Anything Goes Meme stories III compiled by
esteven - Aubrey-Maturin, various ratings, Jack/Surprise, Killick/Silver, Jack, Stephen.
Transactions by
alltoseek - Aubrey-Maturin, NC-17, Jack/Stephen.
Gold of Pleasure, Part 1 by
teh_elb - Aubrey-Maturin, PG, Stephen.
Notes relevant to Histoire Naturelle Générale et Particulière des Mollusques, by Pierre Dénys de Montfort by
takadainmate - Aubrey-Maturin, PG, Jack/Stephen.
An Imperfect Life by
altopiano - Historical fic, PG, William Pitt the Younger, William Wilberforce.
Day-Clean by
eglantine_br - Hornblower, G, Hornblower/Kennedy.
To the Deep by
eglantine_br - Hornblower, R, Hornblower/Kennedy.
Adored but Secret by
stylissimo - Hornblower, R, Bush/?.
Office Visit: Pt 2 by
eglantine_br - Hornblower, G, Hornblower/Kennedy.
Office Visit: Pt 1 by
eglantine_br - Hornblower, G, Hornblower/Kennedy.
Family Ghost by
sunsetdawn20 - PotC, PG-13, Elizabeth, James Norrington's grandson.
Thunderhearts (19/??) by
florencia7 - PotC, PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth, Blaxton, others.
Uncanny by
tasareswrist - PotC, NC-17, Cutler Beckett/Elizabeth, Beckett/Weatherby.
Across the Times by
fairielore - PotC, PG, Anamaria/Elizabeth, Barbossa/beckett, Beckett/mercer, Beckett/Calypso, Beckett/Davy, Beckett/Jack, Beckett/Weatherby, Calypso/Davy, Elizabeth/Groves, Elizabeth/Norrington, Elizabeth/Will, Norrington/Mercer, Norrington/Will.
Uncanny by
lilfluffykitten - PotC, G, Beckett.
Little Wooden Ship by
shytan - PotC, G, Beckett, Norrington.
After the Bet Was over by
captsparrow4evr - PotC, PG-13, Jack/Barbossa, Jack/Norrington.
The anatomy of barnacles, part two by
fairielore - PotC, PG, beckett, Davy Jones.
Uncanny by
ophelivia - PotC, ?, Norrington/OC, Norrington/Elizabeth.
Haunted by
sammistarr - PotC, R, Jack/Beckett.
Son et Lumière
Emma (2009):
8 icons by
Pride and prejudice (1995 & 2005):
25 icons by
Pride and prejudice (1995 & 2005):
20 icons by
icons by
Pride and prejudice (1995 & 2005):
14 icons by
PotC fanvid:
Paralyzed (Barbossa/Beckett) by
PotC fanart:
Dance with Me by
1776 fanart:
Red Wine (Thomas Jefferson) by
Of historical interest
aletheiafelinea links us to
a sackful of nautical dictionaries and a few other goodies.
Temeraire's ensign up for auction.
Miscellany and meta
geekmama posts
PotC 4 pictures.
anteros_lmc reviews
The Happy Return.
geekmama links to an article from the Telegraph:
Captain Jack lends support to a mutiny....
PotC 4 - Busy day of Captain Sparrow.
sharpiefan pimps
AoS communities on Dreamwidth.
PotC4: Smiling on 10/6/10.
ariss_tenoh has spotted
a Patrick O'Brian quote on an ad for Breguet watches.
From Prada to Nada Trailer, Release Date and Promotional Info.
REVIEW: Jane and the Damned by Janet Mullany (update: and win a copy!).
The rats are deserting the sinking ship.
Joan Klingel Ray at University of Wyoming tonight.
Communities and challenges
Seven Deadly Sins Challenge reminder.
cutler_beckett weekend chat:
If you had a chance to meet any of the cast (from any of the movies) who would you like to meet? .
mandc_read will be reading Chapter Six of The Thirteen-Gun Salute this weekend.
Last Author Standing Voting.
blackpearlsails drabble challenge:
Got a link for the next issue?
Please comment and let us know.