Closet crackplot

Jan 10, 2006 22:11

He ambles throughout the mansion, whistling tunelessly to himself (or perhaps there is a tune, but the tune in question would be little better, or perhaps worse). He runs his hand along every door he passes, and his fingers leave brief trails of fire. This is, let us say, a sort of... controlled chaos.

He continues in this manner until he's had enough, then opens the last door and peers thoughtfully into the small closet on the other side.

And withdraws and goes on his way, content.

Typist: If you wish it, the next door your puppet goes through will trap them in a small closet for an indeterminate length of time, and they may be followed by one person. (Or perhaps two, or perhaps more: it's possible that Loki's godmodding wires got crossed in some places, or that various magics have melded...) Make of it what you will.

(Oh, and Loki tells me to mention that this might easily be used in conjunction with the most recent elven prank, of which he thoroughly approves.)

phlegethon, ambarussa, feanor, set, tiresias hades, maedhros, trelawney, rachel, andrew lafollet, rosa bud, michael, the twins, enyo, osiris, benedick, edmund, caranthir, thomas theisman, regan, icarus, beatrice, arthur holmwood, snape, nemesis, elrohir, cassandra, loki, oscar saint-just, belial, mary hades, rosencrantz, mephistopheles, oropher, fingolfin, dido, rochester, crackplot, quincey, warner caslet, gabriel, valjean, seward, rob s. pierre, arafinwe, charming, javert, edgar, elrond, elendil, bedivere, ashley raventon, inigo montoya, celebrian

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