Ho Hum

Jun 14, 2007 14:39

Work is dragging its feet. I don't want to be here. There's stuff I should be doing, but it isn't urgent, and I can't bring myself to work on it. My parents are on their way to Georgia as we speak, and they will probably be to their hotel in the next couple of hours. It's frustrating. I want to see them, but I really don't want to deal with them. I want the house to look nice for the first time they see it and, at the same time, I really want to just go home and veg with Joel before this weekend so that I can have SOME time with him. I really don't know what to do. They won't see the house until Saturday. I could flail, and clean and clean and clean, or I could veg, and deal with possible commentary on how poorly I'm living and lose all the "we're so proud of you"s in one fell swoop. I'm torn. Opinions? At the bare minimum, I'm going to make sure we vacuum, try to get that gunk out of the carpet (I need to just sit down and TRY already), clean the bathrooms, and make room in the guest room for the bed. That's not much, right.......?!?

In other news, yesterday was BLITEOTW - Blog Like It's The End Of The World. I totally missed it, and am upset and distraught by this fact. I wanted to participate too!!! I was very tempted to make a post about how our power was out all night last night, and I drove in to work because I wasn't sure what was going on, and this and that and the other, and I'm afraid my parents won't be visiting, maybe, after all. But then I saw that a few friends were rather upset with the events of yesterday, as it flooded their friends lists, so I chose not to. Next year, everyone should be careful to label their posts clearly so that people who think the original content, just for the heck of it posts are spam can just skip over it. We're kind enough to put memes and quizzes and stuff with clear headers, and usually under a cut. I guess this should be the same. I don't feel like they do, but hey, that doesn't mean I don't respect the opinion. Their brains are just as tasty as the rest of the worlds'.

I really thought I was going to write more here, but I can't think of what that would be. It's just one of those days, where I can't get going for the life of me. I sat in the break room and chatted with coworkers over lunch, which was nice, but the rest of the day has been rather dreary and... hazy. Even Sour Punch Straws (knockoffs of sourpatch?) haven't held my attention. (They weren't that good either, but maybe that's just me, so I'll give them to a friend who likes this sort of candy to see if she wants it.)

house, life, work, family

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