Oh Moses, Moses! Tomorrow night ABC is airing The Ten Commandments, and you know what that means: time for a repost of the Ten Commandments Drinking game, made up by yours truly and her friends while we were still in college. Disclaimer: if you are offended by fond mockery of treasured pseudo-religious movies, you should not read these rules! They are organized in a particular way for a reason, to help you avoid alcohol poisoning due to this being a long movie. I LOVE THIS MOVIE, despite the fact that it is ridiculous and problematic. But I recommend you not go with shots for this game, because there's a lot to poke fun at and I want you all to be conscious at the end.
The management assumes no responsibility for irresponsible drinking and/or alcohol poisoning and suggests you drink 7UP. THAT BEING SAID --
Take one drink if:
- Someone hits themselves in the chest while saluting the Pharoah. (Take an extra drink if they hit themselves so hard, they sway on their feet.)
- Someone dances
- Someone holds or hugs a child (of any age), their own child, or a baby
- Anne Baxter has on a new color of dress (this gets a little hard to keep track of after a while, so you can strike it from the list after the first two hours)
- someone threatens someone else, either explicitly or implicitly (take an extra drink if they use a sword or a knife while doing it)
- God writes a commandment
- Moses is muddy
- Moses is muddy and in chains (yep, every new scene where this happens, you get to drink! Yay!)
Take two drinks if:
- Someone says Moses' name twice in a row (for example, "Oh Moses, Moses!") aka THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE MOVIE
- Someone rides or stands in a chariot
- A man rescues a woman
- Aaron does stuff with Moses' staff, aka Chuck Heston's Disco Stick *LEER*
- Someone says "So let it be written, so let it be done" or any version of same
Take three drinks if:
- The Jews in exile have an orgy
- A voice over comes on to explain to you what went on in history, which has nothing to do with this movie
- A woman rescues someone else or is bad-ass (I leave this to your interpretation)
- Ramses makes an Important Pronouncement
- Moses parts the Red Sea
- The burning bush says, "I AM THAT I AM"
- an argument breaks out among your friends about which actor's voice is the voice of God
- people start saying "Moses, Moses!" along with the characters (but you only get to chug the first time it happens)