Dear Yuletide letter

Oct 19, 2014 13:02

Dear Yuletide writer: I AM VERY EXCITED. And I'll be grateful for the story you write me, no matter what, so please don't stress about it. Yuletide is about joy! And I will be very joyful about my story. :)

Details on my general story preferences, my fic likes and dislikes, etc. are under the cut, if you think they will be helpful to you.

Please note, I believe fic likes/dislikes are a YMMV kind of thing because they are very subjective. These are my personal reading preferences.

In general, I don't enjoy the following types of stories: mpreg, kidfic, knotting/a/b/o verse, partner betrayal, most hard-core kinks (aka watersports, bloodplay, etc), all varieties of rape/non-con, cross-dressing/genderbending/always-a-girl!, age disparity/underage fic, crossovers.

Stuff I love: first times, competence (I have a huge competence kink, I LOVE to see people be good at what they do/are), character studies, developing relationships, UST resolving to happy endings, hurt/comfort with an emphasis on the comfort (my favorite!), a good take on an old-fashioned cliche-or-tropefic (especially protectiveness, which is bulletproof for me when done well), angst, happy endings, stories rich in character or period detail, power dynamics explored in subtle ways, stories that explore the inner lives of characters, stories with plot, and stories that carry out past the end of canon or that explore moments in canon we never really got to see (missing scenes, tags, etc).

Here are the original sign-up details and additional info, listed by fandom.

Hornblower (TV) - Bush, Hornblower: I have great love for both of these characters. I love the relationship between Hornblower and Bush, once Horatio gets his own ship and chooses Bush to be his second in command. There's so much trust, loyalty and devotion between them. Any story which explores that relationship - gen or slash, I don't care! - would make me very, very happy.

Additional details: The best thing about Hornblower, all the way around, is the immense love and loyalty these characters feel for each other. Bush would die for Horatio. Meanwhile, Horatio is so very hard on himself, and thus doesn't even realize the level of loyalty others have for him, or feel he deserves it. I love all of those dynamics. Also, they are all excellent at what they do, and hello, competence kink. Side note - I am not terribly interested in Mr. Kennedy, or his relationship with Horatio. But I absolutely LOVE Pellew. Do with that what you will. :)

Kings - David Shepherd, Jack Benjamin: I'm interested primarily in the things the show did not have time to tell us. How does a core of friendship eventually develop between these two characters? Do they end up knowing each other in the biblical sense, as with David and Jonathan? Which of them eventually becomes king, and what does it mean for the other? I would also love something set during the show, which captures a moment in their bumpy relationship showing the potential of it, or of each character to grow into the men we didn't get to see them become. Gen or slash, either is awesome.

Additional details: I'm still so mad about this show being cancelled, UGH. I want ALL THE DETAILS about Jack and David's relationship - not as it was on the show, but as it was set up to become. STILL SO MAD.

Vikings (TV) - Athelstan, Ragnar Lothbrok: Anything and everything pertaining to Athelstan and Ragnar's relationship would make me very happy. Early on, or after Ragnar gives Athelstan his arm ring, or while Athelstan was learning to fight. When did Ragnar begin to see Athelstan as more than a valuable means to an end? When did he decide he was family? I am happy to see any of the other characters included as well, especially Lagertha, even though I didn't list them specifically in my sign-up. Gen or slash.

House of Cards (US) - Francis Underwood, Claire Underwood: I love everything about the relationship between Francis and Claire Underwood. They are loyal to each other in an unquestioning, uncompromising way, and they are partners in every aspect of Francis' rise to power. They are two of the most dangerous people alive in the show's universe. Any story which explores their relationship would be excellent. I am completely on board with the inclusion of other characters in the tag set, including Meechum, tho I would love the story to be focused on Claire and Francis.

The Mummy Series - Ardeth Bay: Tell me all about Ardeth Bay - who he is, his origins, his faith, his work, his culture, what he thinks of Evy and/or Rick, what it's like fighting mummies for a living, what it's like being a leader among his warriors. Please feel free to include Rick or Evy in the story, or any other characters, if you like.

Rome - Pullo, Vorenus: I love Pullo and Vorenus, separately and together. Vorenus is one of my all-time favorite characters. Anything with the two of them would make me so happy, gen or slash. I love all the other characters of Rome as well, particularly Antony, so please feel free to use any of them you like.


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