Purimgifts Swag!

Mar 19, 2017 12:17

Guys, have I said how great the
purimgifts exchange is? There's a particularly talented set of people making gifts for each other year to year, and I'm always blown away by the care they put into it all.

Case in point:

dr_fumbles_mcstupid recorded me three Star Wars ficlets featuring Rey, Poe, and Finn, all of them sweet and affecting in the way of the best short short fic. Fumbles' voice is perfect for each one. I really enjoyed listening to her telling these stories.

[Podfic of] Untitled TFA ficlet
Written by alyyks
Summary: For the sentence meme. "BB-8 rolls up behind Rey, knocking against her legs encouragingly."

[podfic of] Glorious and Awe-Inspiring (and Cute)
Written by imaginary_golux
Summary: Finn likes Rey's freckles. Rey would like to be left in peace to meditate.

[podfic of] Your Hand Found Mine
Written by PhoenixFalls
Summary: Rey liked touch, but she was never casual with it.

Then Zdenka wrote me genderbent Orpheus/Eurydice in Sapphic verse. They are both ladies, and they are parted, and sad, but then there's more, and it's crushingly beautiful.

Spring Will Come Also (437 words) by Zdenka
Summary: The myth says that Orpheus sang before Hades and Persephone. But Eurydice sang also . . .

This entry was originally posted at http://desertport.dreamwidth.org/189395.html.


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