Planning and Saving, Saving and Planning

Sep 27, 2007 11:22

Okay, so I know I've talked online coupons before. Can you blame me? Joel's still job hunting, but there are things we're going to need in the future. Until I have the money set aside for us to do whatever we want, we have to save for anything we need. So I surf around, and invariably wind up somewhere with either really good deals, or coupons.

I was talking to Gran today about working on the livingroom. There are wires everywhere, because phone, internet, and cable are all coming from the SAME jack--the cable jack. Darn digital phone. It's making the phone jacks in our house obsolete. And even if the computer is across the room from the television, they have to use the same jack, because there's only one! Joel wants to keep the computers downstairs, and I hate that idea. Not only will the wires be an issue, but the livingroom is one of the first things you see when you walk in. I'm sick of that look.

The only compromise we've worked out is to get him a laptop/notebook computer, so he can be on the computer wherever he wants. We just need to get a wireless router, too, if we do that. Shouldn't be too hard, overall, but it will be really expensive. I'm hoping that some of the deals I see online last. If we can save up the cash when Joel gets a job, it'd be nice to cash in on a few of them. Tiger Direct, for example, has a deal for a Gateway laptop with wireless mouse for only $599.00 Overall, that's probably not that bad, and Gateway's one of the companies Joel said he'd be more likely to trust...

And of course, Best Buy, where we like to shop anyway when we have the funds, is offering a $5 gift card when you purchase a wireless router. I don't see any discounts on the router itself, right now, but I'm sure something will come up by the time we have the fundage.

I mean, I know it sounds stupid to look at prices and discounts for things when we don't have the money, but it makes me feel more comfortable to know that discounts may be available, and roughly how much we'd have to save up if we didn't have the discounts. That makes sense, right? I guess I'm just being silly. I really just hope Joel gets a job soon, so that we can stop worrying about finances again. ::kicks potential employers:: Hire him! He is awesome. You want to hire him.


Of course, knowing us, once we have the cash flow again, I don't doubt a lot of our spare cash will be dropped over at Disney without a second thought. Because we really need that snow globe, or something, right? ::laughs:: Right. Don't get ahead of yourself, Amie... >.>

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