You asked; iAnswer! Part 2

Apr 04, 2008 09:08

caminante asked:

Write about that one icon of mine you don't like. IN EXHAUSTING DETAIL!

Well, I'll do what I can. I warn my readers now that he has several icons that many of you might find offensive. So take that to heart if you actually go to look at his icons so you can see which one I am referring to. My actual, in depth analysis will be behind the following...

LJ-Cut. Cut, obviously, for content that may be offensive to some.

The keywords for the icon caminante uses that I find particularly offensive is "Menstrual Dreamer EX!" Just in case you are curious and wish to look it up. The image is anime-esque, in a style that I am vaguely familiar with (and don't care for), though I do not believe the artist of this piece is the original artist who was the forerunner of the style. Still, that's beside the point.

The image is of a naked young girl, her arms raised as she holds up two small white (and fairly cute) ghosts. If I stare at the icon enough, which is tough for me to do, I think she has a hat with either a Virgo or Scorpio symbol on it, and a belly button piercing. Really, even though she is basically a naked chibi, that isn't what bothers me all that much.

What bothers me is, when the shot is panned, you see her menstral cycle, flying out of her body, with all sorts of strange and grotesquely cute creatures residing therein. I warned you that this would be fairly offensive to some of you. The shot first shows her face (and arms holding up the creatures), then focuses on her crotch. It then pans along the 'gush' of red, and repeats.

I asked, quite some time ago, back when we first became friends (which, consiquentally, was because he had flamed a friend, and there was a big online war about it, and I realized by the end that the war was pointless and though sometimes cruder than I liked, he was an okay guy), that he not use this icon on my journal. He has been very understanding of my request, and I've never had to ask him a second time, which I appreciate immensely. Fortunately, he doesn't use several of the other more offensive icons on my journal, either, for which I am likewise thankful.

I suppose the biggest reason I don't like the icon is because it is "gross," at least in my opinion. Being female, I suppose I should be more used to the nature of the female body than a male, but I still find that particular body function rather disgusting and if I could be rid of it, I would. As such, the icon reminds me of this and, in trying to 'cute-ify' the issue, makes it all the more disgusting to me.

I really don't think there is too much more of it to that. I'm not a fan of the art style, and I'm not a fan of what the icon is personifying. After all, I don't really seem to mind all of the other icons he uses, though there are some I would prefer he not use on my journal, as I find them crude, and feel that they would offend my readers. None of them really bother me as much as Menstrual Dreamer, though, and some of the ones I find 'crude' even make me laugh. You know, looking at his icons, while several are rude and have messages that aren't good (all in the name of joking), I only see one or two others I would adamantly be against him posting in my journal. I guess that's good to know. I care more about not having certain pictures in the comments of my journals than certain words. ::shrugs::

For those interested in leaving prompts for me to post in my journal, please go here. I will get to the prompts, slowly but surely, and probably start 'hiding' comments once they have been completed. Thank you!


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