FIC: Family Pack 1/? fandom: BtVS/AtS (Angel/Spike/Xander/Wesley, Nc-17)

Feb 20, 2010 10:56

Masterpost, disclaimer/warnings


Stirring awake out of a deep sleep, Angel felt more than he heard, a whispered moan brush against his ear. Disoriented Angel’s eyes fluttered open, his awareness spurred and kicked into gear as he realized he was no longer in his room at the hotel, but in some warehouse. Drops of wetness hit Angel’s face, sliding down his cheek to his lips. The scent urged the tip of his tongue to peek out in order to taste the succulent nectar of blood.

Immediately he recognized the sweet coppery taste, of whose blood he swallowed even as he was flooded with memories. It was the blood of his sweet childe, Drusilla.

Fearful of what he would find Angel’s eyes drifted upward. There he found Dru dangling, chained, naked from a ceiling beam. The fond memory of her once alabaster skin was quickly replaced by the stinch of torn open flesh. Her thin frame was now marred by whip marks decorating her body from head to toe.

Belatedly Angel noticed there was very little blood secreting from the open gashes. He suspected the wounds were old his childe left to hang there suffering. Glancing down, Angel saw the evidence under his feet; the floor was stained soaked into the wood, his childe’s blood.

In utter panic Angel clamored, "Dru," as he looked back up trying to gauge how he was going to get his childe down.

Dru’s hoarse whisper, barely reached Angel’s ears, “Daddy, you came, didn’t believe I had any strength, but Miss Edith promised… said the stars would work one last time, that you’d come. So tired, daddy.” Angel gasped as he heard the deafening defeat in Drusilla’s voice. Her body swayed then stilled as she tried to shift her position.

Without waiting Angel moved, stepping back in order to jump up and grab the beam, to break the chains holding her. Unexpectedly Angel’s arms flailed about as his hands met with air. Landing on his feet, Angel gazed up at his childe, “What the hell!” Distraught as Angel slowly realized Dru had created a spell that he was having a vision.

“Dru? Where are you? Who did this to you?” Angel demanded.

Angle could see Dru attempt to lift and shake her head. The struggle was only momentary as she continued to just hang there limply, her voice carrying on the wings of magic. Whatever strength Dru had left she had focused it into magic. “No time silly daddy, stars stopped singing. No more time.” Suddenly Dru opened her eyes and seemed to focus, staring hard into Angel’s eyes. “You must find him. Find my boy and keep him safe. You swore.”

Helpless Angel angrily spit out, “Spike? What, why, Drusilla what the hell is going on? What happened to you?” Frustrated, Angel’s fists clenched aborting futile attempts to remove Dru from her bonds.

“They took her daddy. Dust to dust.”

It took Angel a moment to realize the sudden small quivering movement of Drusilla’s body, was his childe crying. The scent of her blood tears hit. Angel felt the shift. The hard ridges appear as he went into game face.

“They dusted who Drusilla?” Rampage rage boiled in Angel’s gut that he wanted to scream. With difficulty he tried tether his anger, instead he repeated Drusilla’s name demanding that she make sense.

“Daddy protect my first, my baby boy. My girl, she’s gone now, but pretty Will, my boy - our boy needs keeping. No ashes to ashes. Please, sweet Angel be daddy. Find my Spike and keep him safe from the flames.”

“Spike’s in trouble? What’s wrong with him? Come on Baby, tell me.”

“He’s coming back daddy. Hate! Hate! Mad hatter, made my girl dust. He’s coming back, wants. Wants so much-made the stars quiet like my girl.” Angel could tell that Drusilla was weakening. Her eyes glazed over, a look that always meant she was listening to something only she could hear.

“Who’s coming Dru?”

She struggled to speak the silence deafening. Then he heard her whispered voice brushed against his ear almost conspiratorial, “Cain. He wants what’s yours. Wants to hurt, kill, bathe in what is yours - take it all. Please daddy…..find my sweet boy.”

Angel growled when he heard Cain’s name. The hatred old easily resurfaced and coursed through him as he remembered. Eyes flashed yellow, Angel got as close to Drusilla as he could and looked up at her. Their eyes locked for a moment. He could clearly see her pain the torment that she had suffered, but also saw the resignation - her acceptance of a final death.

In fury, Angel choked out, not bothering to hide the blackness of his rage. “Where are you? Where, is, he?”

“Don’t know. Don’t know. He wants the clan, to rule, conquer. Wants your place as Clan Leader. Find Will. Find him - he needs you. You need him, daddy.” Blood surged from her lips as she coughed violently, her tortured body swayed from the ceiling. “No more time. Miss Edith too tired. Can’t hold you here…Won’t be strong again.” Dru lifted her eyes up. Angel’s gaze followed. There, positioned directly above her head was a large skylight. “Sun will burn, fray, burn ash- my girl waits.”

Stunned Angel cried as he realized he was going to lose his childe to a final death. “Dru tell me where are you?”

“Silly question, silly Angel. No time for me. Miss Edith says the kittens will help. Red sees truth-heart ties pretty ribbons binds. Seeds planted for new roots. Many ribbons to tie and root - intertwine grow, strong against the winds, against Cain. All ribbons twine and make seed stronger to grow, tree tall to bear fruit, strong clan.

“Go-go Daddy. Miss Edith wants to me to sing, says my girl wants me to sing for her-my girl loves my singing."

Angel didn't get a chance to say anything else, as he watched helplessly when his childe started to sing a soft sweet lullaby.

"NOoooooooooooooooo" Angel screamed as Drusilla’s image faded.

Blinking, through confused wet lashes when Angel realized he was back in his office. The chair lay on the floor as Angel stood there, his mind racing, the sudden impact that he’d never see his sweet childe again.

next chapter

verse!fp, genre: slash/3some/moresome, fandom: ats, pairings: angel/spike/wesley/xander, wip, fandom: btvs

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