Blah to the cleaning and the house...

Jun 13, 2007 10:25

Remember this post? Well... I'm not quite half finished. My parents will be arriving in GA some time THURSDAY NIGHT. Damnit. They want to have dinner with me on Friday, but they didn't tell me that before, so I'm not sure it's going to happen. I want to spend SOME of my weekend with Joel... and Joel still hasn't even told me if he'd be willing to come have dinner with everyone one day this weekend... so I may not see him at ALL 'cept for sleeping at night after I pick him up from wherever he goes to hide from my family. ;-;

So tonight I have to finish the livingroom, and have Joel vacuum. Then I'm probably going to frantically clean the bathrooms, and if I have time, maybe hang some clothes, since not everything is hung... although about 75% is. But still, I want it all hung, for me just as much as for the fact that my family is visiting. I hate not being able to find things. The dresser will totally come in handy for that, too.

I don't really know what to say. I'm just... here right now. Want to be home working on my stuff instead of here working on work stuff, and that's not a good thing to want. I can't wait until this is over, the house is clean, we have furniture, my parents are back in Florida, and I can focus on my life again. I need some time to myself. I've been so strained..... and I can't even explain why! Bah.

So, who wants to pay for/donate money towards Joel and I to go to Disney so we can have a proper vacation and unwind? XD

house, life

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