What does one do?

Apr 30, 2008 12:16

What does one do, when one is no longer enamoured with one's work? When one wants nothing more than to advance in the ranks, because one's daily rote is boring one too much?

What does one do, when one has tickets to a Braves game next (not this) Sunday, but doesn't seem to know anyone able/willing to attend? Whom does one seek? How would one sell such tickets, that one received as a prize/gift for "Secretary's Day," if one wants to make some money selling them?

What does one do, when one wants nothing more than to go home and be creative... but finds that they do not have the time nor energy to clean up enough so that they have room with which to work and be creative? How does one fill one's urges? If one wishes to craft and be creative with others, yet seems to have no friends into such passtimes?

I'm feeling... I don't know. Questionable today. Yes, questionable is a good word for how I feel. Meh. At least I went to the gym this morning. Too bad I forgot my food, and had to buy something for breakfast. Now I shall sit through lunch, not eating, because I neither want to spend the money nor eat the fattening foods available to me at the local food court.

This has nothing to do with anything, but because I like winning free things... sign up for the contest, and help me win! Basically it's a contest by these people that make an energy... lolipop? Like an energy drink, but a lolli! Anyway, you could win $250 at GameStop, or an Xbox360 Elite, or a 42″ HDTV. Apparently all you have to do is have your friends sign up. Granted, I doubt I'll win... but I'm gunna try! Mind lending a girl a hand? <3

ETA2: Well, apparently if you're already a member, you can still give power to someone else's widget? I'm... really not sure. So confused!

life, work, friends, craft, gym, diet

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