subscribed to a
partly in an effort to get the fuck off my computer.
now to find a newspaper that isn't terribly biased.
nytimes, journal and star.trib are out. suggestions?
also, if anyone else reads essays, feel free to do some name-dropping.
i recommend
john d'agata to any and all. really engaging, quick.
after reading 40 pages of interviews, i have come to the conclusion that i am not hunter s. thompson.
in a similar light, neither am i a newspaperman of the 50s.
i'd like to write, but don't much think myself a writer.
i've always wanted to write autobiographical fiction, as it's some of my favorite stuff to read, but i have yet to attempt this - unless song and poem count.
(they don't count.)
the only writing of mine i see these days are internet panderings,
separated into couplets when i'm feeling in control.
i'm not sure i remember how to form a paragraph.
in any case, this was intended to be a light picture post.