always a late night before a flight

Sep 20, 2013 22:20

My last night in NY for a bit. Trip home has been excellent. Got to hang out with parents, and drive into NJ to see my grandma and uncle, and even spend a day in NYC. Today I went to the mall and purchased black dress shoes, a good office shirt, and a few dvds (Sherlock Holmes II, both Reboot Treks). Earlier this week my brother took me to Crossfit, where he's a trainer, and made me do horrible things, such as running and push-ups and a million squats. I am shamefully out of shape and should probably head back to the gym on a regular basis. Maybe in the mornings before work?

Travelling home is gonna be a pain tomorrow, but I think I'm going to spend the plane rides writing fic. More and more I keep getting the urge to write for Broadchurch and Avengers and Trek. Another thing to add to my daily schedule, some writing time? Now that I'm not running around between two jobs and getting up before dawn after too little sleep, there might be opportunity for more fulfilling time management. Which includes more fandom time, natch.


Unrelated, back in grad school, I wrote a paper on the film Casablanca as a coming-out narrative. Showed it to my parents today, and received diverse reactions. Mom: "Very interesting!" Dad: "Very imaginative!" He's perhaps a little unsettled that I queered his (and my) favorite film. I live for this shit.

Summergen reveals went up earlier! The author of the excellent fic written for me was kalliel, and the one I wrote was Fast Times at Nightingale Prep. Will be answering comments and making a mirror post here in a few days, when it's not the middle of the night. Gotta say, again, this is my favorite fannish challenge. Looking forward to next year!

casablanca, rl, travel, summer is awesome

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