RP Log | Trial Prep

Nov 17, 2009 00:27

Det. Alex Eames: *knocks on the door of Connie's office*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Come in.
Det. Alex Eames: *goes in* Hey.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *looks up, finishing up a granola bar* Hey. *smiles* How are you?
Det. Alex Eames: *a quick smile, nods* I'm fine. How're you?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Busy, but okay.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: You can take a seat if you want....*motions to a chair that she doesn't realize has a baseball on it*
Det. Alex Eames: I could come back at a better time if you want?
Det. Alex Eames: If you're too busy?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: No, I'm fine. You know how it is - we always have a ton of cases at once.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah... *goes to the seat, looks at it and picks up the baseball, then sits down*
Det. Alex Eames: Okay then.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Oops. Don't know how that got there. *quizzical look at the baseball*

Det. Alex Eames: It's fine. I'm sure you have the same problem with baseballs at home...?
Det. Alex Eames: *small smirky smile*
Det. Alex Eames: *still holding the baseball*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *laughs at that* Sometimes.
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles* Thought so.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *amused* Do you want a water or anything?
Det. Alex Eames: No, I'm fine, thanks.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Okay...*moves over some files, gets a folder* how've you been?
Det. Alex Eames: I've been fine. You know... *trailing off to mean as well as she can be considering*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: How's Goren?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *notes that she still needs to go over stuff w/ him as well*
Det. Alex Eames: Uh, he's fine. He's Goren.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: How many times a day do you have to explain him to people?

Det. Alex Eames: Too many
Det. Alex Eames: I just say "he's Goren" because it gets tiring.
Det. Alex Eames: *small smirk*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles*
Det. Alex Eames: It's just the response to give, I don't have any other. But he's fine.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: You've not spoken to him?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Not yet.
Det. Alex Eames: Ah. *nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: So, basically....*looks down the list of questions, sighs* I'm going to have to ask you some stuff now -- I'm pretty sure I know the answers to some of it, but it's all standard procedure....covering the bases....*looks back up at her*...to make sure that we're prepared...
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, I know. Not my first BBQ. *trying to be light, because she really doesn't want to do this, she wants it to be over*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles, then looks back at the paper* When did you first meet Kevin Mulrooney?
Det. Alex Eames: I met him 10 years ago, when we were working together on the Burnham case.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: What was your working relationship like?

Det. Alex Eames: It was good. We worked well together, for the most part.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *looking at the paper, reading straight off of the questions* Did your relationship with Mulrooney extend beyond the workplace?
Det. Alex Eames: Yes, it did. *pause* We became good friends, spent a lot of time outside of work together.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *feels almost embarrassed at having to ask* And what was the extent of your personal relationship?
Det. Alex Eames: It didn't go as far as you're thinking. It... would have, but we never crossed that line.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I wasn't thinking anything. *pause* They're standard questions that I have to ask - as the prosecutor - and that will be asked of you on the stand.
Det. Alex Eames: I know. I'm just saying. It wasn't that far.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I wouldn't put it past his lawyer -- although i'm not sure who he's retained for counsel yet - to try and insinuate otherwise.
Det. Alex Eames: *sighs, looks at her hands for a minute* ...probably.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Speaking of....*looking through her papers* Just a minute. *makes a phone call*
Det. Alex Eames: *frowns*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *to person on the other end* Have we got the paperwork from Mulrooney's lawyer yet? It just came in? Can you bring that to me? *pause* Who's listed as counsel of record?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *raises her brows* Really? *torn between wanting to be all 'well good luck to that schmuck' and '....interesting.'*
Det. Alex Eames: *looks up from her hands and raises her own brow, not all that sure she wants to know*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Thanks, I'll see you in a bit with those papers. *hangs up*
Det. Alex Eames: *expectant look*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He had to have been making some sort of money in the last seven years. *pause* He retained Granick & Melnick. ...although I'm guessing it was only enough to pay one of their more junior associates, because he got assigned Ted Fairwell.
Det. Alex Eames: Ted?
Det. Alex Eames: *raises her brow*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* His wife's a tech, right? ...that's gotta be weird.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, Claire... Interesting.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *checks records* She wasn't anywhere near this case, right?
Det. Alex Eames: No.
Det. Alex Eames: *shakes her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Good...good....geez, didn't I see him at the Halloween party?
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, well, I was technically at his wedding... a guest of the bride, but still.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ....*shakes her head*...at least it's not Rob.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shudder*
Det. Alex Eames: *small smile* Thank God?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *nods, too*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head at the thought*
Det. Alex Eames: *looks at her hands*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *asks her a few other questions about the case*
Det. Alex Eames: *answers them all*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *after awhile* I think that's it for now.
Det. Alex Eames: *fiddling with the baseball and then realises what she's doing and puts it down on the desk* You sure?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods, slight smile at the baseball*
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* Let me know if there's more.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I will.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* Yeah, thanks.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...sorry about having to ask you all of that.
Det. Alex Eames: *pause* No, I know it's part of the job. It's okay...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: Would be nice if it wasn't going this far, of course. *sad look*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: He's crazy, Alex. He'll come undone at trial...guys like him always do.
Det. Alex Eames: The fact is, he's crazy, and I didn't see it. *shakes her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It happens.

Det. Alex Eames: I've tried to tell myself that, but...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It does. You know it does. And that was years ago. He took advantage of your state of mind.
Det. Alex Eames: What do you mean? *curious look*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: You were still mourning Joe.
Det. Alex Eames: Oh. Yeah... I should never have talked about it with him. *shakes her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...it happens.
Det. Alex Eames: *shakes her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It does. We have these idealized notions of how we're supposed to act in our jobs...but we don't always.
Det. Alex Eames: I don't mean the job, I mean me. I should never have revealed all that to him in the first place, or felt that I needed to either.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ....it happens. Hindsight is always 20/20.
Det. Alex Eames: Still, I wish I hadn't. *shakes her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: We learn, you know? It wouldn't be life...if we weren't learning.
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod* I guess so. That thought doesn't always help, but yeah.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ....I almost slept with Rob...
Det. Alex Eames: ...you did?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I mean, we never--got physical at all...but he wanted to--this was before I introduced him to Ileana---and---it was really tempting...
Det. Alex Eames: What stopped you?
Det. Alex Eames: *quietly*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...knowing better...from experience...
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod, and then, also quietly* Experience?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *scratches her neck* There was a guy - kind of like him - good-looking, cocky as hell, charming when he wanted to be...
Det. Alex Eames: *curious look* You and he...?
Det. Alex Eames: *twirls her finger in that international symbol for you-know-what*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'd barely been at the DA's office a month. He was older, more experienced...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *little laugh* I think he's a defense attorney now.
Det. Alex Eames: He took advantage of you? *raised brow*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I wouldn't say that. It was my choice. A stupid choice..one I learned from...one I'm not proud of...
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* Of course.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *small smile*

Det. Alex Eames: I'm sorry. At least you didn't repeat it with Rob.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It's all right. And yeah...that...*shakes her head*
Det. Alex Eames: Though, I think Rob hit on every woman he laid eyes on before he married your sister.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He still does.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *eyeroll*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Maybe not as bad...
Det. Alex Eames: He does? *raised brow* Nice...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Ileana can be just as bad. They're both pretty shameless no matter what they're doing.
Det. Alex Eames: Perfect match for each other then.
Det. Alex Eames: I think I would about die if David started hitting on other women..,
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I don't even think it would cross Michael's mind.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods, too* Nor David's. I can't imagine a marriage like that, really, but each to their own.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shrugs*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *not terribly comfortable judging her sister to someone not her sister*
Det. Alex Eames: *doesn't say anything else*

Det. Alex Eames: *it's less judging, more saying she's different and going off what Connie had already said*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *fiddles with a pen*
Det. Alex Eames: You okay?
Det. Alex Eames: *raised brow*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *curious since she's gone quiet* You sure?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods again*
Det. Alex Eames: ...okay
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *small smile*
Det. Alex Eames: *worried look, mixed with confusion*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Sorry, long day...lots on my mind.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah... I know the feeling. What's up?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Just...work....and....wow...*little laugh* To be honest, I haven't thought about--that guy--Marcus Woll--in years...

Det. Alex Eames: The guy from when you...? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you never get over these things, even if you do learn from them.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It's just...weird...to think about that after all this time. Especially...with where I am now...it feels like a lifetime ago.
Det. Alex Eames: It sounds like it was a lifetime ago. You've been an ADA for who knows how long, and you're married and happy with life.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Who knows how long...feels like that sometimes.

Det. Alex Eames: I didn't mean for that to sound as long as it did.
Det. Alex Eames: *slight smile*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smirks*
Det. Alex Eames: I assume it's not as ancient as that sounds?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Seven years. You've been a cop for what, fifteen?
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, that isn't ancient, thank you.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *grin*

Det. Alex Eames: Have you met Logan? He's been a cop for a lot longer than that.
Det. Alex Eames: *small smirk*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Yeah, I've met Logan. *snort* I think he's old enough to be my dad.

Det. Alex Eames: *pulls like an 'ouch' face* I won't tell him you said that.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shrugs* He already hates me. It wouldn't matter.
Det. Alex Eames: It matters to me. *shrugs, too*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *thinks about this, mentally calculating* Yeah, he probably could be my dad. *snort* And he just had a kid, didn't he?
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, they had a baby boy. They named him David. *small smirk*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Not after your David, I'm guessing?
Det. Alex Eames: No, but David made a joke about it the morning we took Isabel back to her parents.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *raises a brow*

Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, we uh had to take her for the night while they were at the hospital...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Ooh. Fun. *smiles*
Det. Alex Eames: It was a distraction anyway. *shrugs* Though she wasn't all that happy with it.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: She seems a little...rambunctious...though i've only encountered her a couple of times.
Det. Alex Eames: She's fine, just enthusiastic. It was more her being upset that she's getting a baby brother, and that she wasn't at home - just a disrupted routine really.
Det. Alex Eames: *sad smile*
Det. Alex Eames: It made it harder, though, for us. I'm hoping that Ellie's laid back attitude stays with her.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Ahhh. *thinks* I was too young to remember when Ileana was born. I do remember being excited about Cori being born...although I think I recall Ileana being upset. *chuckles*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles* I was told that I was upset when my kid brother was born, but I don't remember it.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles*

Det. Alex Eames: It was only for a night, and then my parents took Ellie for the rest of the weekend... so, it wasn't so bad.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: That's good...did she have fun at your parents'?
Det. Alex Eames: She did, but then she loves being with my dad, which we were kinda depending on.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: That's good.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Did you get some rest,t hen?
Det. Alex Eames: No... well, we got to talk, I've not really been sleeping well.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Did the talking help?
Det. Alex Eames: It helped to talk about it with him, yeah, but it's still hard to sleep with it all still going on... and, you know, like I said with not being comfortable...

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *small smile* We'll see.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods again*
Det. Alex Eames: *small nod herself*
Det. Alex Eames: *her phone rings and she looks at it before answering* *after greeting the other person, she listens to what they're saying* ...I thought you said it was a crazy idea when I suggested it? *pause* ...okay, I'll see you later. Bye. *hangs up*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *waits*
Det. Alex Eames: Sorry. That was David.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It's okay.
Det. Alex Eames: I should probably leave you to work, I assume you're working late?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'm not sure yet...think I'm going to try to convince Michael to take some work home and leave early. *smiles*
Det. Alex Eames: That sounds like a nice idea. *smile*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* He works too hard.
Det. Alex Eames: Really?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He does...before I met him, all he did was work or watch baseball.
Det. Alex Eames: I'm sure he's not like that now?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Not as bad.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He's still a workaholic...I think we both are, but he's worse...but we both help each other out in that regard.
Det. Alex Eames: Ah. *nods* I'm sure you both have a good enough reason to not be such workaholics.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles at that*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles, slowly standing up, stifling a yawn*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *taps her pen on her desk absently*
Det. Alex Eames: I'll see you later. *half-hearted wave and then goes to leave*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *waves* See you.
Det. Alex Eames: Thanks.
Det. Alex Eames: *gone*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *watches her go*

connie rubirosa, aim log, marcus woll, kevin mulrooney

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