Family Pack Masterpost

Feb 20, 2010 10:49

Title: Family Pack
Author: Denyce
Fandom: BtVS/AtS
Pairing: main pairing: Angel/Xander/Spike/Wesley, & several others including f/f, m/m, m/f, threesome of multiple combinations throughout the FP universe.
Rating: Overall NC17
Warnings: Please heed ALL the warnings: Slash, Au, threesome/foursomes, f/f, het, strong violence, language, non-consensual/rape, and blood play throughout the entire saga.

New Note/Update (listed newest to oldest, newest at the top)
Hi, strange as it sounds and -eight years later- I've been inspired to tackle FP again! Tackling the re-write has less to do with figuring out the ending or anything like that - because yay I actually do know where I want to go. In my previous attempts I stalled on the re-writes trying to revise fix the pov mess & my poor skill level *sigh* Yet I'm still inspired, but I'm not announcing anything, instead I'm just going to write & post. It still needs a beta's touch, and I will probably post around for one when I'm at the end. Anyhoo to make things easier I'm creating this masterpost, and will link each ch, as I post and create a tag Verse!FP. If you're interested you can track it. ((Yikes, I started writing this again. Ha, but the good news is last year I did finish and posted another old fic, Aloha. Now I'm hoping to turn my energy to finish this one up. I know we'll see, but let me mark the date 1-6-13, and hope its a better year.))

Originally I started FP back in 2002 yes obviously I’m a slow writer though I was somewhat steady in posting chs until April 2004. The cancellation of Angel seriously affected my muse—that & my muse’s joke of having 27 characters in one room. Recently my BtVS/AtS muse has started to return, and I hope through reading/re-writing previous chapters will help to fully regain my muse. So I deleted all of FP to repost as I work & rewrite each part—hopefully with a nice steady rhythm. I previously had 29 completed, so for those who are waiting for more recent chps, I just want you to know I honestly appreciate your eagerness and support it really means a lot!!

Original A/N I posted back in ‘02: I'm creating my own ideology of vampire lore & the Sire/Childe relationship. Some elements are borrowed from Joss' world others are mixed with Ann Rice's world, Kindred the Embraced, and Laurell K Hamilton's world especially the use of pomme de sang, & ardeur. Other elements are from years of reading, watching old movies borrowing elements twisted to fi into my FP world that I created out of my own imagination. Post the `Gift' & `There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb' (quick note since I originally started FP just over 3 yrs ago both shows have ended & changes in my re-writes my reflect that, hence the addiction to Sam Lawson in later chapters. In my world The Master sired Darla, Darla sired Cain first (my original character) and Angelus-- Angelus sired Penn, Drusilla, and William in that order; later it was Angel that Sired Sam Lawson. The distance between LA & Sunnydale is three hours. Dawn as the key happened, but the magic and knowledge of Dawn's history as Buffy's sister was surrounded and remembered by those only in Sunnydale & those around Buffy-In other words LA crew never met her. Lastly, any mistakes are mine and mine alone.

Disclaimer: The characters here are the copyright and intellectual property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, WB and Fox. No infringement on any rights is intended. This is not for profit & is intended only for enjoyment. I do own only my own original characters, Cain, and others to be announced.

verse!fp, genre: slash/3some/moresome, fandom: ats, pairings: angel/spike/wesley/xander, wip, fandom: btvs

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