Dear Festividder

Oct 27, 2014 21:27

Whee, it's time for FESTIVIDS!! Dear Festividder: I promise you that I will be thrilled with whatever shiny creation you come up with, so please don't stress even for one second about it. If you're looking for general preferences on music and so forth, please pop behind the first cut below.

General likes and dislikes:

Visual style - where vids are concerned, there isn't much of anything I dislike. I enjoy slow-paced character vids without flashy effects just as much as I enjoy snappy, shiny vids with fast cutting. It's all good. I love vids that illuminate character and evoke emotion most of all.

Music - I'm not a huge fan of punk rock, songs from musicals, or speed metal. I love most rock, folk, pop, goth, overblown cheesy soundtrack music, 80's songs, alternative, instrumental, etc. Mostly if you pick a piece of music that suits the tone of the show, and doesn't make me do a puppy head-tilt, I will probably love it as a package deal.

Other: I think probably you wouldn't offer to vid these things if you didn't like them, but maybe? I would just ask that you not make fun of them in a mean-spirited way. (Parody and earnest LKBV = thumbs up.)

Specific fandoms/details:

Simon and Simon

Details: So I think my brain goes two different directions with Simon and Simon. One is to the immense well of brotherly love they have - teamwork, camaraderie, having each other's backs - and the other is to the place of hurt/comfort, which this show did better than just about any other show of its era. I mean, they had it all - emotional, physical, you name it. I just would love to see a vid about the brothers.


Details: Southland is the most amazing TV show. Unfortunately, not all its characters are amazing, so if you are considering my preferences, dear Festividder, here is my tiny list of truly awesome characters: Lydia, Cooper, Sherman. I know, it's a very short list. That's kind of unfortunate, but blame the writers, not me; at some point they started to think this was The Shield or something. I ship Cooper and Sherman like nobody's business, but I also enjoy their teacher-student dynamic and their friendship. I love Lydia with the burning fire of a thousand suns. But Cooper...Cooper is my heart. The cop's cop. COOPER. (He lived, by the way.)


Details: At least two lovely Jack/David vids are out there in the world already. (Sit Down By The Fire by sweetestdrain and Lightning Strike by obsessive24.) PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANOTHER. Alternatively, I would love to see a vid that shows Jack not (just) as a vulnerable woobie, but as the off-kilter and misguided guy he is. He would be a dangerous king, if his friendship with David did not prove out. I would like to see a Silas vid. Because Silas is scary. (There's not enough footage to do much with Thomasina, but I'd love a vid about her, if there was. Woe.)

Starship Troopers

Details: I am in it for Dizzy. DIZZY IS FUCKING AWESOME. Can someone please make a vid which shows how awesome she is? I LOVE HER. She is my 100% girl crush. The end.

Twilight Zone

Details: I would just enjoy seeing what someone might do with this source. There are some fascinating themes running throughout the series, which tie in nicely to the prevailing feelings in America during the 1950s and 60s - paranoia (macro and micro, from other nations trying to nuke us, to the neighbor next door being an "alien"); alienation; being lost and alone; post-apocalyptic and apocalyptic scenarios (dooooomsday!); and so forth. There's a lot of thematic material to mine, and some very vivid images.

Crimson Tide

Details: This movie is excellent, and it deserves a vid showing how great it is. Denzel and Gene Hackman, both right and both wrong in their own ways? Both trying to be the leader they think their country and their boat deserves? Bring it on!

RPF - Michelle Rodriguez (movies, TV)

Details: Another of my 100% girl crushes. I like to see her fight. And kick ass. And take names. And be badass. Also, she's gorgeous and she gives zero fucks what anyone thinks of her, especially a man. Uh, all of that, please! *g*

Cinderella Man

Details: This movie is 100% about the triumph of the human spirit. It's about what parents will do for their children; it's about a man setting aside all his pride and his personal dreams, to ensure his family can go on for another day. The boxing is really just about this man finding his heart again, and showing people during the Great Depression that there can be hope. That's the vid I would love to see.

Treats are wonderful and welcome also. YAY FESTIVIDS!!! :D


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