Happy Birthday To Me?

Sep 26, 2007 15:15

Well, I know some of you wanted to know how my birthday went. I've been keeping everyone waiting for a while, now. I might as well do something about that, huh?

My birthday was pretty dull. I had a normal day at work, doing work stuff. Then I left for the day, fought traffic, and met Joel and Barbara at Kani. On the way to Kani, I was on the phone with someone from the agency I spoke about earlier that helped me get a good rate for car insurance. XD

We had dinner, which was pleasant. Mmm, triple helping of veggies. I adore Japanese Steakhouses. I really do. XD Mom paid. (I felt so guilty, but she's the one that wanted to go out, and we don't have the money for that kind of a meal right now.) When we were leaving, she handed me a card and a bath set from her car, and told me the other item hadn't arrived yet. I swear, I felt so bad. She doesn't have to get me anything, and she's done all that! ;-; I don't know if anyone else knows how that feels? The "I don't deserve this! You're too good to me already! But I can't tell you to take it back, because that'd hurt you, and it's not like I don't WANT it, but I'm also guilty and don't want to be greedy." Anyone? ^^;

I got a card from my parents, and the cash they gave me went to crafting supplies for AWA. ::laughs:: So that came in handy, though I told them about a million times not to send me anything, and that they needed to keep their money. >.> Dangit.

That was really about it on the birthday front. I got one other present, but it was at AWA, so I'll talk about that in another post. Right now, work has me off and on busy, so I think I'm going to wrap this post up... <3 Love you all, and thank you for all the well wishes!


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