Dear Festividder...

Oct 10, 2013 17:23

Dear Festividder: Thank you very much for the vid you're about to make! I'll be happy with whatever shiny creation you come up with, so please rest assured on that point. I don't actually have specific song/music suggestions, because I wouldn't want to hobble you in any way. If you're looking for some insight into my general likes/dislikes, and what I specifically enjoy about the sources I you go.

General likes and dislikes:

Visual style - where vids are concerned, there isn't much of anything I dislike. I enjoy slow-paced character vids without flashy effects just as much as I enjoy snappy, shiny vids with fast cutting. It's all good. I love vids that illuminate character and evoke emotion most of all.

Music - I'm not a huge fan of punk rock, songs from musicals, or speed metal. I love most rock, folk, pop, goth, overblown cheesy soundtrack music, 80's songs, alternative, instrumental, etc. Mostly if you pick a piece of music that suits the tone of the show, and doesn't make me do a puppy head-tilt, I will probably love it as a package deal.

Other: I think probably you wouldn't offer to vid these things if you didn't like them, but maybe? I would just ask that you not make fun of them in a mean-spirited way. (Parody and earnest LKBV = thumbs up.)

Specific fandoms/details:


Details: Ugh, this show is SO CREEPY and I love it. It's harsh and bitter and dark, and that's its charm. There are four types of vids I would still love to see for this show. First, a character vid centered on Brother Justin. (CLANCY BROWN FTW, he is awesome in all ways in this role.) Second, a vid about Ben and Jonesy's relationship would be welcome, as it was one of my favorite things in the show; once Jonesy realized what Ben was and could do, his unshakable loyalty was so beautiful. Third, a Jonesy vid, because he is such an interesting character -- the common man, among the uncommon people. (YES THIS ONE PLEASE.) Failing all of that, a vid about the carnivale itself, the strange and interesting cast of supporting characters, would be fabulous. Basically, anything. All the things. I will love it all.

RPF - Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis

Details: I know this is a longshot, and if by some miracle I match on this one -- dear festividder, you have already made my year. I love the obvious love these two had for each other. It was a platonic love, but it was a love story. That's a fact. And I would enjoy a vid that showcases the goofy, irreverent love they had, with all the random and unnecessary touching which went into their act, deliberately. Especially if it has period-appropriate music, or music which has the same tone and feel as the era in which their partnership was set.

Additional: There are a ton of skits available via the Colgate Comedy Hour box sets which are around here and there. This is where most of their live routines can be found, and if you've never seen them, wow -- so different from the staged movies they made. The live routines are AMAZING, and I recommend that for any vid about the RPF, because they can't stay in character at all for even ten seconds. They are also constantly doing song and dance bits as themselves on those shows, and ad-libbing, and those have to see it to believe it. For samples, there is always YouTube - you could start with on the US Olympic Telethon with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby (wherein Jerry sings Some Enchanted Evening into Dean's face, and they do not understand the concept of personal space, and crack each other up, and Dean feels up Jerry deliberately). But then go here ("Oh Marie"), and here (the famous workout sketch -- "Take off your clothes."/"I don't even know you!!"), or watch 45 minutes of them performing their live act at the Copacabana nightclub, the two of them singing Side by Side (so much touching omg), "The Dummy", and more, etc, and so forth; just search Martin and Lewis, or Martin and Lewis Colgate Comedy Hour.

Logan's Run

Details: The future, 70's free-love style! I don't even care what you vid re this movie; it's very pretty, and it's a bit creepy (especially Box! And the Carousel!), and it's full of beautiful people being weird. Roll with it, man.

The Tudors

Details: Mmmmm, fucked-up, entitled royalty and the fawning/scheming courtiers who serve them. My favorite thing about The Tudors, aside from how pretty it is, has to do with all the political shenanigans and power dynamics. The whole thing is like a dance to which only a privileged few know the steps or the music; fail to keep up, and you die. Henry's flaunting and abuse of his power is my favorite thing about the show, but I also love sneaky Anne Boleyn, and brave Catherine, and courageous Sir Thomas More, and crafty Cromwell. Vids about any/all, especially Henry or Anne, or vids about that treacherous dance of power, would make me very happy.

Additional: I am not really into the last two wives. But I'm into Henry, so take that as you will. *g*

Field of Dreams

Details: This movie makes me cry every single time. It's a movie about hope, about belief and possibility, but mostly it's a movie about wanting one more minute with the people we love. This entire movie centers around a man's love for his father. If I could request a focus for this vid, it would be on the core of love and wistful longing Ray has for his dad, and it would be an emotional vid. Or maybe that would just be me, being emotional.


Details: Silly, pretty, kinetic movies = happy, joyful, chair-dancing vid. Right? Yes? Please?

The Replacement Killers

Details: CHOW YUN FAT AND MIRA SORVINO KICKING ASS. Yes please. I don't think any details are needed here. It is what it is, and what it is, is awesome.

The Bionic Woman

Details: I just have one word for you: FEMBOTS. I mean, that is really all you need to know about this show. Fembots, and Bigfoot, and insane murdering computers. And other stuff. Oh, and that bionic dude from the other show. I can see how a comedy vid to this show would be great, but my soul cries out to see a vid that treats Jaime Sommers with the respect she deserves. Because she's awesome!! And she has great hair.

Treats are wonderful and welcome also. YAY FESTIVIDS!!! :D

vidding, festivids

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