Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any.

Jun 14, 2007 14:14

Joel and I sleep on a mattress and box spring on the floor. This weekend, my Gran's bringing me a bed frame that we picked out that she picked up in Florida since it couldn't be delivered. She's taking me on Saturday to a coworker's house to pick up another bed and frame (this one also full sized) for the guest room. So we're set on beds, really, for now. Once we save up some money, though, I want to buy a bigger bed. A Queen would be nice, but a King would really be best.

Odango and I went one weekend to get our sleep numbers or whatever figured out at the bed store that has those sorts of things. It was interesting to find out that I like to sleep on a softer than average bed. That also makes it easier to understand why it's so hard for me to sleep at night, and why I never sleep quite as comfortably as I used to. I sleep on my side more often than not, and get driven insane by the fact that the weight of my body puts my pinned arm to sleep. There have been times when I've wanted to tear my arm off, just so I could get some sleep, because the only comfortable position caused a prickling pain from my fingertips to my shoulder.

I think I just realized what might be causing that pain, or, really what made me start sleeping with my arm under me like that so that I can't be comfortable any other way.

I had a water bed when I was a child. I honestly don't ever remember any beds prior to the water bed. It was a twin--a mattress and boxspring (which on waterbeds is more just a box) on one of those roll away/trundle bed frames, with no actual headboard, footboard, or anything else. It was against the wall, so two of my four sides always had a wall--and a window frame--all of which I was notorious for smacking body parts on in my sleep and waking up bruised.

The water bed was the kind with several tubes. I think my measly twin had about five or six of them, which were constantly busting holes because (more than likely) my parents had either gotten it second hand, or just never been able to replace the tubes after my many childhood bouts of jumping on it relentlessly.

Still, it was a waterbed, and I can now understand why, exactly, I learned to sleep with my arm beneath me. I never had the prickling falling asleep sensation when I was young because the bed gave way beneath my weight, and thus my circulation was never hindered! In college, I had sleeping problems, as some of you probably remember, although I had just barely been LJing around that time. In Colorado, I had a single tube water bed, and I simply adored it.

Back in Florida, and now in Georgia, I never got another water bed. Joel isn't fond of them, and I can understand that. We'll try to find a compromise somewhere. Still, my mind was tickled today with that thought, so I felt I should write about it.

And who knows, maybe if I do enough research I can convince Joel to actually consider getting softside waterbeds for the house. What do you guys think? Have you ever slept on a waterbed before?

house, stuff

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