What A Day...

Jun 20, 2007 11:36

My morning did not start out pleasantly. It began normally enough, I suppose. I woke up at 6:30, which is about average given that my alarm goes off at 6:00. Got up, showered, and dressed. Nothing abnormal there. Got my things ready, and went to the car. Realized that I'd left my lunch on the counter, so I run back inside to get that. Get in the car, and start driving off, with the plan to get gas at Costco since my light just turned on; I should make it, after all. It isn't that far.

Turn around after a mile or two when I realize I don't have my purse. Get my purse. Get back into the car, and drive off again. Take two!

Oh, the traffic. It took me half an hour to get to the nearest major intersection. By then, I was panicing for my gas. Couldn't stop at the station at the corner, because the traffic was THAT bad, and blocking it. Took the turn onto the clearer cross road and headed towards the highway, praying I'll make it to the gas station just before getting on the highway.

Make it to the gas station. Buy gas. Have a case of the nerves/jitters, so run inside to buy a breakfast burrito thing and a bottle of chocolate milk. Got back in the car, heading towards work, having a horrible time trying to eat my burrito and drive because it's a greasy, icky mess. But I was hungry and ignored that.

Got to the parking garage 15 minutes late for work, knowing it would take at least five minutes to get to the office from there. Grabbed everything, fumbled to get the door shut, and almost screamed.

Chinese leftovers -- my lunch for the day -- were dribbling their saucy goodness ALL down my BLUE VELVET SHIRT. I nearly dropped them on the floor, I was in such a panic to keep them from getting on my very nice buff/beige colored slacks.

Thankful for the many half empty bottles of water I've failed to throw away over the past weeks, I used spare napkins and the aforementioned water to clean my front. Flustered, later than I was when I parked, and downright angry, I storm off to work smelling of Chinese leftovers...

Got to the office at 9:00 on the dot. Put away my lunch, ran to my desk, and got started. Everyone understood and didn't ask questions, as they weren't close enough to smell me. The smell was driving me insane, though, so I ran to the bathroom as soon as I could free myself, and started scrubbing my shirt with soap and water until I was satisfied and I had a totally soaked front. Tons of napkins later, I returned to my desk, obviously wet in the shirt area, but at least not smelling of Chinese leftovers. The space heater helped me dry off the rest of the way...

Isn't that just a lovely morning, kiddies?

life, work

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