and then it was Monday

Oct 14, 2013 08:51

Hurrah for three-day weekends! First, a few things I'd like to bring you from Tumblr. xfortytwo made a very smart and interesting post there about the purposes of critique, and I added my two cents to it, because I had a point or two I did want to make. And she added her two cents in return. LOOK, ACTUAL DISCUSSION ON TUMBLR! And flames did not erupt. I mean, maybe they did, and I'm just too insulated in my tumblrpocket to see it, but it seemed to be received without much incident.

Also, lilybells made an adorably happy and heart-wrenching Merlin/Arthur vid with her chibi art, and I cannot even begin to say how sweet it is.

For the due South fans, previously unreleased fan pics of Paul Gross and CKR.

Here is this beautiful picture of King Arthur, aka Bradley James, unf. And also, here's a set of giant gifs of Agron and Nasir making out. And Marcus and Esca being beautiful.

Last but not least, this gif set of King Arthur and Dean Winchester expresses the core of my fannish being. I saw it, and I was like, well, there you have it.

Yuletide sign-ups end today, for those of you who were waiting for the last possible second. I have edited mine a few times, and finally today I deleted my request for Brideshead Revisited (2008) and added Spartacus (TV), just so I could request Oenomaus and Gannicus. Because I love them.

I've also been periodically editing my Festivids sign-up, not on the requests side, but on the offers. I'm one of those who has to have a back-up song for each fandom I offer, because the song search is incredibly stressful. No back-up, no offer. So as I find songs for things, the list changes. Am I the only person who has this issue, or do you guys just fling caution to the wind and sign up for 90 fandoms with no idea about music you might use? I will also point to this post by amnisias, who asks if there is some sort of established etiquette about when to post Dear Festividder letters. I think not; I actually wish the Dear FV post went up earlier in the community. (If there is etiquette about it, a whole lot of vidders are Doin It Wrong, including me.)

In other news, I think that today I might finish a rough, terrible draft of my merlin_holidays story. \o/

Happy Monday!

yuletide, tumblr is a naked singularity, festivids

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