She held back a grumble when he switched the light on.

Sitting up, she eyed him, "You're getting up, too?"

"Well," he shrugged, "Might as well. I'm not being left out of a midnight snack or anything." He disappeared out the room. Watching him go, Alex realised what he was doing and although she contemplated chasing after him to change his mind, she coudn't bring herself to be alone with her thoughts anymore, so she let him stay awake and support her.

rp moment, david dresden, kevin mulrooney

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