She's baaaaack.

Nov 12, 2009 22:51


After yet another death, this one rather quicker than some of the alternatives, Melisande is back. And fabulous as ever. The scars seem to have faded a little - perhaps the Mansion making up for matters as it can - and she steps into the Mansion from wherever it was she was spending her time with her usual grace and almost no fear. She seems...recovered. At least on the surface. All poise and possession and, of course, beauty, her dress rich red sweeping along behind her as she moves further into the room.

She looks around like an empress surveying her domain and finding it wanting, waiting for something to entertain her.

Of course, the slightest sign of a redhead, an elf, or anything furry will have her bolting for the hills in a moment.

Say hello! Welcome back, Melisande Shahrizai.


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