Child of fortune, child of sunshine [introduction]

Nov 11, 2009 18:34

She heard the shot from a distance off, after she had run away. It shattered the still air with a bang!, and to Ilse, it felt that the universe itself had been shaken. She shuddered, but kept running.

Later, she would find his brains, "scattered amongst the willows", as she told Martha at the funeral. And she found his gun, too. She hid it in her dress, but showed Martha it briefly. "But don't tell anyone," she said, making Martha swear not to speak of it.

Now she's walking home (or back to the Priapus Club, she can't remember) from the funeral, her bare feet sinking into the wet earth. Her head is bent down, and she's not really thinking about where she's going, tears falling freely from her face.

So when she ends up in front of a large mansion, she doesn't really realize where she is, and when she looks up, she thinks that oh, yet again she's drunk too much absinthe, or perhaps she'd been hanging about the opium addicts too much.

She looks around, obviously curious, and decides to walk up on the porch, reasoning that there's got to be people around somewhere.

So if anybody finds a sad-looking, bohemian teenager sitting on the steps of the Mansion, don't be alarmed.

T: so this is Ilse Neumann, from Frank Wedekind's fascinating play Spring's Awakening. Apparently she has a tag already here? So I guess this is a reintroduction, but she doesn't remember being at the Mansion before. Yeah. That makes sense. XD

kvothe, ilse, karla, re-introduction, elured and elurin

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