May 30, 2009 05:58
Lately i've been getting killed while playing some of the best poker i've ever played. Today, I played fairly mediocrely and won $600. Just ran really well, hit whatever I needed almost every time. If I had been playing just my B- game I would have made another $250, at least. Poker is like that sometimes. I'm a bit disappointed in how I played. I know an onlooker might say "you still won", but knowing that I left signifigant value on the table bothers me more than the money I won encourages me. A professional's goal each time he plays is to make the best decisions possible at every juncture, and I know I didn't do that tonight. Oh well. I played the night before too, an made about $400. So that's a grand in two days, with room for improvement.
I think i'm gonna relax today and go back in Sunday. Right now I want to go for a workout, but i'm more than a bit drowsy (didn't sleep so well last night). I haven't been to the gym in around a week. It's tough to make myself go when i'm in a downswing. I feel like I should go right now just to take advantage of the optimistic feeling that naturally follows a couple of wins. Hmmm...I think i'll sleep now, and resolve to go for a workout first thing after I wake up.