countdown to rentership

Jun 08, 2013 21:00

Wow, the post a new entry page on LJ gets funnier-looking every time I load it....

Just a quick post to say hi mainly. I haven't been online except for smartphone stuff and e-mail for several weeks now, and have missed fandom and everyone quite a bit. I STILL have not moved into a new apartment, though moving day is set for Monday. After housesitting ended, wave_obscura gave me couch access and has been all round lovely.

We watched the entire miniseries Broadchurch last night and today and have begun a rewatch. It has David Tennant as a physically and emotionally weakened police detective trying to solve a boy's murder in a small, coastal town peopled by shifty townsfolk (including Rory from DW as the green parish priest!). It really surprised us by being incredibly compelling. Lots of WTF! surprises and we had no clue who the murderer was until close to the end. STELLAR acting from the whole cast. Basically, please go watch it. And write fic.

5 more days of driving--4, I guess, since I'm taking Monday off to move--and then I'll be spending those hours job-searching. It's anyone's guess what will happen to the nonprofit where I work. Chances are it will continue under another business model, with my boss and me laid off and replaced by a single position with fewer hours and worse pay. We're both oddly cool with that, just ready to move on with our careers. I'm looking forward to throwing myself into a good job search and having the time to do it right.

Fannishly, I have been consuming large quantities of Kirk/Spock reboot fic. I don't know, Into Darkness awakened something within me, some primeval fangirl lizardbrain affection for K/S. My flist is sadly bereft of K/S reboot fic comms--so far. Anyone know any good ones?

This week: must see the new Fast and Furious movie! Has anyone else? I've been putting it off for fear of cutting short my nice K/S honeymoon period, but by now I'm pretty sure we'll survive that nice "I'm cheating on you with another fandom but will sleep in your tent half the time anyway" period. OMG Chris Pine has broken my gay. *hands*

That's about it for now. Hopefully I'll get Internet up in my new place soon enough to post some more this week. How have you all been?

moving again, work, broadchurch, teevee, star trek

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