Vocab Writing

Apr 04, 2008 09:47

In helping various friends with various writing prompts, I got an idea. I wish to impliment that idea now, and for that, I will need your help, friends. You see, I miss writing. I used to write all the time. I don't, anymore, and it kind of hurts. I feel that I need to write again, no matter what. But other than roleplay, I have nothing, and even the roleplay is now occassional. The river runs dry...

You will become that river. You see, I remember in grade school when my teachers would give us vocabulary words in a nice, long, list. We needed to learn the words, and their meanings, but we also had to write a story using those words to prove that we understood. The words could have been anything: verbs, nouns, adjectives. Anything at all. I'm also going to go a step further, and allow 'concepts'. Now, I don't want you to tell me you want me to write a story about X person doing Y. So there will be some rules:

* In this thread, you, my friends, will post vocabulary words for me to use in my next story.

* Always post 'vocab' in a new comment. Any commentary on a certain word is to be posted in a response to the word's comment. Feel free to also comment on the concept, or just chatter about the suggestions.

* You can post as many or as few single words as you would like.

* You may post one phrase or concept for every five words you suggest.

* A phrase is to be described as: "a sequence of two or more words arranged in a grammatical construction and acting as a unit in a sentence" or a quote (include source, even if it's just something you made up) that you would like me to incorporate into the story somehow.

* A concept is to be described as: "a general notion or idea". For example, "a baseball cap on the side of the road, covered in dirt."

So, start giving me your ideas. I believe I will wait until I think I have a decent number of 'vocab', or a good idea of what I want to write. Then I will make a comment to my own post stating that it is the end of the first 'list'. Any vocab provided after that list will go to towards the next story, so don't hesitate to add more! I'm going to screen comments of vocab for a story after I have finished it and posted the story.

vocab, writing

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