RP Log | Hospital Visit

Aug 27, 2008 20:02

Connie Rubirosa: *ringringringEamesphone*
Alex Eames: *answers* Eames
Alex Eames: *sounds a little tired but otherwise okay*
Connie Rubirosa: Hey. Congratulations.

Alex Eames: Hey, Connie. Thank you. *smile in her voice*
Connie Rubirosa: How is she? How are you?
Alex Eames: *smiles* She's fine- she's perfect, really. All toes and fingers are where they should be. I'm... sore but okay.
Connie Rubirosa: That's great...not that you're sore...that she's fine. Do you know when you'll be going home?

Alex Eames: No, I don't know yet, but hopefully it's tomorrow. Hospital food really doesn't agree with me. *slight smirk in her voice*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Want outside food?
Alex Eames: Yeah, if you could sneak that in, it would be great.
Connie Rubirosa: ...I think I could manage it.
Alex Eames: Excellent. *grin in her voice*
Alex Eames: It's appreciated.
Connie Rubirosa: Sure...anything in particular?
Alex Eames: No, just real food.

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* All right...when do you want it?
Alex Eames: Whenver you can drag yourself away from your work and get here with it.
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, please. It'll be a great excuse.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* Work that bad, huh?
Connie Rubirosa: Not at all. It'll just be nice. I could use some food as well, so it works. I'll see you in a bit.
Connie Rubirosa: Wait..what hospital?
Alex Eames: Sacred Heart, in Queens.

Connie Rubirosa: *arrives about 45 minutes later, gets directions to Alex's room, goes down the hall, knocks on the door quietly, in case she's sleeping*
Alex Eames: *Alex is awake but Ellie is sleeping* Come in. *quietly*

Connie Rubirosa: *steps in - holding a brown grocery-type bag, along with her usual purse/bag over her shoulder. She looks tan, her hair a bit lighter even, relaxed*
Connie Rubirosa: *grinning* Heyyyy little Mama. *teasing, quiet*
Alex Eames: *eyes her tan* You've been somewhere good, haven't you? *teasing her in return*

Connie Rubirosa: Michael and I went to the Bahamas.
Alex Eames: *tugs on her bed covers and smirks at her* Very good. Did you have a good time?
Connie Rubirosa: *huge grin* It was fabulous.
Alex Eames: *smiles* Good to hear.

Connie Rubirosa: But look at you...I think you might be glowing a little. *teasing, sets her stuff down and goes to give her a light hug*
Alex Eames: *hugs her back, gently* Thank you. She's the one you should be looking at--*points to sleeping Ellie, who's bundled up*

Connie Rubirosa: *looks down* Oh, Alex...*totally gets a little teary-eyed* She's beautiful.
Alex Eames: Thanks. She is. *proud, smiling*
Connie Rubirosa: I brought you Chinese.

Alex Eames: Oh, excellent. *grins* Thank you.
Connie Rubirosa: And...*takes a package out of her bag, hands it to her* Happy belated birthday to you, and literally, happy Birth Day to Ellie.
Alex Eames: *smiles and takes it* Thank you. I wasn't expecting you to get me anything at all.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirks*
Alex Eames: *opens it*

Connie Rubirosa: *it's a sarong for Alex and a matching little baby dress for Ellie - both in bright, but tasteful floral prints, and obviously from the Bahamas*
Alex Eames: *grins as she looks them over* We both love them. Thank you.
Connie Rubirosa: *grin* I'm glad you like them...
Alex Eames: I do, thanks. *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: Where's David?

Alex Eames: He's gone back home to get some stuff he needs along with the car seat because we forgot it in all the rush to get here.
Connie Rubirosa: *little laugh*
Connie Rubirosa: And your family?

Alex Eames: *little chuckle* I told them I'd go see them when I get out of here because trust me, if one turns up, they'll all be here, and that's just crazy. The only family from David's side that came is Sam, for obvious reasons.
Connie Rubirosa: How'd she feel about it?
Alex Eames: She's looking forward to teaching her baby sister all her evil tricks, and according to David, she plans to have Ellie help her spend all his money. *amused*

Connie Rubirosa: Nice. *grabs the food, spreads it out on the food tray that's there, setting aside the hospital stuff*
Alex Eames: It's what daughters do... *shrugs*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: *sets out food for them*
Alex Eames: *smells the food and is all 'mmm real food'*
Connie Rubirosa: You sure you're allowed to have this?
Alex Eames: Yes, of course I'm sure.
Alex Eames: *takes a bite of some food*
Connie Rubirosa: Okay. *starts eating, too* You look pretty good, you know. I mean for just having given birth.
Alex Eames: Really? That's good to know. I slept for quite a while after, that helped.
Connie Rubirosa: That's good. What time was she born?
Alex Eames: She was born around 11am.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: *smiles, looking over at Ellie*
Connie Rubirosa: *does, too*
Ellie: *looks all cute, sleeping peacefully, having been fed just before Connie showed up*
Connie Rubirosa: She's so adorable...

Alex Eames: Of course she is.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Good thing she appears to take after you.
Alex Eames: *slight smirk* Poor baby. There's still time...
Connie Rubirosa: ....can I hold her?
Alex Eames: *nods and carefully picks up Ellie and passes her to Connie, making sure she's got her before letting go*
Connie Rubirosa: *takes her very carefully, holds her, a big smile spreading across her face as she looks down at her* Hi, baby...
Ellie: *half asleep, looks up at Connie*

Connie Rubirosa: *a finger to Ellie's chin* Hi, there.
Ellie: *her face wriggles at the contact, in a good way*
Connie Rubirosa: *grinning* I take that as a sign that you're having a good birth day.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* I think so. The first of many good ones. I hope.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I'm sure it will be.
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Ellie: *staring at Connie*
Connie Rubirosa: *looking back, smiling*
Connie Rubirosa: Seriously, any time you need a babysitter, let me know.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles, adjusts the bracelet she's wearing so the shell part won't graze Ellie*

Alex Eames: *smirks at Connie* Is this making your maternal body clock tick?
Connie Rubirosa: ...yes.
Alex Eames: Oops...
Connie Rubirosa: *sighs, watching Ellie move about (or not move about)*
Ellie: *is mostly studying Connie's face and wriggling her arms*
Connie Rubirosa: He wants me to meet his family...at some point in the future, I mean.

Alex Eames: ...am I gonna get my baby back? *smirks, teasing in jest*
Connie Rubirosa: ...maybe.
Alex Eames: *laughs* I think her father might stop you anyway... *thinks* He? I assume we're talking about Cutter?
Connie Rubirosa: Yeah.

Alex Eames: That's not bad, is it?
Connie Rubirosa: No. It was a little surprising...a lot of men are funny about that kind of thing...but it was a good thing, I think.
Alex Eames: It sounds like a good thing to me.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* It was a very good weekend.

Alex Eames: I'm glad you had a good time. You look well rested.
Connie Rubirosa: I feel it. *tickles under Ellie's chin very gently*
Ellie: *wriggles again, likes that*
Alex Eames: And then you had to go back to work...
Connie Rubirosa: Yep...it's been a mundane week so far...granted, it's only Tuesday...

Alex Eames: Give it time...
Connie Rubirosa: I know. *smirks* Ms. Maternity Leave.
Alex Eames: *happy sigh* Yes, it's great.
Alex Eames: *smirks back*
Connie Rubirosa: Good for you. You should enjoy every moment of it.

Alex Eames: I intend to- or at least try to. Given that I won't be sleeping through the night anymore.
Connie Rubirosa: But she looks so peaceful. *smirk*
Alex Eames: Yeah- you should've seen her an hour or so ago when she was crying, and not-so-peaceful.

Alex Eames: *smirks back*
Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Alex Eames: *sips her drink of water*
Connie Rubirosa: *amused*
Alex Eames: What?
Connie Rubirosa: Nothing...
Alex Eames: *raised brow*

Ellie: *starts to fuss slightly, still looking up at Connie*
Connie Rubirosa: What's wrong, Ellie? *rocks her a little*
Ellie: *is rocked, still fussy*
Connie Rubirosa: Do you want your Mommy back?
Ellie: *carries on fussing, Alex puts her glass down so she can take the baby back*
Connie Rubirosa: *hands her over*
Connie Rubirosa: *tries not to be reluctant about it*

Alex Eames: *cradles Ellie and bounces her, gently*
Connie Rubirosa: *watches that*
Alex Eames: *looks at Connie while she does that* You still want to babysit?
Connie Rubirosa: Yes. *smiles*
Alex Eames: Great. *smiles back*

Connie Rubirosa: I should probably let you two rest.
Alex Eames: Thank you for the food... and the birthday gifts, for us both. *little grin*
Connie Rubirosa: You're welcome....*gets up, gathers her stuff*
Alex Eames: *smiles* You goin' back to work?
Connie Rubirosa: Yeah I've still got some stuff to do.
Alex Eames: Sorry. *stifles a yawn* Try to have fun. *slight smirk*
Connie Rubirosa: I will try. Take care...

Alex Eames: Thanks. You, too.
Connie Rubirosa: Bye, Baby Ellie. *soft*
Alex Eames: *looks down at Ellie and smiles, leans forward so Connie can see Ellie, not that she can actually say 'bye'*

Connie Rubirosa: *smiles, leaves*

connie rubirosa, aim log, ellie dresden eames

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