RP Log | Mulrooney Arrested

Nov 11, 2009 23:37

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *can hardly believe what's going on, heads over to 1PP. Arrives at 1PP and heads quickly to the 11th floor*
Det. Alex Eames: *Alex, looking pretty difficult to read either way, but shaken up and trying not to show that, is standing by her desk, putting paperwork into a file, having been told she should go home*
Det. Alex Eames: *but not wanting to go*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *gets off the elevator, sees her, goes over* Alex?
Det. Alex Eames: *knowing her partner and Ross get to question that... bastard*
Det. Alex Eames: *doesn't immediately hear her, she's too busy trying to focus, but she looks up and sees her*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *frowning, concerned* Ross called McCoy...
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod, finds her voice* ...I thought he might.
Det. Alex Eames: *she sounds pissed*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Where is the son of a bitch?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *meaning Mulrooney, not Ross*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *obvs*
Det. Alex Eames: *tight* Interrogation

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *knows Alex must have been called off of it, since she knows Alex would be in there if she was able* Right...which room?
Det. Alex Eames: *there's a flicker of hurt on her face, nods* One.
Det. Alex Eames: *needlessly points in the direction*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Thanks. *passes her by, puts a hand briefly on her arm, before heading in that direction*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *goes in to watch behind the glass. Ross is there, watching, too*
Det. Alex Eames: *small, sad smile, and then sits down at her desk, because she's not going anywhere, resisting the urge to rest her head against the desk*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Captain. Goren.

Capt. Danny Ross: Ms. Rubirosa. *a short nod*
Det. Bobby Goren: *nods, too* *is in there, waiting for Mulrooney to finish talking to his lawyer. Goren's not looking too happy either, and he's giant form is just ready to pounce out the door once they're done*
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *whispering to his lawyer, they're having a bit of a disagreement*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *raises a brow at that* What has he said so far? *to Ross*
Capt. Danny Ross: *explains* He's admitted that he created the redhead we've been chasing -- Gabrielle Roth -- and is her, and it's been revealed it ties back to Det. Eames...

ADA Connie Rubirosa: ....wait--he's Gabrielle Roth?
Capt. Danny Ross: He prefers to refer to her as Gabby.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: O_O ........
Det. Bobby Goren: He's refusing to say much more, he was more connected when he knew Eames was there, listening. And yes, he is a cross-dresser.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...I just saw Alex out in the bullpen. She looked crushed. *thinking*
Det. Bobby Goren: *nods* This whole thing was about her. He's even been to her home, and taken some of her--*pause, doesn't like think about Alex's underwear*--under things.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: --did he admit that?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *is totally disgusted, but thinking like a lawyer first*
Det. Bobby Goren: No, we haven't told him about the evidence for that, it just came in. We're still waiting for him to finish with his lawyer, then we'll go back in.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: We can use that as collateral. *oh, look, I am suddenly part of "we"*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *uncrosses, then recrosses her arms* He's weak around women - especially ones he knows and ones he thinks have more power than him.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *guys, can you guess what I'm hinting at, guys??*
Det. Bobby Goren: *nods in agreement* That's why he was more forthcoming around Eames, he wanted to hurt her, be better than her.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I used to work with him...he tried to intimidate me at the bodega *realizes why he was at the bodega*...and he knows that Alex and I are good friends...

Det. Bobby Goren: It's a good idea. He might speak more to you.
Det. Bobby Goren: *looks to Ross*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *so does she*
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Det. Bobby Goren: *looks to Mulrooney to see that he and his lawyer aren't speaking as much as before*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *waits for Goren to make a move toward the door first, figures it will be more dramatic if Goren comes in, followed by her*
Det. Bobby Goren: *nods to her and then goes out, opening the door to interrogation*
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *jumps when the door opens, having been used to it being quiet*
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *sits back, and just stares at Goren*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *walks in behind Goren, emerging from his shadow*

ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *his eyes pop open when he sees her, not expecting her here, and he licks his lips, feeling anxious.*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *can't help a slight smirk at that, then goes back to looking stoic* Kevin Mulrooney. *a note of disappointment in her voice, like she can't believe it, as she walks over and stands in front of the table, not sitting just yet*,
Det. Bobby Goren: *puts his binder down and opens it up, knowing he's being ignored at this point, and thinks GOOD*
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *looks up at her* Connie
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *slight headshake* I didn't think you had it in you, Kevin.
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *pause* What do you mean?
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *not liking the disappointed tone*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I just didn't think you'd ever hurt Alex the way you have....I saw her in the squadroom on the way in....she was...gutted.
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *a look of happiness flashed on his face but he covered it up* Really?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Yeah, really. *crosses her arms* You may not have ever moved up in your career at the DA's office, or started your own family, your own life...*briefly touches her wedding ring when she says that*...but you made Alex hate herself, question everything she's done. *sits down across from him* Was it worth it?
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *studying her, taking a moment to form the correct response, legally*

Defense Attorney Jackie Wells: You don't have to respond to that. Are we going to discuss this murder charge?
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *looks to his lawyer and back at Connie, his face showing that he did like it and it was worth it*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: The cross-dressing -- was that for the plan - to make Alex hurt - or did you like it? *a venom she didn't realize she had toward him seeping into her voice*
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *a flash of anger on his face* I don't have, I don't have to explain what I do in my own time to you.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: You're right. You will, however, have to explain to a jury what you were doing with Alex's panties. A police detective's panties. *leans in slightly, not hiding her disgust* Did you wear them, too?
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *leans forward, staring at her* You don't really think this will all hold up in court, do you? You're not exactly flush with evidence.
Det. Alex Eames: *completely ignoring her question*
Det. Bobby Goren: *has got the evidence in his binder, except for Alex's panties, he wouldn't put them in there, but the his finger prints at her house, that report is there*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Her panties were found in your house, Kevin. So was everything of Gabrielle's...they're dusting her place for prints right now. You think they won't find your handprints? I'm guessing they will, and the only one who's going to be going down, feeling the hurt in the long term is gonna be you, while you sit in prison.
Defense Attorney Jackie Wells: *sees where this heading* My client is invoking his right to be silent

ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *not happy*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Sure. *shakes her head again at Mulrooney* Just like every other defendant. If you would've asked me eight years ago who was most likely in the office to end up a perp...well like I said, I wouldn't have thought you had it in you.
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *angry* It's not... like that. You don't know me, Rubirosa *switching back to her last name* And if you think you did, then you're not as smart as you thought. I had a career, and -she- took it away from me.

Defense Attorney Jackie Wells: *not!impressed, trying to shut him up*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: You forged a letter to try and win your case because you weren't competent enough to do your job the right way and it's her fault? Please.
ADA Kevin Mulrooney: All she had to do was overlook a witness' mistake. I had to do something or Burnham was gonna walk.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: She upheld her oath as a police officer. You broke the law, Kevin. You took your oath to the people and threw it away because you weren't good enough to do it the right way.
Defense Attorney Jackie Wells: This conversation is over. *purpose look at Mulrooney, who sits back, willing to shut up now because Connie doesn't -get it-*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *glances at Goren*
Det. Bobby Goren: *sighs and gets up, nodding to her*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *to Mulrooney, not his lawyer* We'll see you in court, then, Kevin. An ADA picked up on a common murder charge? Jack's pulling out all the stops on this one.

ADA Kevin Mulrooney: *stares up at her* I'll see you there.
Det. Bobby Goren: *opens the door for Connie*
Det. Bobby Goren: *like a gentleman*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *turns to go, goes ahead of Goren*
Det. Bobby Goren: *expecting to see Ross out there*
Capt. Danny Ross: *is out there* He was rattled, at least. Here's hoping prison doesn't agree with him and that he'll break on the stand.
Det. Bobby Goren: *nods, looking round to see where Alex is* Here's hoping.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods as well, also looks for Alex*

*Alex is at her desk, fiddling with a pen, and looking like she'll crack any minute- staring at the pen and obviously doing some deep thinking, too deep*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *walks over, quietly* It's over. *pause* For now.
Det. Alex Eames: *looks up from the pen* Oh? Did he confess? *quietly, too*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head* I'm sorry.
Det. Alex Eames: ...oh. *looks worried*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: We can get him at trial. Frankly, I'm surprised his lawyer isn't already pushing our door down with motions for a 730 exam....
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* We'll see.
Det. Bobby Goren: *comes over* CSU are done at your house, Eames. You should go home... *quietly, looking over at Connie, as if to say 'someone needs to make her go'*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *sighs* If his lawyer hadn't been there...
Det. Alex Eames: *blinks, studies her* What? *curious what she's hinting at*
Det. Alex Eames: *looks at Goren with a 'you think I'm going home, think again' look*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He was talking...she kept shutting him up.
Det. Alex Eames: I guess he's got a good lawyer... *sighs*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: That's her job.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah. *rubs her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He was rattled, at least. Ross had a good point - I'm sure he won't do well in prison while he waits to go to trial.
Det. Alex Eames: I hope so. *shakes her head*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: He has to break, Alex. Bastards like him - weak-willed guys who blame everyone else -always do.
Det. Alex Eames: *sighs, she clearly still feels some guilt, it's written all over her face*
Det. Alex Eames: Right. Of course.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It's not your fault.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, because a cross-dressing, obsessed, murderer breaking into my home is a sign of a job well done. *pause* He only killed Boz Burnham because he blamed me.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He's sick, Alex. Frankly, if they rule him incompetent and he's sent to the prison psych ward, it won't be a bad thing.
Det. Alex Eames: *twists her mouth, considering how she'd feel if he was sent there*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Although I'm guessing he won't let his lawyer come close to that sort of defense. He'll want a trial, he'll want to expose to the world what he thinks you are and how he sees things. No jury in the world will buy it.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *looks over at Goren if he's there, as if saying, back me up, Detective Clever*
Det. Bobby Goren: If he's stupid enough to let it go to trial, then he'll be the one exposed to the world. You know the DA's office are gonna fight this one all the way, Eames. Instead of sitting here, you should go home. It's not your fault he chose to obsess over you. *looks at Connie, like, hope that's good enough*
Det. Alex Eames: *sighs, slow nod*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods at Goren, then at Alex* You did your job - now let us (meaning the DA's office) do ours.

Det. Alex Eames: Fine. But do me a favour and keep me updated on it?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Of course.
Det. Alex Eames: Thanks. *doesn't make a move to go home, though*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *raises a brow*
Det. Bobby Goren: Don't you have to pick Ellie up?
Det. Alex Eames: David'll do it.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: What're you going to do here?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *yeah she crossed that line and Alex can deal with it*

Det. Alex Eames: Work? Why are you guys so desperate for me to go home?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Because it's evening and you closed out your case and you had a hard day.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *like, duh*
Det. Alex Eames: *shakes her head* I'm still trying to let the news that he broke into the house sink in, thanks. I'm not all that sure I want to be there. *sighs* I'm just glad Ellie wasn't there.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...all right.
Det. Alex Eames: *looks at them both for a moment, considering that maybe they're right and she should go -- she doesn't have to go -home-*

Det. Bobby Goren: I'll bet Ellie misses you... *still trying to get her to go*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods at what Goren says*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: There's always the bar. *small smile*
Det. Bobby Goren: *nods to Connie* Yeah, or a 'ladies dinner' - don't you women do that?
Det. Alex Eames: *looks at her phone and then up at Connie*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *tries not to laugh at Goren*....we do.
Det. Alex Eames: I don't think I've ever known you this desperate to get rid of me. *stands up and grabs her coat* But fine, just so I don't have to listen to you pestering me anymore. *grabs her phone, checking the messages* *then to Connie* If you want to?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Let me just call Michael.

Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod* Okay.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *calls Cutter* Hey. *smiles* I'm going to dinner with Alex....*pause*.....yes, there is that. ...the what?
Det. Alex Eames: *slowly putting her coat on, trying to not notice the concerned looks that Goren is throwing her way*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *......great.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *frowning* No, it's fine. I'll deal with it.
Det. Alex Eames: *looks over*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *Okay. I'll see you when I get home. *hangs up*
Det. Alex Eames: *quiet* Is everything okay?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Jack's out of the City at the moment at a fundraiser. *pause* So instead of being camped outside of Foley Square, the press is here. Outside 1PP, waiting for a statement about the arrested ADA.
Det. Alex Eames: *quietly shocked and put off by that* Ah. *not all that sure what to say on that*
Det. Bobby Goren: They're looking for you or Captain Ross?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Whoever comes out first, probably. *glances toward Ross's door.*

Det. Bobby Goren: *looks over* I don't envy either of you.

Det. Alex Eames: *looking away completely*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Give me a second. *to Alex, goes to Ross's office, knocks, then goes in*
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* ...alright.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *after a few minutes, plus a phonecall to the brass and one to McCoy, Ross gets up and he and Connie come out of the office*
Det. Alex Eames: *watches them come back out, looks at Goren and then has an 'omg' face*
Capt. Danny Ross: We're going to give a statement to the press and nothing more. *looks at the cops* It would be helpful if at least one of you was there. *glances at Eames* But if you need to leave out the back door....*he doesn't go so far as to say 'that's understandable', but leaves the option open*

Det. Alex Eames: *shakes her head, trying to summon every ounce of bravery she's got left* No, I'll be fine. *meaning, she'll go if it's what they need*
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods, starts for the elevators*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *worried look at Alex*
Det. Alex Eames: *takes a deep breath, and looks back at her then shakes her head, goes to follow Goren and Ross out*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *goes, too*

*once they all get downstairs and outside, they're immediately flanked by reporters. Ross basically lets them know, 'back off and you'll get a statement' ....he also makes sure Connie's next to him and the cops are looming in the background....*

Det. Alex Eames: *Goren subtly moves himself so that he's partially sheidling Eames from the reporters whilst she just walks with them*

Capt. Danny Ross: This evening, Major Case detectives arrested Kevin Mulrooney, an assistant district attorney for the Manhattan DA's office, for the murder of Boz Burnham. Mr. Mulrooney was also charged with stalking, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. At this time, we cannot release any further details, as it would hinder the prosecution of Mr. Mulrooney.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *speaks up, basically with what Jack told her to say* The District Attorney's office is fully committed to working with the NYPD as we begin our prosecution of Mr. Mulrooney. We do not believe that Mr. Mulrooney worked with anyone else, or that the sanctity of any current or past cases from our office have been compromised.

Det. Alex Eames: *unreadable!face as she listens to what they're saying and looking out at the crowd of reporters.*

*The reporters are all start shouting questions, asking for details from both Connie and Ross*

Capt. Danny Ross: *gives 'no comments' to the questions about the case, is about to turn to go back inside*
Reporter: *to Connie* And where is Jack McCoy on the night that one of his own attorneys is being arrested for murder?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *does her best to stay even-toned and look not-annoyed* Mr. McCoy is out of town on business related to his office. He is, like I'm sure you all are, deeply disturbed that one of our own ADAs has been arrested, but as always, wants justice more than anything. You can be assured that we'll be prosecuting Mr. Mulrooney to the fullest extent of the law.

Det. Alex Eames: *itching to get away from all the reporters as they're never satisfied, and are still shouting out questions about Mulrooney* *refusing to comment herself*
Det. Bobby Goren: No comment, no comment.
Capt. Danny Ross: At this time, none of my detectives or myself have been authorized to say anything else, so your questions are really wasted. *as in, STFU and go home, loserfaces*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Likewise, the DA's office cannot further comment, due to the pending nature of the investigation.
Det. Bobby Goren: *takes this as an indication to lead the way out the crowd*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *follows*
Det. Alex Eames: *desperately follows, eager to get out of there like woah*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *there is a DA car that Cutter arranged to have waiting at the curb* *to Alex* Get in...*figures Goren could get in too if he wanted, doubts he wants to*
Det. Alex Eames: Thank you. *quietly, gets in*
Det. Bobby Goren: *waiting till they're gone*
Det. Bobby Goren: *like, bodyguard big brother*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *gets in after her, instructs the driver to take them to a restaurant in Queens. Hey look, I'm not abusing DA's office stuff....we're totally going to be discussing the case!*
Det. Alex Eames: *leans her head back slightly, taking a deep breath*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *does the same, though not as deep, then looks over* You okay?

Det. Alex Eames: *folds her arms tightly* I guess so, considering. *sighs*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *not really sure she's okay herself, she's still trying to process the whole thing* *after a minute or two* You?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *small smile* I'm fine. Hungry, but fine.
Det. Alex Eames: *gives her a small smile back, not really smiling so much* Yeah... hungry. Good job we're getting food... then.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *closes her eyes for a minute and then looks at her* I'm guessing McCoy wasn't impressed when he heard?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He knew it was coming. He's upset that we could have hired Mulrooney back...welcomed him back as one of our own....
Det. Alex Eames: *nods, she can understand how that would feel* And you? I *pause* I know you knew him for a long time...?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shrugs* I didn't really know him. *quiet* Not like you did.
Det. Alex Eames: Oh, I don't know, I obviously didn't know him so well. Because I did not know -that- and... I thought we had been close, so... no.
Det. Alex Eames: *slightly disgusted, hurt look on her face*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *sighs* No one knew.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, but it's not like they were... *pauses over the wording* close to him in any way. I know it was a long time ago, but... *sighs, covering her face with her hands like 'arrgh' but quietly*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Alex...
Det. Alex Eames: I'm fine. I'll be fine. *tries to give her a smile that looks hopeful*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It's okay if you're not for awhile, you know.
Det. Alex Eames: *slight shake of her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *sighs*
Det. Alex Eames: I think it's more knowing he had that side I didn't know... and that he broke in... I don't think I'm gonna be able to move past that.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *nods, too, looking out the window*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *is quiet till her phone buzzes. Glances at the screen., checks a text*

Det. Alex Eames: *glances over*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *little smile as she reads the text, types in a reply*
Det. Alex Eames: *shakes her head and, feeling heavy, she looks back out the window and rests her head backwards, not liking the quiet but not sure what to say, and still thinking about Mulrooney*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *puts her phone away after a moment*
Det. Alex Eames: *thinking too much to notice*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *after driving in silence, they get to Queens and to the restaurant that Connie said - a quiet Italian place*
Det. Alex Eames: *realises they've stopped and she gets out*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *so does Connie*
Det. Alex Eames: *checks her own phone as they walk up to the restaurant*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *goes with her*
Det. Alex Eames: *they go to a table and she sits down, taking her coat off*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *takes hers off as well and looks at the menu*
Det. Alex Eames: *sighs* I'm sorry I'm not the greatest company right now.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It's okay.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: I don't expect you to be. I just wanted to make sure we got out of there.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, I hate giving statements at the best of times. *quietly*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Who likes it? ...well, sometimes I think Jack enjoys sticking it to the press, but...you know what I mean.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Aside from power-hungry defense attorneys.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah... you know what I meant. I'm sure that's not the last time the press are gonna want to speak to you about it. *shakes her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: At least Jack'll be back in town for that.
Det. Alex Eames: *rests her head on her fingers, like leaning on her hand, all tired* I can imagine he would want to be -- given it's an ADA.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *waitress comes to take their orders*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *orders her meal and a glass of wine*
Det. Alex Eames: *orders some food and, for the first time in ages, she has wine, too*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *takes a sip of wine as they wait for their food, relaxing*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *they get brought a basket of bread*
Det. Alex Eames: How's Cutter? *opts to talk because the quiet is making her head hurt and she doesn't want to think right now*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Good. *smiles*
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* Good. He's not expecting you back at the office?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head* I told him I was going out with you and that I'd see him at home.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods, with a little smile, and sips her drink*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles* How's David?
Det. Alex Eames: He's okay... Well, he was okay.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Now?

Det. Alex Eames: Now? I saw him before you came to 1PP, and he tried to hide it but he's... not okay with what happened.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'd imagine he wants to kill Ke--Mulrooney.
Det. Alex Eames: *catches that* *sad nod* Yeah, he does.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I don't blame him.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I wanted to kill him in the interrogation room.
Det. Alex Eames: *looks at her* Well, for your sake, I'm glad you didn't.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Mine, too.

Det. Alex Eames: And I hope David doesn't, either.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I'm sure he won't.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah. *little nod* Still probably a good thing he's on his way to get Ellie.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles* Ellie'll help keep him calm.
Det. Alex Eames: Exactly. It's what she does best, for him.
Det. Alex Eames: *small smile*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *grins* And for you, I'm sure.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah. I just don't want to be around her... like this.
Det. Alex Eames: *gestures to herself, as if that explains her current state*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Once you have dinner you'll feel better.
Det. Alex Eames: I don't know, but at least I won't be hungry.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles* She's a sweetheart. You can't stay too upset hanging out with her.

Det. Alex Eames: I'm so glad she wasn't there when he was... there. *meaning home, she just doesn't feel like clarifying, since she's thinking out loud*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I think the point was, no one was there. I'm sure he wouldn't intend on you being home.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He wasn't that good.
Det. Alex Eames: *frowns* It's still... That, right there, is what bothers me. I could've been, any of us could've been. Yet he knew I none of us were? I don't like that my house seems so easy to break into either...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: He planned it so you weren't. He was...stalking you, true...and....I think a lot of people's houses are easier to get into than they might think.
Det. Alex Eames: *trying not to think about that too much, and fails slightly* ...yeah, apparently so. But I feel like I need to do something to make it better, it can't keep happening...

ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...keep happening?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *raises a brow*
Det. Alex Eames: *looks at her* Um, well, *pause* As in not happen again... *sighs, expecting that to not really work so well*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: You had your house broken into before?

Det. Alex Eames: *a pained look on her face* Well -- *remembers that it's Connie, she decides to go with the truth* -- Yeah. But that was... different.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: What was it, a burglary?
Det. Alex Eames: ...no. It wasn't *searches brain for the right words* like that. It was, well, we had been investigating these murders that looked like a serial killer... and it was, and I was next. *avoiding eye contact*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: What?

Det. Alex Eames: I managed to escape before she killed me... I don't like to talk about it. It was, still is, hard to talk about.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ....she broke into your house...*trying to put the pieces together*
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah. *nods* She waited for me... I wasn't there when she broke in.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Wow. *quiet*
Det. Alex Eames: ...yeah. That's what I mean by 'my house seems to be easy to break into'
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...maybe you should get better locks.
Det. Alex Eames: That's the thing, they were supposed to be better locks. *sighs, wondering why she bothered changing the locks at all, or staying for that matter*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I guess....people like that....
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod* Yeah. Something like that.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *sighs*

Det. Alex Eames: *thinking maybe she shouldn't have said anything*
Det. Alex Eames: Sorry.
Det. Alex Eames: *sips her drink*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: What? *frown* Don't be sorry. I'm always here to listen if you need to talk about anything.
Det. Alex Eames: I don't think there's enough hours in the day for that. *small smile, attempting to be light, failing because she's not happy enough* I just meant, sorry if I made it worse for you.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Why would it be worse for me? I'm not the one who's had...all this happen...

Det. Alex Eames: No... but usually people don't know what to say, and that's what I mean by worse. The... Mulrooney thing wasn't easy anyway. *shakes her head*
Det. Alex Eames: It is good to get it out... I guess.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: That's what friends are for, Alex, awkward moments and all.
Det. Alex Eames: *smile* I guess so. Thanks for being that friend, then.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *little smile, takes a sip of wine*
Det. Alex Eames: *quiet, sips her drink*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *their food arrives*
Det. Alex Eames: *takes a bite* How's your family?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: They're pretty good....Cori's been...keeping to herself lately...but last I checked, she was all right....

Det. Alex Eames: *nods* That's good
Det. Alex Eames: And Ileana?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Good, still writing for the Ledger...*chuckles* Being the little socialite with Rob.
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles* You and him still not getting along?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: We get along....as much as we can.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* That's good
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *little smile, nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *eats, quietly*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *so does she*
Det. Alex Eames: *leaning on her hand as she eats, exhausted but too stubborn to say so, on nom nom though*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *doesn't press her*
Det. Alex Eames: *her phone beeps and she checks the message -- Hey, when you're done with dinner, you do intend to come home right? I'll send a search party if I have to. Ellie wants you-- frowns*
Det. Alex Eames: *rereads it a few times*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *looks at her curiously*
Det. Alex Eames: *trying to think of what to reply with, looks over at her* Um, it's David.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...okay.
Det. Alex Eames: He, uh, *slight sad chuckle* wants to know if I do plan on going home at all.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Oh. I hope you told him yes.

Det. Alex Eames: I am saying yes, yes.
Det. Alex Eames: *small smile*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Good.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: If you need anything...
Det. Alex Eames: Hm?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: If you need anything...you know Ross would put a detail outside your house if you wanted...
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod* I know he would... But, I don't know... I don't think that that would make me feel any better.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: Thanks
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles*

Det. Alex Eames: *returns the smile, sends her message back to David*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *continues eating, not talking unless Alex wants to*
Det. Alex Eames: *finishes eating and then sips her drink*
Det. Alex Eames: *trying to think of a conversation that doesn't start with Mulrooney*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *waits on her*
Det. Alex Eames: You settling back into work after getting married well?
Det. Alex Eames: *takes a drink*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I am. We've always worked well together, so...
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* That's good that you've settled in quickly
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiles* Yes.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: So I know I asked last time, but is Ellie running yet?
Det. Alex Eames: Not yet. She's getting quicker, though. And she's good at disappearing if we blink.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Oh, boy.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *grin*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles* Probably be running within a week, now she's figured she can walk, it won't be long anyway.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smiling still*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *quieter, almost a little embarrassed* I can't wait till we start trying...

Det. Alex Eames: *smiles* When do you plan to start trying again?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Not till next year, after we've been married a little longer.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Maybe mid-year or something.
Det. Alex Eames: You could try sooner, you don't have to wait that long, you know... if you really can't wait?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I want the timing to be right. And he feels better about waiting a bit, so...
Det. Alex Eames: Of course. *nods* Well, a year isn't that long...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* The trying will be fun.
Det. Alex Eames: And the practicing before you try for real...
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *big grin*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles, slight shake of her head*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *just keeps grinning*
Det. Alex Eames: *raises her brow* Is it that good?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: It is. But I was just thinking about...you know, a family and all that.

Det. Alex Eames: I'm sure it gets more exciting the closer it gets to being a reality.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I want a little girl...but I want a boy, too. I think a little mini-Michael would be the cutest thing.
Det. Alex Eames: Until he started swinging baseball bats around...?
Det. Alex Eames: *is joking, as best she can*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* It'd be so cute. Michael could teach him all about baseball. Of course, a girl I could dress up and take shopping...*laughs*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...Michael could teach her about baseball, too.
Det. Alex Eames: You know, I can't say I ever spent any time thinking about things like that. And yeah, girls can play baseball, thank you.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smirks*
Det. Alex Eames: It's true.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I know. I play for the DA's office, remember?
Det. Alex Eames: How can I remember something I didn't know?

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* DA's office team.
Det. Alex Eames: Are you any good?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'd like to think so.
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles with a nod* I'm sure you are.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* I don't take it as seriously as some people do, but it's fun.
Det. Alex Eames: People take it seriously?
Det. Alex Eames: Really?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Of course they do. It's a competition. I get into it...just not as bad as some people.

Det. Alex Eames: Don't play sport with David then
ADA Connie Rubirosa: No? *smirk*
Det. Alex Eames: No, he's scary when he plays sport.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* I'll bet.
Det. Alex Eames: Whenever we play a game, I have to remind him that it is just a game

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Kinda like when I watch ballgames with Michael. *laughs*
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, exactly. *smiles*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*

connie rubirosa, aim log, danny ross, bobby goren, kevin mulrooney, mcs

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