Stuff for a Wednesday

Mar 12, 2008 11:26

Disneyland: still the happiest place on earth. (In case you don't feel that way when you get there, don't worry; the Disney happymaking apparatus will inform you while you're there that happiness is Disneyland's reason for being. They'll remind you often. And you will BELIEVE.) I bought a pin while I was there that made me happy merely because it exists.

Giant coaster-sized hand-dipped dark chocolate peppermint patties from Marceline's Confectionery: the best thing in the universe.

Editing: is sort of biblical. Everything you edit begets more edits, which beget still more edits. There's a lot of begetting. Also, after a while, all the red swims before your eyes and begins to remind you of apocalyptic explosions and blood and fiery demons in the pit and makes you think of the word 'smite' in relation to all your wordage.

Writing: begets editing, so my brain apparently thinks it should be strenuously avoided at all costs. I'm so frustrated.

Unanswered email: is like a snowdrift. It all appears so pleasant and fluffy at first, until it piles up on you, and the harder you try to dig yourself out, the more falls in on you, and then finally you smother.

Gas prices: $3.67 a gallon when I filled up today, w00t! O.o

Mammograms: I had my first one this morning. OW. *hunches over protectively* Painful but necessary, sure. But OW.

Wow, is this post exciting, or what? Ooh, I know what would make it more exciting.

Space Mountain soundtrack

Soarin' soundtrack

pin trading, life, disneyland

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