I Wanna Be A Star, Star, Star...

Jun 19, 2007 17:13

Okay, maybe I don't. Certainly not if I would get talked about as much as most of Hollywood is these days. Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm a freak, but I don't care what some stupid movie star did with his or her life. It seems, however, that this is all people talk about. I try to listen in on the random chatter of attorneys here at work from time to time. Sooner or later I will be a peer among them, after all. I'm most certainly going to be the odd duck out, so I want to make sure I have some idea about what is "accepted" conversation and what is not.

Pop culture and media references abound, of course, and are a buzz topic among most of the staff. The thing is, I don't follow any of it. I don't know how many times Britney Spears flashed her nipples to the world, or what crazy religion Tom Cruise is faithfully following. I don't want to research and follow these peoples lives exclusively as my form of daily entertainment. I'm not really a gossip person. And even if I wanted to know what they were doing, so I could discuss it with coworkers marginally without looking like a fool, I wouldn't have known where to go that wouldn't have taken hours upon hours of digging and searching.

Well, now I won't ever have to dig and search again. If an attorney gleefully announces, "Did you hear about Kristy Swanson?!?" I'll be able to merrily scoot my but on over to a website filled with hollywood gossip and find out just what horrible, amusing, pathetic thing was done. "I can't believe she attacked her ex's wife," I'll cry, and be thankful that there's a website that keeps up with this sort of thing, so I don't have to.

The site itself has a rating system, so I'll be able to see just which bits of gossip are jucier, and which ones people just don't believe. There are pictures, so I'll know what the celebrety in question looks like without having to look anything up. Most importantly, though, is the search feature, so that I can locate a particular bit of gossip without breaking my brain by immersing myself in the entire website. Certainly, I won't use it for its original intent, as I do not care about any of this stuff... but it's a good site that will definitely come in handy!

Really, though? I'm glad I found the site. 'Cuz it's insane the kind of junk people talk about in this office...

work, stuff

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